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true |
中等 |
在考场里,有 n
个座位排成一行,编号为 0
到 n - 1
当学生进入考场后,他必须坐在离最近的人最远的座位上。如果有多个这样的座位,他会坐在编号最小的座位上。(另外,如果考场里没有人,那么学生就坐在 0
实现 ExamRoom
ExamRoom(int n)
初始化考场对象。int seat()
返回下一个学生将会入座的座位编号。void leave(int p)
示例 1:
输入: ["ExamRoom", "seat", "seat", "seat", "seat", "leave", "seat"] [[10], [], [], [], [], [4], []] 输出: [null, 0, 9, 4, 2, null, 5] 解释: ExamRoom examRoom = new ExamRoom(10);; // 返回 0,房间里没有人,学生坐在 0 号座位。; // 返回 9,学生最后坐在 9 号座位。; // 返回 4,学生最后坐在 4 号座位。; // 返回 2,学生最后坐在 2 号座位。 examRoom.leave(4);; // 返回 5,学生最后坐在 5 号座位。
1 <= n <= 109
- 保证有学生正坐在座位
上。 seat
class ExamRoom:
def __init__(self, n: int):
def dist(x):
l, r = x
return r - l - 1 if l == -1 or r == n else (r - l) >> 1
self.n = n
self.ts = SortedList(key=lambda x: (-dist(x), x[0]))
self.left = {}
self.right = {}
self.add((-1, n))
def seat(self) -> int:
s = self.ts[0]
p = (s[0] + s[1]) >> 1
if s[0] == -1:
p = 0
elif s[1] == self.n:
p = self.n - 1
self.add((s[0], p))
self.add((p, s[1]))
return p
def leave(self, p: int) -> None:
l, r = self.left[p], self.right[p]
self.delete((l, p))
self.delete((p, r))
self.add((l, r))
def add(self, s):
self.left[s[1]] = s[0]
self.right[s[0]] = s[1]
def delete(self, s):
# Your ExamRoom object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = ExamRoom(n)
# param_1 =
# obj.leave(p)
class ExamRoom {
private TreeSet<int[]> ts = new TreeSet<>((a, b) -> {
int d1 = dist(a), d2 = dist(b);
return d1 == d2 ? a[0] - b[0] : d2 - d1;
private Map<Integer, Integer> left = new HashMap<>();
private Map<Integer, Integer> right = new HashMap<>();
private int n;
public ExamRoom(int n) {
this.n = n;
add(new int[] {-1, n});
public int seat() {
int[] s = ts.first();
int p = (s[0] + s[1]) >> 1;
if (s[0] == -1) {
p = 0;
} else if (s[1] == n) {
p = n - 1;
add(new int[] {s[0], p});
add(new int[] {p, s[1]});
return p;
public void leave(int p) {
int l = left.get(p), r = right.get(p);
del(new int[] {l, p});
del(new int[] {p, r});
add(new int[] {l, r});
private int dist(int[] s) {
int l = s[0], r = s[1];
return l == -1 || r == n ? r - l - 1 : (r - l) >> 1;
private void add(int[] s) {
left.put(s[1], s[0]);
right.put(s[0], s[1]);
private void del(int[] s) {
* Your ExamRoom object will be instantiated and called as such:
* ExamRoom obj = new ExamRoom(n);
* int param_1 =;
* obj.leave(p);
int N;
int dist(const pair<int, int>& p) {
auto [l, r] = p;
if (l == -1 || r == N) return r - l - 1;
return (r - l) >> 1;
struct cmp {
bool operator()(const pair<int, int>& a, const pair<int, int>& b) const {
int d1 = dist(a), d2 = dist(b);
return d1 == d2 ? a.first < b.first : d1 > d2;
class ExamRoom {
ExamRoom(int n) {
N = n;
this->n = n;
add({-1, n});
int seat() {
auto s = *ts.begin();
int p = (s.first + s.second) >> 1;
if (s.first == -1) {
p = 0;
} else if (s.second == n) {
p = n - 1;
add({s.first, p});
add({p, s.second});
return p;
void leave(int p) {
int l = left[p], r = right[p];
del({l, p});
del({p, r});
add({l, r});
set<pair<int, int>, cmp> ts;
unordered_map<int, int> left;
unordered_map<int, int> right;
int n;
void add(pair<int, int> s) {
left[s.second] = s.first;
right[s.first] = s.second;
void del(pair<int, int> s) {
* Your ExamRoom object will be instantiated and called as such:
* ExamRoom* obj = new ExamRoom(n);
* int param_1 = obj->seat();
* obj->leave(p);
type ExamRoom struct {
rbt *redblacktree.Tree
left map[int]int
right map[int]int
n int
func Constructor(n int) ExamRoom {
dist := func(s []int) int {
if s[0] == -1 || s[1] == n {
return s[1] - s[0] - 1
return (s[1] - s[0]) >> 1
cmp := func(a, b any) int {
x, y := a.([]int), b.([]int)
d1, d2 := dist(x), dist(y)
if d1 == d2 {
return x[0] - y[0]
return d2 - d1
this := ExamRoom{redblacktree.NewWith(cmp), map[int]int{}, map[int]int{}, n}
this.add([]int{-1, n})
return this
func (this *ExamRoom) Seat() int {
s := this.rbt.Left().Key.([]int)
p := (s[0] + s[1]) >> 1
if s[0] == -1 {
p = 0
} else if s[1] == this.n {
p = this.n - 1
this.add([]int{s[0], p})
this.add([]int{p, s[1]})
return p
func (this *ExamRoom) Leave(p int) {
l, _ := this.left[p]
r, _ := this.right[p]
this.del([]int{l, p})
this.del([]int{p, r})
this.add([]int{l, r})
func (this *ExamRoom) add(s []int) {
this.rbt.Put(s, struct{}{})
this.left[s[1]] = s[0]
this.right[s[0]] = s[1]
func (this *ExamRoom) del(s []int) {
delete(this.left, s[1])
delete(this.right, s[0])
* Your ExamRoom object will be instantiated and called as such:
* obj := Constructor(n);
* param_1 := obj.Seat();
* obj.Leave(p);
class ExamRoom {
private ts: TreeSet<number[]> = new TreeSet<number[]>((a, b) => {
const d1 = this.dist(a),
d2 = this.dist(b);
return d1 === d2 ? a[0] - b[0] : d2 - d1;
private left: Map<number, number> = new Map();
private right: Map<number, number> = new Map();
private n: number;
constructor(n: number) {
this.n = n;
this.add([-1, n]);
seat(): number {
const s = this.ts.first();
let p = Math.floor((s[0] + s[1]) / 2);
if (s[0] === -1) {
p = 0;
} else if (s[1] === this.n) {
p = this.n - 1;
this.add([s[0], p]);
this.add([p, s[1]]);
return p;
leave(p: number): void {
const l = this.left.get(p)!;
const r = this.right.get(p)!;
this.del([l, p]);
this.del([p, r]);
this.add([l, r]);
private dist(s: number[]): number {
const [l, r] = s;
return l === -1 || r === this.n ? r - l - 1 : Math.floor((r - l) / 2);
private add(s: number[]): void {
this.left.set(s[1], s[0]);
this.right.set(s[0], s[1]);
private del(s: number[]): void {
type Compare<T> = (lhs: T, rhs: T) => number;
class RBTreeNode<T = number> {
data: T;
count: number;
left: RBTreeNode<T> | null;
right: RBTreeNode<T> | null;
parent: RBTreeNode<T> | null;
color: number;
constructor(data: T) { = data;
this.left = this.right = this.parent = null;
this.color = 0;
this.count = 1;
sibling(): RBTreeNode<T> | null {
if (!this.parent) return null; // sibling null if no parent
return this.isOnLeft() ? this.parent.right : this.parent.left;
isOnLeft(): boolean {
return this === this.parent!.left;
hasRedChild(): boolean {
return (
Boolean(this.left && this.left.color === 0) ||
Boolean(this.right && this.right.color === 0)
class RBTree<T> {
root: RBTreeNode<T> | null;
lt: (l: T, r: T) => boolean;
constructor(compare: Compare<T> = (l: T, r: T) => (l < r ? -1 : l > r ? 1 : 0)) {
this.root = null; = (l: T, r: T) => compare(l, r) < 0;
rotateLeft(pt: RBTreeNode<T>): void {
const right = pt.right!;
pt.right = right.left;
if (pt.right) pt.right.parent = pt;
right.parent = pt.parent;
if (!pt.parent) this.root = right;
else if (pt === pt.parent.left) pt.parent.left = right;
else pt.parent.right = right;
right.left = pt;
pt.parent = right;
rotateRight(pt: RBTreeNode<T>): void {
const left = pt.left!;
pt.left = left.right;
if (pt.left) pt.left.parent = pt;
left.parent = pt.parent;
if (!pt.parent) this.root = left;
else if (pt === pt.parent.left) pt.parent.left = left;
else pt.parent.right = left;
left.right = pt;
pt.parent = left;
swapColor(p1: RBTreeNode<T>, p2: RBTreeNode<T>): void {
const tmp = p1.color;
p1.color = p2.color;
p2.color = tmp;
swapData(p1: RBTreeNode<T>, p2: RBTreeNode<T>): void {
const tmp =; =; = tmp;
fixAfterInsert(pt: RBTreeNode<T>): void {
let parent = null;
let grandParent = null;
while (pt !== this.root && pt.color !== 1 && pt.parent?.color === 0) {
parent = pt.parent;
grandParent = pt.parent.parent;
/* Case : A
Parent of pt is left child of Grand-parent of pt */
if (parent === grandParent?.left) {
const uncle = grandParent.right;
/* Case : 1
The uncle of pt is also red
Only Recoloring required */
if (uncle && uncle.color === 0) {
grandParent.color = 0;
parent.color = 1;
uncle.color = 1;
pt = grandParent;
} else {
/* Case : 2
pt is right child of its parent
Left-rotation required */
if (pt === parent.right) {
pt = parent;
parent = pt.parent;
/* Case : 3
pt is left child of its parent
Right-rotation required */
this.swapColor(parent!, grandParent);
pt = parent!;
} else {
/* Case : B
Parent of pt is right child of Grand-parent of pt */
const uncle = grandParent!.left;
/* Case : 1
The uncle of pt is also red
Only Recoloring required */
if (uncle != null && uncle.color === 0) {
grandParent!.color = 0;
parent.color = 1;
uncle.color = 1;
pt = grandParent!;
} else {
/* Case : 2
pt is left child of its parent
Right-rotation required */
if (pt === parent.left) {
pt = parent;
parent = pt.parent;
/* Case : 3
pt is right child of its parent
Left-rotation required */
this.swapColor(parent!, grandParent!);
pt = parent!;
this.root!.color = 1;
delete(val: T): boolean {
const node = this.find(val);
if (!node) return false;
if (!node.count) this.deleteNode(node);
return true;
deleteAll(val: T): boolean {
const node = this.find(val);
if (!node) return false;
return true;
deleteNode(v: RBTreeNode<T>): void {
const u = BSTreplace(v);
// True when u and v are both black
const uvBlack = (u === null || u.color === 1) && v.color === 1;
const parent = v.parent!;
if (!u) {
// u is null therefore v is leaf
if (v === this.root) this.root = null;
// v is root, making root null
else {
if (uvBlack) {
// u and v both black
// v is leaf, fix double black at v
} else {
// u or v is red
if (v.sibling()) {
// sibling is not null, make it red"
v.sibling()!.color = 0;
// delete v from the tree
if (v.isOnLeft()) parent.left = null;
else parent.right = null;
if (!v.left || !v.right) {
// v has 1 child
if (v === this.root) {
// v is root, assign the value of u to v, and delete u =;
v.left = v.right = null;
} else {
// Detach v from tree and move u up
if (v.isOnLeft()) parent.left = u;
else parent.right = u;
u.parent = parent;
if (uvBlack) this.fixDoubleBlack(u);
// u and v both black, fix double black at u
else u.color = 1; // u or v red, color u black
// v has 2 children, swap data with successor and recurse
this.swapData(u, v);
// find node that replaces a deleted node in BST
function BSTreplace(x: RBTreeNode<T>): RBTreeNode<T> | null {
// when node have 2 children
if (x.left && x.right) return successor(x.right);
// when leaf
if (!x.left && !x.right) return null;
// when single child
return x.left ?? x.right;
// find node that do not have a left child
// in the subtree of the given node
function successor(x: RBTreeNode<T>): RBTreeNode<T> {
let temp = x;
while (temp.left) temp = temp.left;
return temp;
fixDoubleBlack(x: RBTreeNode<T>): void {
if (x === this.root) return; // Reached root
const sibling = x.sibling();
const parent = x.parent!;
if (!sibling) {
// No sibiling, double black pushed up
} else {
if (sibling.color === 0) {
// Sibling red
parent.color = 0;
sibling.color = 1;
if (sibling.isOnLeft()) this.rotateRight(parent);
// left case
else this.rotateLeft(parent); // right case
} else {
// Sibling black
if (sibling.hasRedChild()) {
// at least 1 red children
if (sibling.left && sibling.left.color === 0) {
if (sibling.isOnLeft()) {
// left left
sibling.left.color = sibling.color;
sibling.color = parent.color;
} else {
// right left
sibling.left.color = parent.color;
} else {
if (sibling.isOnLeft()) {
// left right
sibling.right!.color = parent.color;
} else {
// right right
sibling.right!.color = sibling.color;
sibling.color = parent.color;
parent.color = 1;
} else {
// 2 black children
sibling.color = 0;
if (parent.color === 1) this.fixDoubleBlack(parent);
else parent.color = 1;
insert(data: T): boolean {
// search for a position to insert
let parent = this.root;
while (parent) {
if (, {
if (!parent.left) break;
else parent = parent.left;
} else if (, data)) {
if (!parent.right) break;
else parent = parent.right;
} else break;
// insert node into parent
const node = new RBTreeNode(data);
if (!parent) this.root = node;
else if (, parent.left = node;
else if (, parent.right = node;
else {
return false;
node.parent = parent;
return true;
find(data: T): RBTreeNode<T> | null {
let p = this.root;
while (p) {
if (, {
p = p.left;
} else if (, data)) {
p = p.right;
} else break;
return p ?? null;
*inOrder(root: RBTreeNode<T> = this.root!): Generator<T, undefined, void> {
if (!root) return;
for (const v of this.inOrder(root.left!)) yield v;
for (const v of this.inOrder(root.right!)) yield v;
*reverseInOrder(root: RBTreeNode<T> = this.root!): Generator<T, undefined, void> {
if (!root) return;
for (const v of this.reverseInOrder(root.right!)) yield v;
for (const v of this.reverseInOrder(root.left!)) yield v;
class TreeSet<T = number> {
_size: number;
tree: RBTree<T>;
compare: Compare<T>;
collection: T[] | Compare<T> = [],
compare: Compare<T> = (l: T, r: T) => (l < r ? -1 : l > r ? 1 : 0),
) {
if (typeof collection === 'function') {
compare = collection;
collection = [];
this._size = 0; = compare;
this.tree = new RBTree(compare);
for (const val of collection) this.add(val);
size(): number {
return this._size;
has(val: T): boolean {
return !!this.tree.find(val);
add(val: T): boolean {
const successful = this.tree.insert(val);
this._size += successful ? 1 : 0;
return successful;
delete(val: T): boolean {
const deleted = this.tree.deleteAll(val);
this._size -= deleted ? 1 : 0;
return deleted;
ceil(val: T): T | undefined {
let p = this.tree.root;
let higher = null;
while (p) {
if (, val) >= 0) {
higher = p;
p = p.left;
} else {
p = p.right;
return higher?.data;
floor(val: T): T | undefined {
let p = this.tree.root;
let lower = null;
while (p) {
if (, >= 0) {
lower = p;
p = p.right;
} else {
p = p.left;
return lower?.data;
higher(val: T): T | undefined {
let p = this.tree.root;
let higher = null;
while (p) {
if (, < 0) {
higher = p;
p = p.left;
} else {
p = p.right;
return higher?.data;
lower(val: T): T | undefined {
let p = this.tree.root;
let lower = null;
while (p) {
if (, val) < 0) {
lower = p;
p = p.right;
} else {
p = p.left;
return lower?.data;
first(): T | undefined {
return this.tree.inOrder().next().value;
last(): T | undefined {
return this.tree.reverseInOrder().next().value;
shift(): T | undefined {
const first = this.first();
if (first === undefined) return undefined;
return first;
pop(): T | undefined {
const last = this.last();
if (last === undefined) return undefined;
return last;
*[Symbol.iterator](): Generator<T, void, void> {
for (const val of this.values()) yield val;
*keys(): Generator<T, void, void> {
for (const val of this.values()) yield val;
*values(): Generator<T, undefined, void> {
for (const val of this.tree.inOrder()) yield val;
return undefined;
* Return a generator for reverse order traversing the set
*rvalues(): Generator<T, undefined, void> {
for (const val of this.tree.reverseInOrder()) yield val;
return undefined;
* Your ExamRoom object will be instantiated and called as such:
* var obj = new ExamRoom(n)
* var param_1 =
* obj.leave(p)