3000.Maximum Area of Longest Diagonal Rectangle
3001.Minimum Moves to Capture The Queen
3002.Maximum Size of a Set After Removals
3003.Maximize the Number of Partitions After Operations
3004.Maximum Subtree of the Same Color
3005.Count Elements With Maximum Frequency
3006.Find Beautiful Indices in the Given Array I
3007.Maximum Number That Sum of the Prices Is Less Than or Equal to K
3008.Find Beautiful Indices in the Given Array II
3009.Maximum Number of Intersections on the Chart
3010.Divide an Array Into Subarrays With Minimum Cost I
3011.Find if Array Can Be Sorted
3012.Minimize Length of Array Using Operations
3013.Divide an Array Into Subarrays With Minimum Cost II
3014.Minimum Number of Pushes to Type Word I
3015.Count the Number of Houses at a Certain Distance I
3016.Minimum Number of Pushes to Type Word II
3017.Count the Number of Houses at a Certain Distance II
3018.Maximum Number of Removal Queries That Can Be Processed I
3019.Number of Changing Keys
3020.Find the Maximum Number of Elements in Subset
3021.Alice and Bob Playing Flower Game
3022.Minimize OR of Remaining Elements Using Operations
3023.Find Pattern in Infinite Stream I
3025.Find the Number of Ways to Place People I
3026.Maximum Good Subarray Sum
3027.Find the Number of Ways to Place People II
3029.Minimum Time to Revert Word to Initial State I
3030.Find the Grid of Region Average
3031.Minimum Time to Revert Word to Initial State II
3032.Count Numbers With Unique Digits II
3034.Number of Subarrays That Match a Pattern I
3035.Maximum Palindromes After Operations
3036.Number of Subarrays That Match a Pattern II
3037.Find Pattern in Infinite Stream II
3038.Maximum Number of Operations With the Same Score I
3039.Apply Operations to Make String Empty
3040.Maximum Number of Operations With the Same Score II
3041.Maximize Consecutive Elements in an Array After Modification
3042.Count Prefix and Suffix Pairs I
3043.Find the Length of the Longest Common Prefix
3045.Count Prefix and Suffix Pairs II
3047.Find the Largest Area of Square Inside Two Rectangles
3048.Earliest Second to Mark Indices I
3049.Earliest Second to Mark Indices II
3050.Pizza Toppings Cost Analysis
3051.Find Candidates for Data Scientist Position
3053.Classifying Triangles by Lengths
3055.Top Percentile Fraud
3057.Employees Project Allocation
3058.Friends With No Mutual Friends
3059.Find All Unique Email Domains
3060.User Activities within Time Bounds
3061.Calculate Trapping Rain Water
3062.Winner of the Linked List Game
3063.Linked List Frequency
3064.Guess the Number Using Bitwise Questions I
3065.Minimum Operations to Exceed Threshold Value I
3066.Minimum Operations to Exceed Threshold Value II
3067.Count Pairs of Connectable Servers in a Weighted Tree Network
3068.Find the Maximum Sum of Node Values
3069.Distribute Elements Into Two Arrays I
3070.Count Submatrices with Top-Left Element and Sum Less Than k
3071.Minimum Operations to Write the Letter Y on a Grid
3072.Distribute Elements Into Two Arrays II
3073.Maximum Increasing Triplet Value
3074.Apple Redistribution into Boxes
3075.Maximize Happiness of Selected Children
3076.Shortest Uncommon Substring in an Array
3077.Maximum Strength of K Disjoint Subarrays
3078.Match Alphanumerical Pattern in Matrix I
3079.Find the Sum of Encrypted Integers
3080.Mark Elements on Array by Performing Queries
3081.Replace Question Marks in String to Minimize Its Value
3082.Find the Sum of the Power of All Subsequences
3083.Existence of a Substring in a String and Its Reverse
3084.Count Substrings Starting and Ending with Given Character
3085.Minimum Deletions to Make String K-Special
3086.Minimum Moves to Pick K Ones
3087.Find Trending Hashtags
3088.Make String Anti-palindrome
3089.Find Bursty Behavior
3090.Maximum Length Substring With Two Occurrences
3091.Apply Operations to Make Sum of Array Greater Than or Equal to k
3093.Longest Common Suffix Queries
3094.Guess the Number Using Bitwise Questions II
3095.Shortest Subarray With OR at Least K I
3096.Minimum Levels to Gain More Points
3097.Shortest Subarray With OR at Least K II
3098.Find the Sum of Subsequence Powers
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