2300.Successful Pairs of Spells and Potions
2301.Match Substring After Replacement
2302.Count Subarrays With Score Less Than K
2303.Calculate Amount Paid in Taxes
2304.Minimum Path Cost in a Grid
2305.Fair Distribution of Cookies
2307.Check for Contradictions in Equations
2308.Arrange Table by Gender
2309.Greatest English Letter in Upper and Lower Case
2310.Sum of Numbers With Units Digit K
2311.Longest Binary Subsequence Less Than or Equal to K
2312.Selling Pieces of Wood
2313.Minimum Flips in Binary Tree to Get Result
2314.The First Day of the Maximum Recorded Degree in Each City
2316.Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph
2317.Maximum XOR After Operations
2318.Number of Distinct Roll Sequences
2319.Check if Matrix Is X-Matrix
2320.Count Number of Ways to Place Houses
2321.Maximum Score Of Spliced Array
2322.Minimum Score After Removals on a Tree
2323.Find Minimum Time to Finish All Jobs II
2324.Product Sales Analysis IV
2327.Number of People Aware of a Secret
2328.Number of Increasing Paths in a Grid
2329.Product Sales Analysis V
2331.Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree
2332.The Latest Time to Catch a Bus
2333.Minimum Sum of Squared Difference
2334.Subarray With Elements Greater Than Varying Threshold
2335.Minimum Amount of Time to Fill Cups
2336.Smallest Number in Infinite Set
2337.Move Pieces to Obtain a String
2338.Count the Number of Ideal Arrays
2339.All the Matches of the League
2340.Minimum Adjacent Swaps to Make a Valid Array
2341.Maximum Number of Pairs in Array
2342.Max Sum of a Pair With Equal Sum of Digits
2343.Query Kth Smallest Trimmed Number
2344.Minimum Deletions to Make Array Divisible
2345.Finding the Number of Visible Mountains
2346.Compute the Rank as a Percentage
2348.Number of Zero-Filled Subarrays
2349.Design a Number Container System
2350.Shortest Impossible Sequence of Rolls
2351.First Letter to Appear Twice
2352.Equal Row and Column Pairs
2353.Design a Food Rating System
2354.Number of Excellent Pairs
2355.Maximum Number of Books You Can Take
2356.Number of Unique Subjects Taught by Each Teacher
2357.Make Array Zero by Subtracting Equal Amounts
2358.Maximum Number of Groups Entering a Competition
2359.Find Closest Node to Given Two Nodes
2360.Longest Cycle in a Graph
2361.Minimum Costs Using the Train Line
2362.Generate the Invoice
2364.Count Number of Bad Pairs
2366.Minimum Replacements to Sort the Array
2367.Number of Arithmetic Triplets
2368.Reachable Nodes With Restrictions
2369.Check if There is a Valid Partition For The Array
2370.Longest Ideal Subsequence
2371.Minimize Maximum Value in a Grid
2372.Calculate the Influence of Each Salesperson
2373.Largest Local Values in a Matrix
2374.Node With Highest Edge Score
2375.Construct Smallest Number From DI String
2376.Count Special Integers
2377.Sort the Olympic Table
2378.Choose Edges to Maximize Score in a Tree
2379.Minimum Recolors to Get K Consecutive Black Blocks
2380.Time Needed to Rearrange a Binary String
2382.Maximum Segment Sum After Removals
2383.Minimum Hours of Training to Win a Competition
2384.Largest Palindromic Number
2385.Amount of Time for Binary Tree to Be Infected
2386.Find the K-Sum of an Array
2387.Median of a Row Wise Sorted Matrix
2388.Change Null Values in a Table to the Previous Value
2389.Longest Subsequence With Limited Sum
2390.Removing Stars From a String
2391.Minimum Amount of Time to Collect Garbage
2392.Build a Matrix With Conditions
2393.Count Strictly Increasing Subarrays
2394.Employees With Deductions
2395.Find Subarrays With Equal Sum
2396.Strictly Palindromic Number
2397.Maximum Rows Covered by Columns
2398.Maximum Number of Robots Within Budget
2399.Check Distances Between Same Letters
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