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0527.Word Abbreviation

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给你一个字符串数组 words ,该数组由 互不相同 的若干字符串组成,请你找出并返回每个单词的 最小缩写


  1. 初始缩写由起始字母+省略字母的数量+结尾字母组成。
  2. 若存在冲突,亦即多于一个单词有同样的缩写,则使用更长的前缀代替首字母,直到从单词到缩写的映射唯一。换而言之,最终的缩写必须只能映射到一个单词。
  3. 若缩写并不比原单词更短,则保留原样。


示例 1:

输入: words = ["like", "god", "internal", "me", "internet", "interval", "intension", "face", "intrusion"]
输出: ["l2e","god","internal","me","i6t","interval","inte4n","f2e","intr4n"]

示例 2:

输入:words = ["aa","aaa"]



  • 1 <= words.length <= 400
  • 2 <= words[i].length <= 400
  • words[i] 由小写英文字母组成
  • words 中的所有字符串 互不相同





  • children:长度为 $26$ 的数组,表示该节点的所有子节点。
  • cnt:表示经过该节点的单词数量。

对于每个单词,我们将其插入到字典树中,同时记录每个节点的 cnt 值。

在查询时,我们从根节点开始,对于当前的字母,如果其对应的子节点的 cnt 值为 $1$,那么我们就找到了唯一的缩写,我们返回当前前缀的长度即可。否则,我们继续向下遍历。遍历结束后,如果我们没有找到唯一的缩写,那么我们返回原单词的长度。在得到所有单词的前缀长度后,我们判断单词的缩写是否比原单词更短,如果是,那么我们将其加入答案中,否则我们将原单词加入答案中。

时间复杂度 $O(L)$,空间复杂度 $O(L)$,其中 $L$ 为所有单词的长度和。

class Trie:
    __slots__ = ["children", "cnt"]

    def __init__(self):
        self.children = [None] * 26
        self.cnt = 0

    def insert(self, w: str):
        node = self
        for c in w:
            idx = ord(c) - ord("a")
            if not node.children[idx]:
                node.children[idx] = Trie()
            node = node.children[idx]
            node.cnt += 1

    def search(self, w: str) -> int:
        node = self
        cnt = 0
        for c in w:
            cnt += 1
            idx = ord(c) - ord("a")
            node = node.children[idx]
            if node.cnt == 1:
                return cnt
        return len(w)

class Solution:
    def wordsAbbreviation(self, words: List[str]) -> List[str]:
        tries = {}
        for w in words:
            m = len(w)
            if (m, w[-1]) not in tries:
                tries[(m, w[-1])] = Trie()
            tries[(m, w[-1])].insert(w)
        ans = []
        for w in words:
            cnt = tries[(len(w), w[-1])].search(w)
                w if cnt + 2 >= len(w) else w[:cnt] + str(len(w) - cnt - 1) + w[-1]
        return ans
class Trie {
    private final Trie[] children = new Trie[26];
    private int cnt;

    public void insert(String w) {
        Trie node = this;
        for (char c : w.toCharArray()) {
            int idx = c - 'a';
            if (node.children[idx] == null) {
                node.children[idx] = new Trie();
            node = node.children[idx];

    public int search(String w) {
        Trie node = this;
        int ans = 0;
        for (char c : w.toCharArray()) {
            int idx = c - 'a';
            node = node.children[idx];
            if (node.cnt == 1) {
                return ans;
        return w.length();

class Solution {
    public List<String> wordsAbbreviation(List<String> words) {
        Map<List<Integer>, Trie> tries = new HashMap<>();
        for (var w : words) {
            var key = List.of(w.length(), w.charAt(w.length() - 1) - 'a');
            tries.putIfAbsent(key, new Trie());
        List<String> ans = new ArrayList<>();
        for (var w : words) {
            int m = w.length();
            var key = List.of(m, w.charAt(m - 1) - 'a');
            int cnt = tries.get(key).search(w);
            ans.add(cnt + 2 >= m ? w : w.substring(0, cnt) + (m - cnt - 1) + w.substring(m - 1));
        return ans;
class Trie {
        : cnt(0) {
        fill(children.begin(), children.end(), nullptr);

    void insert(const string& w) {
        Trie* node = this;
        for (char c : w) {
            int idx = c - 'a';
            if (node->children[idx] == nullptr) {
                node->children[idx] = new Trie();
            node = node->children[idx];

    int search(const string& w) {
        Trie* node = this;
        int ans = 0;
        for (char c : w) {
            int idx = c - 'a';
            node = node->children[idx];
            if (node->cnt == 1) {
                return ans;
        return w.size();

    array<Trie*, 26> children;
    int cnt;

class Solution {
    vector<string> wordsAbbreviation(vector<string>& words) {
        map<pair<int, int>, Trie*> tries;
        for (const auto& w : words) {
            pair<int, int> key = {static_cast<int>(w.size()), w.back() - 'a'};
            if (tries.find(key) == tries.end()) {
                tries[key] = new Trie();

        vector<string> ans;
        for (const auto& w : words) {
            int m = w.size();
            pair<int, int> key = {m, w.back() - 'a'};
            int cnt = tries[key]->search(w);
            ans.push_back((cnt + 2 >= m) ? w : w.substr(0, cnt) + to_string(m - cnt - 1) + w.back());

        return ans;
type Trie struct {
	children [26]*Trie
	cnt      int

func (t *Trie) insert(w string) {
	node := t
	for _, c := range w {
		idx := c - 'a'
		if node.children[idx] == nil {
			node.children[idx] = &Trie{}
		node = node.children[idx]

func (t *Trie) search(w string) int {
	node := t
	ans := 0
	for _, c := range w {
		idx := c - 'a'
		node = node.children[idx]
		if node.cnt == 1 {
			return ans
	return len(w)

func wordsAbbreviation(words []string) (ans []string) {
	tries := make(map[[2]int]*Trie)
	for _, w := range words {
		key := [2]int{len(w), int(w[len(w)-1] - 'a')}
		_, exists := tries[key]
		if !exists {
			tries[key] = &Trie{}

	for _, w := range words {
		m := len(w)
		key := [2]int{m, int(w[m-1] - 'a')}
		cnt := tries[key].search(w)
		if cnt+2 >= m {
			ans = append(ans, w)
		} else {
			abbr := w[:cnt] + fmt.Sprintf("%d", m-cnt-1) + w[m-1:]
			ans = append(ans, abbr)
class Trie {
    private children: Trie[] = Array(26);
    private cnt: number = 0;

    insert(w: string): void {
        let node: Trie = this;
        for (const c of w) {
            const idx: number = c.charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0);
            if (!node.children[idx]) {
                node.children[idx] = new Trie();
            node = node.children[idx];

    search(w: string): number {
        let node: Trie = this;
        let ans: number = 0;
        for (const c of w) {
            const idx: number = c.charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0);
            node = node.children[idx];
            if (node.cnt === 1) {
                return ans;
        return w.length;

function wordsAbbreviation(words: string[]): string[] {
    const tries: Map<string, Trie> = new Map();
    for (const w of words) {
        const key: string = `${w.length}-${w.charCodeAt(w.length - 1) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0)}`;
        if (!tries.get(key)) {
            tries.set(key, new Trie());

    const ans: string[] = [];
    for (const w of words) {
        const m: number = w.length;
        const key: string = `${m}-${w.charCodeAt(m - 1) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0)}`;
        const cnt: number = tries.get(key)!.search(w);
        ans.push(cnt + 2 >= m ? w : w.substring(0, cnt) + (m - cnt - 1) + w.substring(m - 1));

    return ans;