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+# [3087. Find Trending Hashtags](https://leetcode.cn/problems/find-trending-hashtags)
+[English Version](/solution/3000-3099/3087.Find%20Trending%20Hashtags/README_EN.md)
+## 题目描述
Table: Tweets
+| Column Name | Type |
+| user_id | int |
+| tweet_id | int |
+| tweet_date | date |
+| tweet | varchar |
+tweet_id is the primary key (column with unique values) for this table.
+Each row of this table contains user_id, tweet_id, tweet_date and tweet.
+Write a solution to find the top 3
trending hashtags in February 2024
+Return the result table orderd by count of hashtag, hastag in descending order.
+The result format is in the following example.
+Example 1:
Tweets table:
+| user_id | tweet_id | tweet | tweet_date |
+| 135 | 13 | Enjoying a great start to the day! #HappyDay | 2024-02-01 |
+| 136 | 14 | Another #HappyDay with good vibes! | 2024-02-03 |
+| 137 | 15 | Productivity peaks! #WorkLife | 2024-02-04 |
+| 138 | 16 | Exploring new tech frontiers. #TechLife | 2024-02-04 |
+| 139 | 17 | Gratitude for today's moments. #HappyDay | 2024-02-05 |
+| 140 | 18 | Innovation drives us. #TechLife | 2024-02-07 |
+| 141 | 19 | Connecting with nature's serenity. #Nature | 2024-02-09 |
+| hashtag | hashtag_count|
+| #HappyDay | 3 |
+| #TechLife | 2 |
+| #WorkLife | 1 |
+ - #HappyDay: Appeared in tweet IDs 13, 14, and 17, with a total count of 3 mentions.
+ - #TechLife: Appeared in tweet IDs 16 and 18, with a total count of 2 mentions.
+ - #WorkLife: Appeared in tweet ID 15, with a total count of 1 mention.
Note: Output table is sorted in descending order by hashtag_count and hashtag respectively.
+## 解法
+### 方法一:提取子串 + 分组
+我们可以查询得到 2024 年 2 月的所有 tweet,利用 `SUBSTRING_INDEX` 函数提取 Hashtag,然后使用 `GROUP BY` 和 `COUNT` 函数统计每个 Hashtag 出现的次数,最后按照出现次数降序、Hashtag 降序排序,取前三个热门 Hashtag。
+# Write your MySQL query statement below
+ CONCAT('#', SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(tweet, '#', -1), ' ', 1)) AS hashtag,
+ COUNT(1) AS hashtag_count
+FROM Tweets
+WHERE DATE_FORMAT(tweet_date, '%Y%m') = '202402'
+import pandas as pd
+def find_trending_hashtags(tweets: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ # 过滤数据框以获取特定日期的数据
+ tweets = tweets[tweets["tweet_date"].dt.strftime("%Y%m") == "202402"]
+ # 提取 Hashtag
+ tweets["hashtag"] = "#" + tweets["tweet"].str.extract(r"#(\w+)")
+ # 统计 Hashtag 出现次数
+ hashtag_counts = tweets["hashtag"].value_counts().reset_index()
+ hashtag_counts.columns = ["hashtag", "hashtag_count"]
+ # 根据出现次数降序排序 Hashtag
+ hashtag_counts = hashtag_counts.sort_values(
+ by=["hashtag_count", "hashtag"], ascending=[False, False]
+ )
+ # 返回前三个热门 Hashtag
+ top_3_hashtags = hashtag_counts.head(3)
+ return top_3_hashtags
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+# [3087. Find Trending Hashtags](https://leetcode.com/problems/find-trending-hashtags)
+## Description
+Table: Tweets
+| Column Name | Type |
+| user_id | int |
+| tweet_id | int |
+| tweet_date | date |
+| tweet | varchar |
+tweet_id is the primary key (column with unique values) for this table.
+Each row of this table contains user_id, tweet_id, tweet_date and tweet.
+Write a solution to find the top 3
trending hashtags in February 2024
+Return the result table orderd by count of hashtag, hastag in descending order.
+The result format is in the following example.
+Example 1:
Tweets table:
+| user_id | tweet_id | tweet | tweet_date |
+| 135 | 13 | Enjoying a great start to the day! #HappyDay | 2024-02-01 |
+| 136 | 14 | Another #HappyDay with good vibes! | 2024-02-03 |
+| 137 | 15 | Productivity peaks! #WorkLife | 2024-02-04 |
+| 138 | 16 | Exploring new tech frontiers. #TechLife | 2024-02-04 |
+| 139 | 17 | Gratitude for today's moments. #HappyDay | 2024-02-05 |
+| 140 | 18 | Innovation drives us. #TechLife | 2024-02-07 |
+| 141 | 19 | Connecting with nature's serenity. #Nature | 2024-02-09 |
+| hashtag | hashtag_count|
+| #HappyDay | 3 |
+| #TechLife | 2 |
+| #WorkLife | 1 |
+ - #HappyDay: Appeared in tweet IDs 13, 14, and 17, with a total count of 3 mentions.
+ - #TechLife: Appeared in tweet IDs 16 and 18, with a total count of 2 mentions.
+ - #WorkLife: Appeared in tweet ID 15, with a total count of 1 mention.
Note: Output table is sorted in descending order by hashtag_count and hashtag respectively.
+## Solutions
+### Solution 1: Extract Substring + Grouping
+We can query all tweets from February 2024, use the `SUBSTRING_INDEX` function to extract Hashtags, then use the `GROUP BY` and `COUNT` functions to count the occurrences of each Hashtag. Finally, we sort by the number of occurrences in descending order and by Hashtag in descending order, and take the top three popular Hashtags.
+# Write your MySQL query statement below
+ CONCAT('#', SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(tweet, '#', -1), ' ', 1)) AS hashtag,
+ COUNT(1) AS hashtag_count
+FROM Tweets
+WHERE DATE_FORMAT(tweet_date, '%Y%m') = '202402'
+import pandas as pd
+def find_trending_hashtags(tweets: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ tweets = tweets[tweets["tweet_date"].dt.strftime("%Y%m") == "202402"]
+ tweets["hashtag"] = "#" + tweets["tweet"].str.extract(r"#(\w+)")
+ hashtag_counts = tweets["hashtag"].value_counts().reset_index()
+ hashtag_counts.columns = ["hashtag", "hashtag_count"]
+ hashtag_counts = hashtag_counts.sort_values(
+ by=["hashtag_count", "hashtag"], ascending=[False, False]
+ )
+ top_3_hashtags = hashtag_counts.head(3)
+ return top_3_hashtags
diff --git a/solution/3000-3099/3087.Find Trending Hashtags/Solution.py b/solution/3000-3099/3087.Find Trending Hashtags/Solution.py
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+import pandas as pd
+def find_trending_hashtags(tweets: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ tweets = tweets[tweets["tweet_date"].dt.strftime("%Y%m") == "202402"]
+ tweets["hashtag"] = "#" + tweets["tweet"].str.extract(r"#(\w+)")
+ hashtag_counts = tweets["hashtag"].value_counts().reset_index()
+ hashtag_counts.columns = ["hashtag", "hashtag_count"]
+ hashtag_counts = hashtag_counts.sort_values(
+ by=["hashtag_count", "hashtag"], ascending=[False, False]
+ )
+ top_3_hashtags = hashtag_counts.head(3)
+ return top_3_hashtags
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+# Write your MySQL query statement below
+ CONCAT('#', SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(tweet, '#', -1), ' ', 1)) AS hashtag,
+ COUNT(1) AS hashtag_count
+FROM Tweets
+WHERE DATE_FORMAT(tweet_date, '%Y%m') = '202402'
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+| 3087 | [Find Trending Hashtags](/solution/3000-3099/3087.Find%20Trending%20Hashtags/README.md) | | 中等 | 🔒 |
## 版权
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| 3059 | [Find All Unique Email Domains](/solution/3000-3099/3059.Find%20All%20Unique%20Email%20Domains/README_EN.md) | `Database` | Easy | 🔒 |
| 3060 | [User Activities within Time Bounds](/solution/3000-3099/3060.User%20Activities%20within%20Time%20Bounds/README_EN.md) | `Database` | Hard | 🔒 |
| 3061 | [Calculate Trapping Rain Water](/solution/3000-3099/3061.Calculate%20Trapping%20Rain%20Water/README_EN.md) | `Database` | Hard | 🔒 |
+| 3087 | [Find Trending Hashtags](/solution/3000-3099/3087.Find%20Trending%20Hashtags/README_EN.md) | | Medium | 🔒 |
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| 3072 | [将元素分配到两个数组中 II](/solution/3000-3099/3072.Distribute%20Elements%20Into%20Two%20Arrays%20II/README.md) | `树状数组`,`线段树`,`数组`,`模拟` | 困难 | 第 387 场周赛 |
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+| 3073 | [最大递增三元组](/solution/3000-3099/3073.Maximum%20Increasing%20Triplet%20Value/README.md) | `数组`,`有序集合` | 中等 | 🔒 |
+| 3074 | [重新分装苹果](/solution/3000-3099/3074.Apple%20Redistribution%20into%20Boxes/README.md) | `贪心`,`数组`,`排序` | 简单 | 第 388 场周赛 |
+| 3075 | [幸福值最大化的选择方案](/solution/3000-3099/3075.Maximize%20Happiness%20of%20Selected%20Children/README.md) | `贪心`,`数组`,`排序` | 中等 | 第 388 场周赛 |
+| 3076 | [数组中的最短非公共子字符串](/solution/3000-3099/3076.Shortest%20Uncommon%20Substring%20in%20an%20Array/README.md) | `字典树`,`数组`,`哈希表`,`字符串` | 中等 | 第 388 场周赛 |
+| 3077 | [K 个不相交子数组的最大能量值](/solution/3000-3099/3077.Maximum%20Strength%20of%20K%20Disjoint%20Subarrays/README.md) | `数组`,`动态规划`,`前缀和` | 困难 | 第 388 场周赛 |
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| 3084 | [统计以给定字符开头和结尾的子字符串总数](/solution/3000-3099/3084.Count%20Substrings%20Starting%20and%20Ending%20with%20Given%20Character/README.md) | | 中等 | 第 389 场周赛 |
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+| 3087 | [Find Trending Hashtags](/solution/3000-3099/3087.Find%20Trending%20Hashtags/README.md) | | 中等 | 🔒 |
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| 3070 | [Count Submatrices with Top-Left Element and Sum Less Than k](/solution/3000-3099/3070.Count%20Submatrices%20with%20Top-Left%20Element%20and%20Sum%20Less%20Than%20k/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Matrix`,`Prefix Sum` | Medium | Weekly Contest 387 |
| 3071 | [Minimum Operations to Write the Letter Y on a Grid](/solution/3000-3099/3071.Minimum%20Operations%20to%20Write%20the%20Letter%20Y%20on%20a%20Grid/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Hash Table`,`Counting`,`Matrix` | Medium | Weekly Contest 387 |
| 3072 | [Distribute Elements Into Two Arrays II](/solution/3000-3099/3072.Distribute%20Elements%20Into%20Two%20Arrays%20II/README_EN.md) | `Binary Indexed Tree`,`Segment Tree`,`Array`,`Simulation` | Hard | Weekly Contest 387 |
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+| 3073 | [Maximum Increasing Triplet Value](/solution/3000-3099/3073.Maximum%20Increasing%20Triplet%20Value/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Ordered Set` | Medium | 🔒 |
+| 3074 | [Apple Redistribution into Boxes](/solution/3000-3099/3074.Apple%20Redistribution%20into%20Boxes/README_EN.md) | `Greedy`,`Array`,`Sorting` | Easy | Weekly Contest 388 |
+| 3075 | [Maximize Happiness of Selected Children](/solution/3000-3099/3075.Maximize%20Happiness%20of%20Selected%20Children/README_EN.md) | `Greedy`,`Array`,`Sorting` | Medium | Weekly Contest 388 |
+| 3076 | [Shortest Uncommon Substring in an Array](/solution/3000-3099/3076.Shortest%20Uncommon%20Substring%20in%20an%20Array/README_EN.md) | `Trie`,`Array`,`Hash Table`,`String` | Medium | Weekly Contest 388 |
+| 3077 | [Maximum Strength of K Disjoint Subarrays](/solution/3000-3099/3077.Maximum%20Strength%20of%20K%20Disjoint%20Subarrays/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Dynamic Programming`,`Prefix Sum` | Hard | Weekly Contest 388 |
| 3078 | [Match Alphanumerical Pattern in Matrix I](/solution/3000-3099/3078.Match%20Alphanumerical%20Pattern%20in%20Matrix%20I/README_EN.md) | | Medium | 🔒 |
| 3079 | [Find the Sum of Encrypted Integers](/solution/3000-3099/3079.Find%20the%20Sum%20of%20Encrypted%20Integers/README_EN.md) | | Easy | Biweekly Contest 126 |
| 3080 | [Mark Elements on Array by Performing Queries](/solution/3000-3099/3080.Mark%20Elements%20on%20Array%20by%20Performing%20Queries/README_EN.md) | | Medium | Biweekly Contest 126 |
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| 3084 | [Count Substrings Starting and Ending with Given Character](/solution/3000-3099/3084.Count%20Substrings%20Starting%20and%20Ending%20with%20Given%20Character/README_EN.md) | | Medium | Weekly Contest 389 |
| 3085 | [Minimum Deletions to Make String K-Special](/solution/3000-3099/3085.Minimum%20Deletions%20to%20Make%20String%20K-Special/README_EN.md) | | Medium | Weekly Contest 389 |
| 3086 | [Minimum Moves to Pick K Ones](/solution/3000-3099/3086.Minimum%20Moves%20to%20Pick%20K%20Ones/README_EN.md) | | Hard | Weekly Contest 389 |
+| 3087 | [Find Trending Hashtags](/solution/3000-3099/3087.Find%20Trending%20Hashtags/README_EN.md) | | Medium | 🔒 |
## Copyright
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- [3059.Find All Unique Email Domains](/database-solution/3000-3099/3059.Find%20All%20Unique%20Email%20Domains/README.md)
- [3060.User Activities within Time Bounds](/database-solution/3000-3099/3060.User%20Activities%20within%20Time%20Bounds/README.md)
- [3061.计算滞留雨水](/database-solution/3000-3099/3061.Calculate%20Trapping%20Rain%20Water/README.md)
+ - [3087.Find Trending Hashtags](/database-solution/3000-3099/3087.Find%20Trending%20Hashtags/README.md)
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- [3059.Find All Unique Email Domains](/database-solution/3000-3099/3059.Find%20All%20Unique%20Email%20Domains/README_EN.md)
- [3060.User Activities within Time Bounds](/database-solution/3000-3099/3060.User%20Activities%20within%20Time%20Bounds/README_EN.md)
- [3061.Calculate Trapping Rain Water](/database-solution/3000-3099/3061.Calculate%20Trapping%20Rain%20Water/README_EN.md)
+ - [3087.Find Trending Hashtags](/database-solution/3000-3099/3087.Find%20Trending%20Hashtags/README_EN.md)