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Rest API YAML Test Runner

The specs in elasticsearch-api automatically run the tests from Elasticsearch's REST API Spec tests. The test runner is defined in the spec folder, starting with the rest_api_yaml_spec.rb file.

You can run the tests with Rake. The main task is rake test:rest_api. This task will evaluate the TEST_SUITE environment variable. It will run either the free or platinum tests suites depending on the value of TEST_SUITE. If you don't set this value, the task will run the free test suite by default. To run the platinum test suite use:

TEST_SUITE=platinum rake test:rest_api

Or the shortcut:

rake test:platinum:api


The file that traverses the yaml files and loads a TestFile object per each of them: elasticsearch-api/spec/elasticsearch/api/rest_api_yaml_spec.rb

You can use the SINGLE_TEST env variable to run just one test or one test directory. E.g.:

$ cd elasticsearch-api && SINGLE_TEST=indices.resolve_index/10_basic_resolve_index.yml TEST_ES_SERVER='http://localhost:9200' be rake test:rest_api


$ cd elasticsearch-api && SINGLE_TEST=indices.resolve_index TEST_ES_SERVER='http://localhost:9200' be rake test:rest_api

Skipped tests

We sometimes skip tests, generally due to limitations on how we run the CI server or for stuff that hasn't been completely implemented on the client yet. Skipped tests are located in elasticsearch-api/spec/skipped_tests.yml. You can run just the tests which are currently being skipped by running:

$ cd elasticsearch-api && TEST_SUITE=(free|platinum) RUN_SKIPPED_TESTS=true TEST_ES_SERVER='http://localhost:9200' be rake test:rest_api


Class representing a single test file. Contains setup, teardown and tests.


Every single test in the test file is represented in the Test object.


Tests are ordered in task groups, an array of TaskGroup objects.

Task Groups are a representation of a block of actions consisting of 'do' actions and their verifications. e.g.:

 - do:
          index:  test-index
          id:     1
          body:   { foo: bar }

 - match:   { _index:   test-index }
 - match:   { _id:      "1"}
 - match:   { _version: 1}

Before each test, the spec runner runs clear_data on the test_file. This clears indices, index templates, snapshots and repositories. For platinum it also clears roles, users, privileges, datafeeds, ml_jobs and more.

After each test, it runs the test file teardown and clear_data again.

For each TaskGroup, it sees what's in the task group definition and runs an expectation test.


This file is where the action is executed, where we call the client with the method from the test and save the response which is then used in the task group.

Rest YAML tests Helper


  • ADMIN_CLIENT is defined here.
  • SINGLE_TEST is defined here.
  • Skipped tests are listed here

Spec Helper

  • DEFAULT_CLIENT is defined here

Enable Logging

To enable logging, set the environment QUIET to false before running the tests. In CI, this is located in the Dockerfile. The environment variable is evaluated in the Rest YAML tests Helper file.


RSpec Matchers

The tests use custom RSpec Matchers defined in api-spec-testing/rspec_matchers.rb.

From the Rest API test docs:


If the arguments to do include catch, then we are expecting an error, which should be caught and tested.

In rest_api_yaml_spec, there's a check for catch_exception? per task_group. This checks if the do definitions have any catch definitions. If there is a catch, it'll send the request and use the match_error RSpec custom matcher to validate the expected error.


If the arguments to do include warnings then we are expecting a Warning header to come back from the request. If the arguments don’t include a warnings argument then we don’t expect the response to include a Warning header. The warnings must match exactly. Using it looks like this:

- do:
        - '[index] is deprecated'
        - quotes are not required because yaml
        - but this argument is always a list, never a single string
        - no matter how many warnings you expect
        index:    test
        type:    test
        id:        1