// Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V under one or more agreements.
// Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under the Apache 2.0 License.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Code generated from specification version 8.0.0: DO NOT EDIT

package esapi

import (

func newExistsSourceFunc(t Transport) ExistsSource {
	return func(index string, id string, o ...func(*ExistsSourceRequest)) (*Response, error) {
		var r = ExistsSourceRequest{Index: index, DocumentID: id}
		for _, f := range o {
		return r.Do(r.ctx, t)

// ----- API Definition -------------------------------------------------------

// ExistsSource returns information about whether a document source exists in an index.
// See full documentation at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/master/docs-get.html.
type ExistsSource func(index string, id string, o ...func(*ExistsSourceRequest)) (*Response, error)

// ExistsSourceRequest configures the Exists Source API request.
type ExistsSourceRequest struct {
	Index      string
	DocumentID string

	DocumentType string

	Preference     string
	Realtime       *bool
	Refresh        *bool
	Routing        string
	Source         []string
	SourceExcludes []string
	SourceIncludes []string
	Version        *int
	VersionType    string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header

	ctx context.Context

// Do executes the request and returns response or error.
func (r ExistsSourceRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error) {
	var (
		method string
		path   strings.Builder
		params map[string]string

	method = "HEAD"

	path.Grow(1 + len(r.Index) + 1 + len(r.DocumentType) + 1 + len(r.DocumentID) + 1 + len("_source"))
	if r.DocumentType != "" {

	params = make(map[string]string)

	if r.Preference != "" {
		params["preference"] = r.Preference

	if r.Realtime != nil {
		params["realtime"] = strconv.FormatBool(*r.Realtime)

	if r.Refresh != nil {
		params["refresh"] = strconv.FormatBool(*r.Refresh)

	if r.Routing != "" {
		params["routing"] = r.Routing

	if len(r.Source) > 0 {
		params["_source"] = strings.Join(r.Source, ",")

	if len(r.SourceExcludes) > 0 {
		params["_source_excludes"] = strings.Join(r.SourceExcludes, ",")

	if len(r.SourceIncludes) > 0 {
		params["_source_includes"] = strings.Join(r.SourceIncludes, ",")

	if r.Version != nil {
		params["version"] = strconv.FormatInt(int64(*r.Version), 10)

	if r.VersionType != "" {
		params["version_type"] = r.VersionType

	if r.Pretty {
		params["pretty"] = "true"

	if r.Human {
		params["human"] = "true"

	if r.ErrorTrace {
		params["error_trace"] = "true"

	if len(r.FilterPath) > 0 {
		params["filter_path"] = strings.Join(r.FilterPath, ",")

	req, err := newRequest(method, path.String(), nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if len(params) > 0 {
		q := req.URL.Query()
		for k, v := range params {
			q.Set(k, v)
		req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()

	if len(r.Header) > 0 {
		if len(req.Header) == 0 {
			req.Header = r.Header
		} else {
			for k, vv := range r.Header {
				for _, v := range vv {
					req.Header.Add(k, v)

	if ctx != nil {
		req = req.WithContext(ctx)

	res, err := transport.Perform(req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	response := Response{
		StatusCode: res.StatusCode,
		Body:       res.Body,
		Header:     res.Header,

	return &response, nil

// WithContext sets the request context.
func (f ExistsSource) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		r.ctx = v

// WithDocumentType - the type of the document; deprecated and optional starting with 7.0.
func (f ExistsSource) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		r.DocumentType = v

// WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).
func (f ExistsSource) WithPreference(v string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		r.Preference = v

// WithRealtime - specify whether to perform the operation in realtime or search mode.
func (f ExistsSource) WithRealtime(v bool) func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		r.Realtime = &v

// WithRefresh - refresh the shard containing the document before performing the operation.
func (f ExistsSource) WithRefresh(v bool) func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		r.Refresh = &v

// WithRouting - specific routing value.
func (f ExistsSource) WithRouting(v string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		r.Routing = v

// WithSource - true or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return.
func (f ExistsSource) WithSource(v ...string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		r.Source = v

// WithSourceExcludes - a list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field.
func (f ExistsSource) WithSourceExcludes(v ...string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		r.SourceExcludes = v

// WithSourceIncludes - a list of fields to extract and return from the _source field.
func (f ExistsSource) WithSourceIncludes(v ...string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		r.SourceIncludes = v

// WithVersion - explicit version number for concurrency control.
func (f ExistsSource) WithVersion(v int) func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		r.Version = &v

// WithVersionType - specific version type.
func (f ExistsSource) WithVersionType(v string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		r.VersionType = v

// WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.
func (f ExistsSource) WithPretty() func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		r.Pretty = true

// WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.
func (f ExistsSource) WithHuman() func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		r.Human = true

// WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.
func (f ExistsSource) WithErrorTrace() func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		r.ErrorTrace = true

// WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.
func (f ExistsSource) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		r.FilterPath = v

// WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.
func (f ExistsSource) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		if r.Header == nil {
			r.Header = make(http.Header)
		for k, v := range h {
			r.Header.Add(k, v)

// WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.
func (f ExistsSource) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest) {
	return func(r *ExistsSourceRequest) {
		if r.Header == nil {
			r.Header = make(http.Header)
		r.Header.Set("X-Opaque-Id", s)