Parameter |
Data type |
Description |
adapter |
Symbol |
A specific adapter for Faraday (for example, :patron ). |
api_key |
String, Hash |
For API key Authentication. Either the base64 encoding of id and api_key joined by a colon as a string, or a hash with the id and api_key values. |
compression |
Boolean |
Whether to compress requests. Gzip compression is used. Defaults to false . Responses are automatically inflated if they are compressed. If a custom transport object is used, it must handle the request compression and response inflation. |
enable_meta_header |
Boolean |
Whether to enable sending the meta data header to Cloud. Defaults to true . |
hosts |
String, Array |
Single host passed as a string or hash, or multiple hosts passed as an array; host or url keys are also valid. |
log |
Boolean |
Whether to use the default logger. Disabled by default. |
logger |
Object |
An instance of a Logger-compatible object. |
opaque_id_prefix |
String |
Sets a prefix for X-Opaque-Id when initializing the client. This is prepended to the id you set before each request if you’re using X-Opaque-Id. |
opentelemetry_tracer_provider |
OpenTelemetry::Trace::TracerProvider |
An explicit TracerProvider to use instead of the global one with OpenTelemetry. This enables better dependency injection and simplifies testing. |
randomize_hosts |
Boolean |
Whether to shuffle connections on initialization and reload. Defaults to false . |
reload_connections |
Boolean, Number |
Whether to reload connections after X requests. Defaults to false . |
reload_on_failure |
Boolean |
Whether to reload connections after failure. Defaults to false . |
request_timeout |
Integer |
The request timeout to be passed to transport in options. |
resurrect_after |
Integer |
Specifies after how many seconds a dead connection should be tried again. |
retry_on_failure |
Boolean, Number |
Whether to retry X times when request fails before raising and exception. Defaults to false . |
retry_on_status |
Array, Number |
Specifies which status code needs to be returned to retry. |
selector |
Constant |
An instance of selector strategy implemented with {Elastic::Transport::Transport::Connections::Selector::Base}. |
send_get_body_as |
String |
Specifies the HTTP method to use for GET requests with a body. Defaults to GET . |
serializer_class |
Constant |
Specifies a serializer class to use. It is initialized by the transport and passed the transport instance. |
sniffer_timeout |
Integer |
Specifies the timeout for reloading connections in seconds. Defaults to 1 . |
trace |
Boolean |
Whether to use the default tracer. Disabled by default. |
tracer |
Object |
Specifies an instance of a Logger-compatible object. |
transport |
Object |
Specifies a transport instance. |
transport_class |
Constant |
Specifies a transport class to use. It is initialized by the client and passed hosts and all arguments. |
transport_options |
Hash |
Specifies the options to be passed to the Faraday::Connection constructor. |