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16.19.Pond Sizes

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输出: [1,2,4]


  • 0 < len(land) <= 1000
  • 0 < len(land[i]) <= 1000



我们可以遍历整数矩阵 $land$ 中的每个点 $(i, j)$,如果该点的值为 $0$,则从该点开始进行深度优先搜索,直到搜索到的点的值不为 $0$,则停止搜索,此时搜索到的点的个数即为池塘的大小,将其加入答案数组中。

注意:在进行深度优先搜索时,为了避免重复搜索,我们将搜索到的点的值置为 $1$


时间复杂度 $O(m \times n \times \log (m \times n)),空间复杂度 O(m \times n)$。其中 $m$$n$ 分别为矩阵 $land$ 的行数和列数。

class Solution:
    def pondSizes(self, land: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        def dfs(i: int, j: int) -> int:
            res = 1
            land[i][j] = 1
            for x in range(i - 1, i + 2):
                for y in range(j - 1, j + 2):
                    if 0 <= x < m and 0 <= y < n and land[x][y] == 0:
                        res += dfs(x, y)
            return res

        m, n = len(land), len(land[0])
        return sorted(dfs(i, j) for i in range(m) for j in range(n) if land[i][j] == 0)
class Solution {
    private int m;
    private int n;
    private int[][] land;

    public int[] pondSizes(int[][] land) {
        m = land.length;
        n = land[0].length; = land;
        List<Integer> ans = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
                if (land[i][j] == 0) {
                    ans.add(dfs(i, j));

    private int dfs(int i, int j) {
        int res = 1;
        land[i][j] = 1;
        for (int x = i - 1; x <= i + 1; ++x) {
            for (int y = j - 1; y <= j + 1; ++y) {
                if (x >= 0 && x < m && y >= 0 && y < n && land[x][y] == 0) {
                    res += dfs(x, y);
        return res;
class Solution {
    vector<int> pondSizes(vector<vector<int>>& land) {
        int m = land.size(), n = land[0].size();
        function<int(int, int)> dfs = [&](int i, int j) -> int {
            int res = 1;
            land[i][j] = 1;
            for (int x = i - 1; x <= i + 1; ++x) {
                for (int y = j - 1; y <= j + 1; ++y) {
                    if (x >= 0 && x < m && y >= 0 && y < n && land[x][y] == 0) {
                        res += dfs(x, y);
            return res;
        vector<int> ans;
        for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
                if (land[i][j] == 0) {
                    ans.push_back(dfs(i, j));
        sort(ans.begin(), ans.end());
        return ans;
func pondSizes(land [][]int) (ans []int) {
	m, n := len(land), len(land[0])
	var dfs func(i, j int) int
	dfs = func(i, j int) int {
		res := 1
		land[i][j] = 1
		for x := i - 1; x <= i+1; x++ {
			for y := j - 1; y <= j+1; y++ {
				if x >= 0 && x < m && y >= 0 && y < n && land[x][y] == 0 {
					res += dfs(x, y)
		return res
	for i := range land {
		for j := range land[i] {
			if land[i][j] == 0 {
				ans = append(ans, dfs(i, j))
function pondSizes(land: number[][]): number[] {
    const m = land.length;
    const n = land[0].length;
    const dfs = (i: number, j: number): number => {
        let res = 1;
        land[i][j] = 1;
        for (let x = i - 1; x <= i + 1; ++x) {
            for (let y = j - 1; y <= j + 1; ++y) {
                if (x >= 0 && x < m && y >= 0 && y < n && land[x][y] === 0) {
                    res += dfs(x, y);
        return res;
    const ans: number[] = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
        for (let j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
            if (land[i][j] === 0) {
                ans.push(dfs(i, j));
    ans.sort((a, b) => a - b);
    return ans;