给你区间的 空 集,请你设计并实现满足要求的数据结构:
- 新增:添加一个区间到这个区间集合中。
- 统计:计算出现在 至少一个 区间中的整数个数。
实现 CountIntervals
使用区间的空集初始化对象void add(int left, int right)
添加区间[left, right]
到区间集合之中。int count()
返回出现在 至少一个 区间中的整数个数。
注意:区间 [left, right]
表示满足 left <= x <= right
的所有整数 x
示例 1:
输入 ["CountIntervals", "add", "add", "count", "add", "count"] [[], [2, 3], [7, 10], [], [5, 8], []] 输出 [null, null, null, 6, null, 8] 解释 CountIntervals countIntervals = new CountIntervals(); // 用一个区间空集初始化对象 countIntervals.add(2, 3); // 将 [2, 3] 添加到区间集合中 countIntervals.add(7, 10); // 将 [7, 10] 添加到区间集合中 countIntervals.count(); // 返回 6 // 整数 2 和 3 出现在区间 [2, 3] 中 // 整数 7、8、9、10 出现在区间 [7, 10] 中 countIntervals.add(5, 8); // 将 [5, 8] 添加到区间集合中 countIntervals.count(); // 返回 8 // 整数 2 和 3 出现在区间 [2, 3] 中 // 整数 5 和 6 出现在区间 [5, 8] 中 // 整数 7 和 8 出现在区间 [5, 8] 和区间 [7, 10] 中 // 整数 9 和 10 出现在区间 [7, 10] 中
1 <= left <= right <= 109
- 最多调用
方法 总计105
次 - 调用
- 线段树的每个节点代表一个区间;
- 线段树具有唯一的根节点,代表的区间是整个统计范围,如
$[1,N]$ ; - 线段树的每个叶子节点代表一个长度为
$1$ 的元区间$[x,x]$ ; - 对于每个内部节点
$[l,r]$ ,它的左儿子是$[l,mid]$ ,右儿子是$[mid+1,r]$ , 其中$mid=⌊(l+r)/2⌋$ (即向下取整)。
class Node:
def __init__(self):
self.tag = 0
self.tot = 0
self.left = None
self.right = None
def update(self, l, r, a, b):
if self.tag == 1:
mid = (a + b) >> 1
if l == a and r == b:
self.tag = 1
self.tot = b - a + 1
if not self.left:
self.left = Node()
if not self.right:
self.right = Node()
if mid >= l:
self.left.update(l, min(mid, r), a, mid)
if mid + 1 <= r:
self.right.update(max(mid + 1, l), r, mid + 1, b)
self.tag = 0
self.tot = self.left.tot + self.right.tot
class CountIntervals:
def __init__(self):
self.tree = Node()
def add(self, left: int, right: int) -> None:
self.tree.update(left, right, 0, 1000000010)
def count(self) -> int:
return self.tree.tot
# Your CountIntervals object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = CountIntervals()
# obj.add(left,right)
# param_2 = obj.count()
class Node {
Node left;
Node right;
int l;
int r;
int mid;
int v;
int add;
public Node(int l, int r) {
this.l = l;
this.r = r;
this.mid = (l + r) >> 1;
class SegmentTree {
private Node root = new Node(1, (int) 1e9 + 1);
public SegmentTree() {
public void modify(int l, int r, int v) {
modify(l, r, v, root);
public void modify(int l, int r, int v, Node node) {
if (l > r) {
if (node.l >= l && node.r <= r) {
node.v = node.r - node.l + 1;
node.add = v;
if (l <= node.mid) {
modify(l, r, v, node.left);
if (r > node.mid) {
modify(l, r, v, node.right);
public int query(int l, int r) {
return query(l, r, root);
public int query(int l, int r, Node node) {
if (l > r) {
return 0;
if (node.l >= l && node.r <= r) {
return node.v;
int v = 0;
if (l <= node.mid) {
v += query(l, r, node.left);
if (r > node.mid) {
v += query(l, r, node.right);
return v;
public void pushup(Node node) {
node.v = node.left.v + node.right.v;
public void pushdown(Node node) {
if (node.left == null) {
node.left = new Node(node.l, node.mid);
if (node.right == null) {
node.right = new Node(node.mid + 1, node.r);
if (node.add != 0) {
Node left = node.left, right = node.right;
left.add = node.add;
right.add = node.add;
left.v = left.r - left.l + 1;
right.v = right.r - right.l + 1;
node.add = 0;
class CountIntervals {
private SegmentTree tree = new SegmentTree();
public CountIntervals() {
public void add(int left, int right) {
tree.modify(left, right, 1);
public int count() {
return tree.query(1, (int) 1e9);
* Your CountIntervals object will be instantiated and called as such:
* CountIntervals obj = new CountIntervals();
* obj.add(left,right);
* int param_2 = obj.count();
class Node {
Node(int l, int r)
: l(l)
, r(r)
, mid((l + r) / 2)
, v(0)
, add(0)
, left(nullptr)
, right(nullptr) {}
int l, r, mid, v, add;
Node* left;
Node* right;
class SegmentTree {
: root(new Node(1, 1000000001)) {}
void modify(int l, int r, int v, Node* node = nullptr) {
if (node == nullptr) {
node = root;
if (l > r) {
if (node->l >= l && node->r <= r) {
node->v = node->r - node->l + 1;
node->add = v;
if (l <= node->mid) {
modify(l, r, v, node->left);
if (r > node->mid) {
modify(l, r, v, node->right);
int query(int l, int r, Node* node = nullptr) {
if (node == nullptr) {
node = root;
if (l > r) {
return 0;
if (node->l >= l && node->r <= r) {
return node->v;
int v = 0;
if (l <= node->mid) {
v += query(l, r, node->left);
if (r > node->mid) {
v += query(l, r, node->right);
return v;
Node* root;
void pushup(Node* node) {
node->v = node->left->v + node->right->v;
void pushdown(Node* node) {
if (node->left == nullptr) {
node->left = new Node(node->l, node->mid);
if (node->right == nullptr) {
node->right = new Node(node->mid + 1, node->r);
if (node->add != 0) {
Node* left = node->left;
Node* right = node->right;
left->add = node->add;
right->add = node->add;
left->v = left->r - left->l + 1;
right->v = right->r - right->l + 1;
node->add = 0;
class CountIntervals {
CountIntervals() {}
void add(int left, int right) {
tree.modify(left, right, 1);
int count() {
return tree.query(1, 1000000000);
SegmentTree tree;
* Your CountIntervals object will be instantiated and called as such:
* CountIntervals* obj = new CountIntervals();
* obj->add(left,right);
* int param_2 = obj->count();
type Node struct {
left *Node
right *Node
l int
r int
mid int
v int
add int
type SegmentTree struct {
root *Node
func newNode(l, r int) *Node {
return &Node{
left: nil,
right: nil,
l: l,
r: r,
mid: (l + r) / 2,
v: 0,
add: 0,
func newSegmentTree() *SegmentTree {
return &SegmentTree{
root: newNode(1, 1000000001),
func (st *SegmentTree) modify(l, r, v int, node *Node) {
if node == nil {
node = st.root
if l > r {
if node.l >= l && node.r <= r {
node.v = node.r - node.l + 1
node.add = v
if l <= node.mid {
st.modify(l, r, v, node.left)
if r > node.mid {
st.modify(l, r, v, node.right)
func (st *SegmentTree) query(l, r int, node *Node) int {
if node == nil {
node = st.root
if l > r {
return 0
if node.l >= l && node.r <= r {
return node.v
v := 0
if l <= node.mid {
v += st.query(l, r, node.left)
if r > node.mid {
v += st.query(l, r, node.right)
return v
func (st *SegmentTree) pushup(node *Node) {
node.v = node.left.v + node.right.v
func (st *SegmentTree) pushdown(node *Node) {
if node.left == nil {
node.left = newNode(node.l, node.mid)
if node.right == nil {
node.right = newNode(node.mid+1, node.r)
if node.add != 0 {
left := node.left
right := node.right
left.add = node.add
right.add = node.add
left.v = left.r - left.l + 1
right.v = right.r - right.l + 1
node.add = 0
type CountIntervals struct {
tree *SegmentTree
func Constructor() CountIntervals {
return CountIntervals{
tree: newSegmentTree(),
func (ci *CountIntervals) Add(left, right int) {
ci.tree.modify(left, right, 1, nil)
func (ci *CountIntervals) Count() int {
return ci.tree.query(1, 1000000000, nil)
* Your CountIntervals object will be instantiated and called as such:
* obj := Constructor();
* obj.Add(left,right);
* param_2 := obj.Count();
class CountIntervals {
left: null | CountIntervals;
right: null | CountIntervals;
start: number;
end: number;
sum: number;
constructor(start: number = 0, end: number = 10 ** 9) {
this.left = null;
this.right = null;
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.sum = 0;
add(left: number, right: number): void {
if (this.sum == this.end - this.start + 1) return;
if (left <= this.start && right >= this.end) {
this.sum = this.end - this.start + 1;
let mid = (this.start + this.end) >> 1;
if (!this.left) this.left = new CountIntervals(this.start, mid);
if (!this.right) this.right = new CountIntervals(mid + 1, this.end);
if (left <= mid) this.left.add(left, right);
if (right > mid) this.right.add(left, right);
this.sum = this.left.sum + this.right.sum;
count(): number {
return this.sum;
* Your CountIntervals object will be instantiated and called as such:
* var obj = new CountIntervals()
* obj.add(left,right)
* var param_2 = obj.count()
class Node:
__slots__ = ("left", "right", "l", "r", "mid", "v", "add")
def __init__(self, l, r):
self.left = None
self.right = None
self.l = l
self.r = r
self.mid = (l + r) // 2
self.v = 0
self.add = 0
class SegmentTree:
def __init__(self):
self.root = Node(1, int(1e9) + 1)
def modify(self, l, r, v, node=None):
if node is None:
node = self.root
if l > r:
if node.l >= l and node.r <= r:
node.v = node.r - node.l + 1
node.add = v
if l <= node.mid:
self.modify(l, r, v, node.left)
if r > node.mid:
self.modify(l, r, v, node.right)
def query(self, l, r, node=None):
if node is None:
node = self.root
if l > r:
return 0
if node.l >= l and node.r <= r:
return node.v
v = 0
if l <= node.mid:
v += self.query(l, r, node.left)
if r > node.mid:
v += self.query(l, r, node.right)
return v
def pushup(self, node):
node.v = node.left.v + node.right.v
def pushdown(self, node):
if node.left is None:
node.left = Node(node.l, node.mid)
if node.right is None:
node.right = Node(node.mid + 1, node.r)
if node.add != 0:
left, right = node.left, node.right
left.add = node.add
right.add = node.add
left.v = left.r - left.l + 1
right.v = right.r - right.l + 1
node.add = 0
class CountIntervals:
def __init__(self):
self.tree = SegmentTree()
def add(self, left, right):
self.tree.modify(left, right, 1)
def count(self):
return self.tree.query(1, int(1e9))
# Your CountIntervals object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = CountIntervals()
# obj.add(left, right)
# param_2 = obj.count()