==Add a brief description of this example/library here!==
This example/library demonstrates how to create a new example README file.
==Add the supported devices here!==
Currently, this example supports the following targets.
Supported Targets | ESP32 | ESP32-S2 | ESP32-C3 |
==Add a brief description of how to use this example.==
- How to install the Arduino IDE: Install Arduino IDE.
==Add a brief description of wiring or any other hardware-specific connection.==
To use this example, you need to connect the LED to the GPIOx
SDCard GPIO connection scheme:
SDCard Pin | Function | GPIO |
1 | CS | GPIO5 |
2 | DI/MOSI | GPIO23 |
3 | VSS/GND | GND |
4 | VDD/3V3 | 3V3 |
5 | SCLK | GPIO18 |
6 | VSS/GND | GND |
7 | DO/MISO | GPIO19 |
To add images, please create a folder _asset
inside the example folder to add the relevant images.
==Add a brief description of this example here!==
Set the LED GPIO by changing the LED_BUILTIN
value in the function pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);
. By default, the GPIO is: GPIOx
==Add some code explanation if relevant to the example.==
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
// initialize digital pin 4 as an output.
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
To get more information about the Espressif boards see Espressif Development Kits.
- Before Compile/Verify, select the correct board:
Tools -> Board
. - Select the COM port:
Tools -> Port: xxx
where thexxx
is the detected COM port.
==Add the log/serial output here!==
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805f8
ESP32 Chip model = ESP32-D0WDQ5 Rev 3
This chip has 2 cores
Chip ID: 3957392
==Add specific issues you may find by using this example here!==
Important: Make sure you are using a good quality USB cable and that you have a reliable power source
- LED not blinking: Check the wiring connection and the IO selection.
- Programming Fail: If the programming/flash procedure fails, try reducing the serial connection speed.
- COM port not detected: Check the USB cable and the USB to Serial driver installation.
If the error persists, you can ask for help at the official ESP32 forum or see Contribute.
==Do not change! Keep it as is.==
To know how to contribute to this project, see How to contribute.
If you have any feedback or issue to report on this example/library, please open an issue or fix it by creating a new PR. Contributions are more than welcome!
Before creating a new issue, be sure to try Troubleshooting and check if the same issue was already created by someone else.
==Do not change here! Keep it as is or add only relevant documents/info for this example. Do not add any purchase link/marketing stuff==
- Official ESP32 Forum: Link
- Arduino-ESP32 Official Repository: espressif/arduino-esp32
- ESP32 Datasheet: Link to datasheet
- ESP32-S2 Datasheet: Link to datasheet
- ESP32-C3 Datasheet: Link to datasheet
- ESP32-S3 Datasheet: Link to datasheet
- Official ESP-IDF documentation: ESP-IDF