from typing import List import os.path import platform import subprocess import re import black suffixes = ["md", "py", "java", "c", "cpp", "go", "php", "cs", "rs", "js", "ts", "sql"] code_blocks = [ "python", "java", "cpp", "c", "go", "ts", "js", "php", "cs", "rust", "sql", ] functions_to_replace = [ "ABS", "ACOS", "ADDDATE", "ADDTIME", "AES_DECRYPT", "AES_ENCRYPT", "ASCII", "ASIN", "ATAN", "AVG", "BIN", "BIT_COUNT", "CEIL", "CHAR", "CHAR_LENGTH", "CHARACTER_LENGTH", "CONCAT", "CONCAT_WS", "CONNECTION_ID", "CONV", "CONVERT", "COS", "COT", "COUNT", "CRC32", "CURDATE", "CURRENT_DATE", "CURRENT_TIME", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "CURTIME", "DATABASE", "DATE", "DATEDIFF", "DATE_ADD", "DATE_FORMAT", "DATE_SUB", "DAY", "DAYNAME", "DAYOFMONTH", "DAYOFWEEK", "DAYOFYEAR", "DECODE", "DEFAULT", "DEGREES", "DES_DECRYPT", "DES_ENCRYPT", "ELT", "ENCODE", "ENCRYPT", "EXP", "EXPORT_SET", "EXTRACT", "FIELD", "FIND_IN_SET", "FLOOR", "FORMAT", "FOUND_ROWS", "FROM_DAYS", "FROM_UNIXTIME", "GET_FORMAT", "GET_LOCK", "GREATEST", "GROUP_CONCAT", "HEX", "HOUR", "IF", "IFNULL", "IN", "INET_ATON", "INET_NTOA", "INSERT", "INSTR", "INTERVAL", "ISNULL", "LAST_INSERT_ID", "LCASE", "LEAST", "LEFT", "LENGTH", "LN", "LOAD_FILE", "LOCALTIME", "LOCALTIMESTAMP", "LOCATE", "LOG", "LOG10", "LOG2", "LOWER", "LPAD", "LTRIM", "MAKE_SET", "MAKEDATE", "MAKETIME", "MATCH", "MAX", "MD5", "MICROSECOND", "MID", "MIN", "MINUTE", "MOD", "MONTH", "MONTHNAME", "NAME_CONST", "NOW", "NULLIF", "OCT", "OCTET_LENGTH", "ORD", "PASSWORD", "PERIOD_ADD", "PERIOD_DIFF", "PI", "POSITION", "POW", "POWER", "PROCEDURE ANALYSE", "QUARTER", "QUOTE", "RADIANS", "RAND", "RELEASE_LOCK", "REPEAT", "REPLACE", "REVERSE", "RIGHT", "ROUND", "ROW_COUNT", "RPAD", "RTRIM", "SCHEMA", "SEC_TO_TIME", "SECOND", "SESSION_USER", "SHA1", "SHA", "SIGN", "SIN", "SLEEP", "SOUNDEX", "SPACE", "SQRT", "STR_TO_DATE", "STRCMP", "SUBDATE", "SUBSTR", "SUBSTRING", "SUBSTRING_INDEX", "SUBTIME", "SUM", "SYSDATE", "SYSTEM_USER", "TAN", "TIME", "TIMEDIFF", "TIMESTAMP", "TIMESTAMPADD", "TIMESTAMPDIFF", "TIME_FORMAT", "TIME_TO_SEC", "TO_DAYS", "TRIM", "TRUNCATE", "UCASE", "UNCOMPRESS", "UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH", "UNHEX", "UNIX_TIMESTAMP", "UPPER", "USER", "UTC_DATE", "UTC_TIME", "UTC_TIMESTAMP", "UUID", "VAR_POP", "VAR_SAMP", "VARIANCE", "VERSION", "WEEK", "WEEKDAY", "WEEKOFYEAR", "XOR", "YEAR", "YEARWEEK", "ROW_NUMBER", "RANK", "DENSE_RANK", "NTILE", "LAG", "LEAD", "FIRST_VALUE", "LAST_VALUE", "CUME_DIST", "PERCENT_RANK", "PERCENTILE_CONT", "PERCENTILE_DISC", ] def add_header(path: str): """Add header to php and go files""" print(f"[add header] path: {path}") with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: content = if path.endswith(".php"): content = "<?php\n" + content elif path.endswith(".go") and "sorting" not in path: content = "package main\n" + content elif path.endswith(".sql"): for func in functions_to_replace: pattern = r"\b{}\s*\(".format(func) content = re.sub(pattern, f"{func.upper()}(", content, flags=re.IGNORECASE) else: return with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(content) def remove_header(path: str): """Remove header from php and go files""" print(f"[remove header] path: {path}") with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: content = if path.endswith(".php"): content = content.rstrip() content = content.replace("<?php\n", "") elif path.endswith(".go"): content = content.rstrip() if "sorting" not in path: content = content.replace("package main\n\n", "").replace( "package main\n", "" ) else: return with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(content) def find_all_paths() -> List[str]: """Find all paths of files with suffixes""" paths = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()): for file in files: path = root + "/" + file if "node_modules" in path or "__pycache__" in path or ".git" in path: continue if any(path.endswith(f".{suf}") for suf in suffixes): paths.append(path) return paths def format_inline_code(path: str): """Format inline code in .md file""" if not path.endswith(".md"): return with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: content = root = path[: path.rfind("/")] for suf in code_blocks: res = re.findall(f"```{suf}\n(.*?)```", content, re.S) for block in res or []: # skip empty code block if not block or not block.strip(): continue if suf in ["c", "cpp", "java", "go"]: file = f"{root}/tmp.{suf}" with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(block) if suf == "go": add_header(file) os.system(f'gofmt -w "{file}"') remove_header(file) else: os.system(f'npx clang-format -i --style=file "{file}"') with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: new_block = if not new_block.endswith("\n"): new_block += "\n" content = content.replace(block, new_block) os.remove(file) elif suf == "python": new_block = black.format_str( block, mode=black.FileMode(string_normalization=False) ) content = content.replace(block, new_block) elif suf == "sql": for func in functions_to_replace: pattern = r"\b{}\s*\(".format(func) new_block = re.sub( pattern, f"{func.upper()}(", block, flags=re.IGNORECASE ) content = content.replace(block, new_block) block = new_block elif suf == "rust": file = f"{root}/" with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(block) os.system(f'rustfmt "{file}"') with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: new_block = if not new_block.endswith("\n"): new_block += "\n" content = content.replace(block, new_block) os.remove(file) with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(content) def format_rust_files_linux(): # The find command to locate and format all .rs files in Linux find_command = 'find . -name "*.rs" -exec rustfmt {} \\;' # Execute the command process = subprocess.Popen( find_command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) # Get the output and errors stdout, stderr = process.communicate() if process.returncode == 0: print("Rust files formatted successfully on Linux!") print(stdout) else: print("Error formatting Rust files on Linux:") print(stderr) def format_rust_files_windows(): # PowerShell command to format all .rs files recursively in Windows ps_command = ( "Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter *.rs | ForEach-Object { rustfmt $_.FullName }" ) # Execute the PowerShell command process = subprocess.Popen( ["powershell", "-Command", ps_command], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) # Get the output and errors stdout, stderr = process.communicate() if process.returncode == 0: print("Rust files formatted successfully on Windows!") print(stdout) else: print("Error formatting Rust files on Windows:") print(stderr) def run(): """Start formatting""" paths = find_all_paths() for path in paths: add_header(path) if any(path.endswith(suf) for suf in ["c", "cpp", "java"]): # format with clang-format os.system(f'npx clang-format -i --style=file "{path}"') # format with prettier os.system('npx prettier --write "**/*.{js,ts,php,sql,md}"') # format with gofmt os.system("gofmt -w .") # format with rustfmt if platform.system() == "Linux": format_rust_files_linux() else: format_rust_files_windows() for path in paths: remove_header(path) for path in paths: format_inline_code(path) if __name__ == "__main__": run()