import json import time from datetime import timedelta, timezone, datetime from itertools import chain import requests weekly_range = range(83, 500) biweekly_range = range(1, 300) weekly_url = '{}/' biweekly_url = '{}/' questions = {} def format_time(timestamp) -> str: tz = timezone(timedelta(hours=+8)) return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') def format_duration(seconds) -> str: m = seconds // 60 return f'{m} 分钟' def weekly(contest): url = weekly_url.format(contest) time.sleep(0.2) try: res = requests.get(url, timeout=6).json() res['title'] = f'第 {contest} 场周赛' res['title_en'] = f'Weekly Contest {contest}' print(res) return res except Exception as e: print(str(e)) def biweekly(contest): url = biweekly_url.format(contest) time.sleep(0.2) try: res = requests.get(url, timeout=6).json() res['title'] = f'第 {contest} 场双周赛' res['title_en'] = f'Biweekly Contest {contest}' print(res) return res except Exception as e: print(str(e)) def handle(result: dict): if result is None or 'error' in result: return None qs = result['questions'] if qs is None: return None for q in qs: questions[q['title_slug']] = { 'contest_title': result['title'], 'contest_title_en': result['title_en'], 'contest_title_slug': result['contest']['title_slug'], 'contest_id': result['contest']['id'], 'contest_start_time': result['contest']['origin_start_time'], 'contest_duration': result['contest']['duration'], 'user_num': result['user_num'], } def run(): weekly_res = [] biweekly_res = [] contest_list = [] for i in weekly_range: res = weekly(i) if res and 'error' in res: break weekly_res.append(res) for i in biweekly_range: res = biweekly(i) if res and 'error' in res: break biweekly_res.append(res) for v in chain(weekly_res, biweekly_res): if not v or 'contest' not in v: continue handle(v) contest_list.append( [ v['contest']['id'], v['title'], v['title_en'], v['questions'], v['contest']['start_time'], v['contest']['duration'], v['user_num'], ] ) contest_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[4], reverse=True) with open("contest.json", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(json.dumps(questions)) with open('contest_list.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(json.dumps(contest_list)) # ["id", "title", "title_en", "questions", "start_time", "duration"] def generate_contest_list(): with open('./result.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: result = json.loads( m = {item['question_title_slug']: item for item in result} with open('contest_list.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: contest_list = list(json.loads( contest_readme_prefix = """# 力扣竞赛 [English Version](/solution/ ## 段位与荣誉勋章 竞赛排名根据竞赛积分(周赛和双周赛)进行计算,注册新用户的基础分值为 1500 分,在竞赛积分 ≥1600 的用户中,根据比例 5%, 20%, 75% 设定三档段位,段位每周比赛结束后计算一次。 如果竞赛积分处于段位的临界值,在每周比赛结束重新计算后会出现段位升级或降级的情况。段位升级或降级后会自动替换对应的荣誉勋章。 | 段位 | 比例 | 段位名 | 国服分数线 | 勋章 | | ----- | ------ | -------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | LV3 | 5% | Guardian | ≥2221.96 | <p><img alt="" src="" style="width: 80px;" /></p> | | LV2 | 20% | Knight | ≥1869.96 | <p><img alt="" src="" style="width: 80px;" /></p> | | LV1 | 75% | - | - | - | 力扣竞赛 **全国排名前 10** 的用户,全站用户名展示为品牌橙色。 ## 赛后估分网站 ## 往期竞赛\n\n""" contest_readme_en_prefix = """# LeetCode Contest [中文文档](/solution/ ## Contest Rating & Badge The contest badge is calculated based on the contest rating. For LeetCoders with rating >=1600, If you are in the top 5% of the contest rating, you’ll get the “Guardian” badge. If you are in the top 25% of the contest rating, you’ll get the “Knight” badge. | Level | Proportion | Badge | Rating | | | ----- | ---------- | ---------- | -------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | LV3 | 5\% | Guardian | ≥2175.86 | <p><img alt="" src="" style="width: 80px;" /></p> | | LV2 | 20\% | Knight | ≥1850.05 | <p><img alt="" src="" style="width: 80px;" /></p> | | LV1 | 75\% | - | - | - | For top 10 users (excluding LCCN users), your LeetCode ID will be colored orange on the ranking board. You'll also have the honor with you when you post/comment under discuss. ## Rating Predictor Get your rating changes right after the completion of LeetCode contests, ## Past Contests\n\n""" items = [] en_items = [] for _, title, title_en, qs, start_time, duration, user_num in contest_list: v = ( "#### " + title + f'({format_time(start_time) + ", " + format_duration(duration)}) ' + f'参赛人数 {user_num}' + "\n\n" ) v_en = "#### " + title_en + "\n\n" for q in qs: slug = q['title_slug'] data = m.get(slug) if data is None: continue v += f'- [{str(int(data["frontend_question_id"])) + ". " + data["title_cn"]}]({data["relative_path_cn"]})\n' v_en += f'- [{str(int(data["frontend_question_id"])) + ". " + data["title_en"]}]({data["relative_path_en"]})\n' if qs: items.append(v) en_items.append(v_en) content_cn = contest_readme_prefix + "\n\n".join(items) content_en = contest_readme_en_prefix + "\n\n".join(en_items) with open("", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(content_cn) with open("", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(content_en) run() generate_contest_list()