This project provides a utility to convert the schema.json file representing the Elasticsearch API specification to OpenAPI version 3.0.3.
The conversion pipeline is the following:
flowchart LR
ts[TypeScript API]
ts --> schema
schema --> schema-no-generics
schema-no-generics --> openapi
schema-no-generics --> serverless-openapi.json
This branch is the work for PR #2047 where reviews and comments should be made.
The OpenAPI specification generated from the current schema.json
can be found in the output/openapi directory.
The generated OpenAPI schemas validate successfully using the rather strict Spectral OpenAPI linter, except for endpoint (this is an ES API issue). You can run the linter using:
npm run validate
for the Stack/Stateful OpenAPI specnpm run validate-serverless
for the Serverless OpenAPI spec