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0748.Shortest Completing Word

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给你一个字符串 licensePlate 和一个字符串数组 words ,请你找出 words 中的 最短补全词

补全词 是一个包含 licensePlate 中所有字母的单词。忽略 licensePlate 中的 数字和空格 不区分大小写。如果某个字母在 licensePlate 中出现不止一次,那么该字母在补全词中的出现次数应当一致或者更多。

例如:licensePlate = "aBc 12c",那么它的补全词应当包含字母 'a''b' (忽略大写)和两个 'c' 。可能的 补全词"abccdef""caaacab" 以及 "cbca"

请返回 words 中的 最短补全词 。题目数据保证一定存在一个最短补全词。当有多个单词都符合最短补全词的匹配条件时取 words第一个 出现的那个。


示例 1:

输入:licensePlate = "1s3 PSt", words = ["step", "steps", "stripe", "stepple"]
解释:最短补全词应该包括 "s"、"p"、"s"(忽略大小写) 以及 "t"。
"step" 包含 "t"、"p",但只包含一个 "s",所以它不符合条件。
"steps" 包含 "t"、"p" 和两个 "s"。
"stripe" 缺一个 "s"。
"stepple" 缺一个 "s"。
因此,"steps" 是唯一一个包含所有字母的单词,也是本例的答案。

示例 2:

输入:licensePlate = "1s3 456", words = ["looks", "pest", "stew", "show"]
解释:licensePlate 只包含字母 "s" 。所有的单词都包含字母 "s" ,其中 "pest"、"stew"、和 "show" 三者最短。答案是 "pest" ,因为它是三个单词中在 words 里最靠前的那个。



  • 1 <= licensePlate.length <= 7
  • licensePlate 由数字、大小写字母或空格 ' ' 组成
  • 1 <= words.length <= 1000
  • 1 <= words[i].length <= 15
  • words[i] 由小写英文字母组成



class Solution:
    def shortestCompletingWord(self, licensePlate: str, words: List[str]) -> str:
        def count(word):
            counter = [0] * 26
            for c in word:
                counter[ord(c) - ord('a')] += 1
            return counter

        def check(counter1, counter2):
            for i in range(26):
                if counter1[i] > counter2[i]:
                    return False
            return True

        counter = count(c.lower() for c in licensePlate if c.isalpha())
        ans, n = None, 16
        for word in words:
            if n <= len(word):
            t = count(word)
            if check(counter, t):
                n = len(word)
                ans = word
        return ans


class Solution {
    public String shortestCompletingWord(String licensePlate, String[] words) {
        int[] counter = count(licensePlate.toLowerCase());
        String ans = null;
        int n = 16;
        for (String word : words) {
            if (n <= word.length()) {
            int[] t = count(word);
            if (check(counter, t)) {
                n = word.length();
                ans = word;
        return ans;

    private int[] count(String word) {
        int[] counter = new int[26];
        for (char c : word.toCharArray()) {
            if (Character.isLetter(c)) {
                ++counter[c - 'a'];
        return counter;

    private boolean check(int[] counter1, int[] counter2) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i) {
            if (counter1[i] > counter2[i]) {
                return false;
        return true;


class Solution {
    string shortestCompletingWord(string licensePlate, vector<string>& words) {
        vector<int> counter = count(licensePlate);
        int n = 16;
        string ans;
        for (auto& word : words) {
            if (n <= word.size()) continue;
            vector<int> t = count(word);
            if (check(counter, t)) {
                n = word.size();
                ans = word;
        return ans;

    vector<int> count(string& word) {
        vector<int> counter(26);
        for (char& c : word)
            if (isalpha(c))
                ++counter[tolower(c) - 'a'];
        return counter;

    bool check(vector<int>& counter1, vector<int>& counter2) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i)
            if (counter1[i] > counter2[i])
                return false;
        return true;


func shortestCompletingWord(licensePlate string, words []string) string {
	count := func(word string) []int {
		counter := make([]int, 26)
		for _, c := range word {
			if unicode.IsLetter(c) {
		return counter

	check := func(cnt1, cnt2 []int) bool {
		for i := 0; i < 26; i++ {
			if cnt1[i] > cnt2[i] {
				return false
		return true

	counter := count(strings.ToLower(licensePlate))
	var ans string
	n := 16
	for _, word := range words {
		if n <= len(word) {
		t := count(word)
		if check(counter, t) {
			n = len(word)
			ans = word
	return ans
