From 1135e8d080fd40626025cabffb1f0d75dcacf08a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: acbin <> Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 08:31:24 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] chore: update lc problems --- .../0000-0099/0027.Remove Element/ | 24 ++--- .../0205.Isomorphic Strings/ | 6 +- .../0410.Split Array Largest Sum/ | 12 +-- .../0489.Robot Room Cleaner/ | 81 ++++++++++------ .../0532.K-diff Pairs in an Array/ | 2 +- .../0631.Design Excel Sum Formula/ | 96 ++++++++++--------- solution/1200-1299/1236.Web Crawler/ | 51 +++++----- .../ | 2 +- .../2666.Allow One Function Call/ | 2 +- .../2881.Create a New Column/ | 2 +- .../2922.Market Analysis III/ | 14 +-- .../ | 2 +- solution/ | 2 +- solution/ | 2 +- solution/ | 2 +- solution/ | 30 +++--- solution/ | 28 +++--- solution/ | 2 +- solution/ | 6 +- 19 files changed, 196 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-) diff --git a/solution/0000-0099/0027.Remove Element/ b/solution/0000-0099/0027.Remove Element/ index e9d12f9914f38..6a7d8c942e81f 100644 --- a/solution/0000-0099/0027.Remove Element/ +++ b/solution/0000-0099/0027.Remove Element/ @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ -
给你一个数组 nums
和一个值 val
,你需要 原地 移除所有数值等于 val
给你一个数组 nums
和一个值 val
,你需要 原地 移除所有数值等于 val
不要使用额外的数组空间,你必须仅使用 O(1)
额外空间并 原地 修改输入数组。
@@ -28,37 +28,37 @@ int len = removeElement(nums, val); // 在函数里修改输入数组对于调用者是可见的。 // 根据你的函数返回的长度, 它会打印出数组中 该长度范围内 的所有元素。 -for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { - print(nums[i]); +for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { + print(nums[i]); } -+
示例 1:
输入:nums = [3,2,2,3], val = 3
输出:2, nums = [2,2]
-解释:函数应该返回新的长度 2, 并且 nums 中的前两个元素均为 2。你不需要考虑数组中超出新长度后面的元素。例如,函数返回的新长度为 2 ,而 nums = [2,2,3,3] 或 nums = [2,2,0,0],也会被视作正确答案。
+解释:函数应该返回新的长度 2
, 并且 nums 中的前两个元素均为 2。你不需要考虑数组中超出新长度后面的元素。例如,函数返回的新长度为 2 ,而 nums = [2,2,3,3] 或 nums = [2,2,0,0],也会被视作正确答案。
示例 2:
输入:nums = [0,1,2,2,3,0,4,2], val = 2 -输出:5, nums = [0,1,4,0,3] -解释:函数应该返回新的长度-5
, 并且 nums 中的前五个元素为0
, 4。注意这五个元素可为任意顺序。你不需要考虑数组中超出新长度后面的元素。 +输出:5, nums = [0,1,3,0,4] +解释:函数应该返回新的长度5
, 并且 nums 中的前五个元素为0
0 <= nums.length <= 100
0 <= nums[i] <= 50
0 <= val <= 100
0 <= nums.length <= 100
0 <= nums[i] <= 50
0 <= val <= 100
示例 1:
-输入:s ="egg",
t ="add"
+输入:s ="egg"
, t ="add"
示例 2:
-输入:s ="foo",
t ="bar"
+输入:s ="foo"
, t ="bar"
示例 3:
-输入:s ="paper",
t ="title"
+输入:s ="paper"
, t ="title"
diff --git a/solution/0400-0499/0410.Split Array Largest Sum/ b/solution/0400-0499/0410.Split Array Largest Sum/ index 8a5aab9378fc3..565883f1ad2c6 100644 --- a/solution/0400-0499/0410.Split Array Largest Sum/ +++ b/solution/0400-0499/0410.Split Array Largest Sum/ @@ -6,16 +6,16 @@ -
给定一个非负整数数组 nums
和一个整数 m
,你需要将这个数组分成 m
给定一个非负整数数组 nums
和一个整数 k
,你需要将这个数组分成 k
设计一个算法使得这 m
设计一个算法使得这 k
示例 1:
-输入:nums = [7,2,5,10,8], m = 2 +输入:nums = [7,2,5,10,8], k = 2 输出:18 解释: 一共有四种方法将 nums 分割为 2 个子数组。 @@ -25,14 +25,14 @@示例 2:
-输入:nums = [1,2,3,4,5], m = 2 +输入:nums = [1,2,3,4,5], k = 2 输出:9示例 3:
-输入:nums = [1,4,4], m = 3 +输入:nums = [1,4,4], k = 3 输出:4@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
1 <= nums.length <= 1000
0 <= nums[i] <= 106
1 <= m <= min(50, nums.length)
1 <= k <= min(50, nums.length)
+房间中的某个位置上有一个机器人,你需要控制它清扫房间。房间被建模为一个 m x n
的二进制网格,其中 0
+机器人从一个未知的空单元格开始出发,并且你无法访问网格,但你可以使用给定的 API Robot
+你的任务是使用机器人清扫整个房间(即清理房间中的每个空单元格)。机器人具有四个给定的API,可以前进、向左转或向右转。每次转弯 90 度。
+ +设计一个算法,使用下述 API 清扫整个房间:
interface Robot { - // 若下一个方格为空,则返回true,并移动至该方格 - // 若下一个方格为障碍物,则返回false,并停留在原地 + // 若下一个单元格为空,则返回 true ,并移动至该单元格。 + // 若下一个单元格为障碍物,则返回 false ,并停留在当前单元格。 boolean move(); - // 在调用turnLeft/turnRight后机器人会停留在原位置 - // 每次转弯90度 + // 在调用 turnLeft/turnRight 后机器人会停留在当前单元格。 + // 每次转弯 90 度。 void turnLeft(); void turnRight(); - // 清理所在方格 + // 清理当前单元格。 void clean(); }-
+注意 扫地机器人的初始方向向上。你可以假定网格的四周都被墙包围。
+ ++ +
+ +输入只用于初始化房间和机器人的位置。你需要「盲解」这个问题。换而言之,你必须在对房间和机器人位置一无所知的情况下,只使用 4 个给出的 API 解决问题。
+ +-
示例 1:
++输入:room = [[1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1],[1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1],[0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0],[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]], row = 1, col = 3 +输出:Robot cleaned all rooms. +解释: +房间内的所有单元格用 0 或 1 填充。 +0 表示障碍物,1 表示可以通过。 +机器人从 row=1, col=3 的初始位置出发。 +在左上角的一行以下,三列以右。 ++ +
示例 2:
-输入: -room = [ - [1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1], - [1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1], - [1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1], - [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0], - [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] -], -row = 1, -col = 3 - -解析: -房间格栅用0或1填充。0表示障碍物,1表示可以通过。 -机器人从row=1,col=3的初始位置出发。在左上角的一行以下,三列以右。 +输入:room = [[1]], row = 0, col = 0 +输出:Robot cleaned all rooms.-
++ +
+ +m == room.length
n == room[i].length
1 <= m <= 100
1 <= n <= 200
为 0
或 1
.0 <= row < m
0 <= col < n
room[row][col] == 1
0 <= i, j < nums.length
i != j
nums[i] - nums[j] == k
|nums[i] - nums[j]| == k
表示 val
你的任务是实现 Excel 的求和功能,具体的操作如下:
+请你设计 Excel 中的基本功能,并实现求和公式。
-Excel(int H, char W):
这是一个构造函数,输入表明了 Excel 的高度和宽度。H 是一个正整数,范围从 1 到 26,代表高度。W 是一个字符,范围从 'A' 到 'Z',宽度等于从 'A' 到 W 的字母个数。Excel 表格是一个高度 * 宽度的二维整数数组,数组中元素初始化为 0。第一行下标从 1 开始,第一列下标从 'A' 开始。
实现 Excel
- -
void Set(int row, char column, int val):
设置 C(row, column)
中的值为 val。
- -
int Get(int row, char column):
返回 C(row, column)
- -
int Sum(int row, char column, List of Strings : numbers):
这个函数会将计算的结果放入 C(row, column)
中,计算的结果等于在 numbers
,例如 "F7" 表示位置 (7, F) 。如果这个字符串表示一个区间,它的格式如下:ColRow1:ColRow2
。区间就是左上角为 ColRow1 右下角为 ColRow2 的长方形。
Excel(int height, char width)
:用高度 height
和宽度 width
初始化对象。该表格是一个大小为 height x width
的整数矩阵 mat
,其中行下标范围是 [1, height]
,列下标范围是 ['A', width]
。初始情况下,所有的值都应该为 零 。void set(int row, char column, int val)
:将 mat[row][column]
的值更改为 val
。int get(int row, char column)
:返回 mat[row][column]
的值。int sum(int row, char column, List<String> numbers)
:将 mat[row][column]
的值设为由 numbers
表示的单元格的和,并返回 mat[row][column]
的值。此求和公式应该 长期作用于 该单元格,直到该单元格被另一个值或另一个求和公式覆盖。其中,numbers[i]
+ "ColRow"
+ "F7"
表示单元格 mat[7]['F']
:表示一组单元格。该范围将始终为一个矩形,其中 "ColRow1"
+ "B3:F7"
表示 3 <= i <= 7
和 'B' <= j <= 'F'
的单元格 mat[i][j]
-注意: 你可以认为不会出现循环求和的定义,比如说:mat[1]['A'] == sum(1, "B")
和 mat[1]['B'] == sum(1, "A")
mat[1]['A'] == sum(1, "B")
,且 mat[1]['B'] == sum(1, "A")
示例 1:
+示例 1:
-输入: -["Excel", "set", "sum", "set", "get"] +输入: +["Excel", "set", "sum", "set", "get"] [[3, "C"], [1, "A", 2], [3, "C", ["A1", "A1:B2"]], [2, "B", 2], [3, "C"]] -输出: +输出: [null, null, 4, null, 6] -解释: +解释: +执行以下操作: Excel excel = new Excel(3, "C"); - // 构造一个 3*3 的二维数组,初始化全是 0。 + // 构造一个 3 * 3 的二维数组,所有值初始化为零。 // A B C // 1 0 0 0 // 2 0 0 0 // 3 0 0 0 excel.set(1, "A", 2); - // 设置 C(1,"A") 为 2。 + // 将 mat[1]["A"] 设置为 2 。 // A B C // 1 2 0 0 // 2 0 0 0 // 3 0 0 0 -excel.sum(3, "C", ["A1", "A1:B2"]); // return 4 - // 将 C(3,"C") 的值设为 C(1,"A") 单点以及左上角为 C(1,"A") 右下角为 C(2,"B") 的长方形两者之和。返回值 4。 +excel.sum(3, "C", ["A1", "A1:B2"]); // 返回 4 + // 将 mat[3]["C"] 设置为 mat[1]["A"] 的值与矩形范围的单元格和的和,该范围的左上角单元格位置为 mat[1]["A"] ,右下角单元格位置为 mat[2]["B"] 。 + // A B C // 1 2 0 0 // 2 0 0 0 // 3 0 0 4 excel.set(2, "B", 2); -// 将 C(2,"B") 设为 2。 注意 C(3, "C") 的值也同时改变。 + // 将 mat[2]["B"] 设置为 2 。注意 mat[3]["C"] 也应该更改。 // A B C // 1 2 0 0 // 2 0 2 0 // 3 0 0 6 -excel.get(3, "C"); // 返回 6+excel.get(3, "C"); // 返回 6 + -
1 <= height <= 26
'A' <= width <= 'Z'
1 <= row <= height
'A' <= column <= width
-100 <= val <= 100
1 <= numbers.length <= 5
的格式为 "ColRow"
或 "ColRow1:ColRow2"
, get
, and sum
操作数不超过 100 次1 <= height <= 26
'A' <= width <= 'Z'
1 <= row <= height
'A' <= column <= width
-100 <= val <= 100
1 <= numbers.length <= 5
的格式为 "ColRow"
或 "ColRow1:ColRow2"
和 sum
进行 100
次调用。- -
- ## 解法 diff --git a/solution/1200-1299/1236.Web Crawler/ b/solution/1200-1299/1236.Web Crawler/ index 475a8de185968..7565cddadc3b7 100644 --- a/solution/1200-1299/1236.Web Crawler/ +++ b/solution/1200-1299/1236.Web Crawler/ @@ -17,13 +17,14 @@
相同 的链接集合如上所示的一个链接,其域名为
。简单起见,你可以假设所有的链接都采用 http协议 并没有指定 端口。例如,链接
interface HtmlParser { +diff --git a/solution/2900-2999/2927.Distribute Candies Among Children III/ b/solution/2900-2999/2927.Distribute Candies Among Children III/ index 390c1a0a661f1..6759b894cad96 100644 --- a/solution/2900-2999/2927.Distribute Candies Among Children III/ +++ b/solution/2900-2999/2927.Distribute Candies Among Children III/ @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# [2927. 将糖果分发给孩子 III]( +# [2927. 给小朋友们分糖果 III]( [English Version](/solution/2900-2999/2927.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20III/ diff --git a/solution/ b/solution/ index 5e3f2e0111991..c07f1614bd397 100644 --- a/solution/ +++ b/solution/ @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ | 2853 | [最高薪水差异](/solution/2800-2899/2853.Highest%20Salaries%20Difference/ | `数据库` | 简单 | 🔒 | | 2854 | [滚动平均步数](/solution/2800-2899/2854.Rolling%20Average%20Steps/ | `数据库` | 中等 | 🔒 | | 2893 | [计算每个区间内的订单](/solution/2800-2899/2893.Calculate%20Orders%20Within%20Each%20Interval/ | `数据库` | 中等 | 🔒 | -| 2922 | [市场分析 III](/solution/2900-2999/2922.Market%20Analysis%20III/ | | 中等 | 🔒 | +| 2922 | [市场分析 III](/solution/2900-2999/2922.Market%20Analysis%20III/ | `数据库` | 中等 | 🔒 | ## 版权 diff --git a/solution/ b/solution/ index a0c9c24b672ca..aad41ef999334 100644 --- a/solution/ +++ b/solution/ @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ Press Control + F(or Command + F on | 2853 | [Highest Salaries Difference](/solution/2800-2899/2853.Highest%20Salaries%20Difference/ | `Database` | Easy | 🔒 | | 2854 | [Rolling Average Steps](/solution/2800-2899/2854.Rolling%20Average%20Steps/ | `Database` | Medium | 🔒 | | 2893 | [Calculate Orders Within Each Interval](/solution/2800-2899/2893.Calculate%20Orders%20Within%20Each%20Interval/ | `Database` | Medium | 🔒 | -| 2922 | [Market Analysis III](/solution/2900-2999/2922.Market%20Analysis%20III/ | | Medium | 🔒 | +| 2922 | [Market Analysis III](/solution/2900-2999/2922.Market%20Analysis%20III/ | `Database` | Medium | 🔒 | ## Copyright diff --git a/solution/ b/solution/ index 3f4d443a91359..e24d9b431fc61 100644 --- a/solution/ +++ b/solution/ @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ | 2649 | [嵌套数组生成器](/solution/2600-2699/2649.Nested%20Array%20Generator/ | | 中等 | | | 2650 | [设计可取消函数](/solution/2600-2699/2650.Design%20Cancellable%20Function/ | | 困难 | | | 2665 | [计数器 II](/solution/2600-2699/2665.Counter%20II/ | | 简单 | | -| 2666 | [只允许一次函数调用 44](/solution/2600-2699/2666.Allow%20One%20Function%20Call/ | | 简单 | | +| 2666 | [只允许一次函数调用](/solution/2600-2699/2666.Allow%20One%20Function%20Call/ | | 简单 | | | 2667 | [创建 Hello World 函数](/solution/2600-2699/2667.Create%20Hello%20World%20Function/ | | 简单 | | | 2675 | [将对象数组转换为矩阵](/solution/2600-2699/2675.Array%20of%20Objects%20to%20Matrix/ | | 困难 | 🔒 | | 2676 | [节流](/solution/2600-2699/2676.Throttle/ | | 中等 | 🔒 | diff --git a/solution/ b/solution/ index fd7aaf545d8e3..da6dba31d3d9a 100644 --- a/solution/ +++ b/solution/ @@ -2676,7 +2676,7 @@ | 2663 | [字典序最小的美丽字符串](/solution/2600-2699/2663.Lexicographically%20Smallest%20Beautiful%20String/ | `贪心`,`字符串` | 困难 | 第 343 场周赛 | | 2664 | [巡逻的骑士](/solution/2600-2699/2664.The%20Knight%E2%80%99s%20Tour/ | `数组`,`回溯`,`矩阵` | 中等 | 🔒 | | 2665 | [计数器 II](/solution/2600-2699/2665.Counter%20II/ | | 简单 | | -| 2666 | [只允许一次函数调用44](/solution/2600-2699/2666.Allow%20One%20Function%20Call/ | | 简单 | | +| 2666 | [只允许一次函数调用](/solution/2600-2699/2666.Allow%20One%20Function%20Call/ | | 简单 | | | 2667 | [创建 Hello World 函数](/solution/2600-2699/2667.Create%20Hello%20World%20Function/ | | 简单 | | | 2668 | [查询员工当前薪水](/solution/2600-2699/2668.Find%20Latest%20Salaries/ | `数据库` | 简单 | 🔒 | | 2669 | [统计 Spotify 排行榜上艺术家出现次数](/solution/2600-2699/2669.Count%20Artist%20Occurrences%20On%20Spotify%20Ranking%20List/ | `数据库` | 简单 | 🔒 | @@ -2932,20 +2932,20 @@ | 2919 | [使数组变美的最小增量运算数](/solution/2900-2999/2919.Minimum%20Increment%20Operations%20to%20Make%20Array%20Beautiful/ | `数组`,`动态规划` | 中等 | 第 369 场周赛 | | 2920 | [收集所有金币可获得的最大积分](/solution/2900-2999/2920.Maximum%20Points%20After%20Collecting%20Coins%20From%20All%20Nodes/ | `位运算`,`树`,`深度优先搜索`,`数组`,`动态规划` | 困难 | 第 369 场周赛 | | 2921 | [具有递增价格的最大利润三元组 II](/solution/2900-2999/2921.Maximum%20Profitable%20Triplets%20With%20Increasing%20Prices%20II/ | `树状数组`,`数组` | 困难 | 🔒 | -| 2922 | [市场分析 III](/solution/2900-2999/2922.Market%20Analysis%20III/ | | 中等 | 🔒 | -| 2923 | [找到冠军 I](/solution/2900-2999/2923.Find%20Champion%20I/ | | 简单 | 第 370 场周赛 | -| 2924 | [找到冠军 II](/solution/2900-2999/2924.Find%20Champion%20II/ | | 中等 | 第 370 场周赛 | -| 2925 | [在树上执行操作以后得到的最大分数](/solution/2900-2999/2925.Maximum%20Score%20After%20Applying%20Operations%20on%20a%20Tree/ | | 中等 | 第 370 场周赛 | -| 2926 | [平衡子序列的最大和](/solution/2900-2999/2926.Maximum%20Balanced%20Subsequence%20Sum/ | | 困难 | 第 370 场周赛 | -| 2927 | [将糖果分发给孩子 III](/solution/2900-2999/2927.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20III/ | | 困难 | 🔒 | -| 2928 | [给小朋友们分糖果 I](/solution/2900-2999/2928.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20I/ | | 简单 | 第 117 场双周赛 | -| 2929 | [给小朋友们分糖果 II](/solution/2900-2999/2929.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20II/ | | 中等 | 第 117 场双周赛 | -| 2930 | [重新排列后包含指定子字符串的字符串数目](/solution/2900-2999/2930.Number%20of%20Strings%20Which%20Can%20Be%20Rearranged%20to%20Contain%20Substring/ | | 中等 | 第 117 场双周赛 | -| 2931 | [购买物品的最大开销](/solution/2900-2999/2931.Maximum%20Spending%20After%20Buying%20Items/ | | 困难 | 第 117 场双周赛 | -| 2932 | [找出强数对的最大异或值 I](/solution/2900-2999/2932.Maximum%20Strong%20Pair%20XOR%20I/ | | 简单 | 第 371 场周赛 | -| 2933 | [高访问员工](/solution/2900-2999/2933.High-Access%20Employees/ | | 中等 | 第 371 场周赛 | -| 2934 | [最大化数组末位元素的最少操作次数](/solution/2900-2999/2934.Minimum%20Operations%20to%20Maximize%20Last%20Elements%20in%20Arrays/ | | 中等 | 第 371 场周赛 | -| 2935 | [找出强数对的最大异或值 II](/solution/2900-2999/2935.Maximum%20Strong%20Pair%20XOR%20II/ | | 困难 | 第 371 场周赛 | +| 2922 | [市场分析 III](/solution/2900-2999/2922.Market%20Analysis%20III/ | `数据库` | 中等 | 🔒 | +| 2923 | [找到冠军 I](/solution/2900-2999/2923.Find%20Champion%20I/ | `数组`,`矩阵` | 简单 | 第 370 场周赛 | +| 2924 | [找到冠军 II](/solution/2900-2999/2924.Find%20Champion%20II/ | `图` | 中等 | 第 370 场周赛 | +| 2925 | [在树上执行操作以后得到的最大分数](/solution/2900-2999/2925.Maximum%20Score%20After%20Applying%20Operations%20on%20a%20Tree/ | `树`,`深度优先搜索`,`动态规划` | 中等 | 第 370 场周赛 | +| 2926 | [平衡子序列的最大和](/solution/2900-2999/2926.Maximum%20Balanced%20Subsequence%20Sum/ | `树状数组`,`线段树`,`数组`,`二分查找`,`动态规划` | 困难 | 第 370 场周赛 | +| 2927 | [给小朋友们分糖果 III](/solution/2900-2999/2927.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20III/ | `数学`,`组合数学` | 困难 | 🔒 | +| 2928 | [给小朋友们分糖果 I](/solution/2900-2999/2928.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20I/ | `数学`,`组合数学`,`枚举` | 简单 | 第 117 场双周赛 | +| 2929 | [给小朋友们分糖果 II](/solution/2900-2999/2929.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20II/ | `数学`,`组合数学`,`枚举` | 中等 | 第 117 场双周赛 | +| 2930 | [重新排列后包含指定子字符串的字符串数目](/solution/2900-2999/2930.Number%20of%20Strings%20Which%20Can%20Be%20Rearranged%20to%20Contain%20Substring/ | `数学`,`动态规划`,`组合数学` | 中等 | 第 117 场双周赛 | +| 2931 | [购买物品的最大开销](/solution/2900-2999/2931.Maximum%20Spending%20After%20Buying%20Items/ | `贪心`,`数组`,`排序`,`堆(优先队列)` | 困难 | 第 117 场双周赛 | +| 2932 | [找出强数对的最大异或值 I](/solution/2900-2999/2932.Maximum%20Strong%20Pair%20XOR%20I/ | `位运算`,`字典树`,`数组`,`哈希表`,`滑动窗口` | 简单 | 第 371 场周赛 | +| 2933 | [高访问员工](/solution/2900-2999/2933.High-Access%20Employees/ | `数组`,`哈希表`,`字符串`,`排序` | 中等 | 第 371 场周赛 | +| 2934 | [最大化数组末位元素的最少操作次数](/solution/2900-2999/2934.Minimum%20Operations%20to%20Maximize%20Last%20Elements%20in%20Arrays/ | `贪心`,`数组` | 中等 | 第 371 场周赛 | +| 2935 | [找出强数对的最大异或值 II](/solution/2900-2999/2935.Maximum%20Strong%20Pair%20XOR%20II/ | `位运算`,`字典树`,`数组`,`哈希表`,`滑动窗口` | 困难 | 第 371 场周赛 | | 2936 | [Number of Equal Numbers Blocks](/solution/2900-2999/2936.Number%20of%20Equal%20Numbers%20Blocks/ | | 中等 | 🔒 | ## 版权 diff --git a/solution/ b/solution/ index c87aa714c53aa..46b514126559c 100644 --- a/solution/ +++ b/solution/ @@ -2930,20 +2930,20 @@ Press Control + F(or Command + F on | 2919 | [Minimum Increment Operations to Make Array Beautiful](/solution/2900-2999/2919.Minimum%20Increment%20Operations%20to%20Make%20Array%20Beautiful/ | `Array`,`Dynamic Programming` | Medium | Weekly Contest 369 | | 2920 | [Maximum Points After Collecting Coins From All Nodes](/solution/2900-2999/2920.Maximum%20Points%20After%20Collecting%20Coins%20From%20All%20Nodes/ | `Bit Manipulation`,`Tree`,`Depth-First Search`,`Array`,`Dynamic Programming` | Hard | Weekly Contest 369 | | 2921 | [Maximum Profitable Triplets With Increasing Prices II](/solution/2900-2999/2921.Maximum%20Profitable%20Triplets%20With%20Increasing%20Prices%20II/ | `Binary Indexed Tree`,`Array` | Hard | 🔒 | -| 2922 | [Market Analysis III](/solution/2900-2999/2922.Market%20Analysis%20III/ | | Medium | 🔒 | -| 2923 | [Find Champion I](/solution/2900-2999/2923.Find%20Champion%20I/ | | Easy | Weekly Contest 370 | -| 2924 | [Find Champion II](/solution/2900-2999/2924.Find%20Champion%20II/ | | Medium | Weekly Contest 370 | -| 2925 | [Maximum Score After Applying Operations on a Tree](/solution/2900-2999/2925.Maximum%20Score%20After%20Applying%20Operations%20on%20a%20Tree/ | | Medium | Weekly Contest 370 | -| 2926 | [Maximum Balanced Subsequence Sum](/solution/2900-2999/2926.Maximum%20Balanced%20Subsequence%20Sum/ | | Hard | Weekly Contest 370 | -| 2927 | [Distribute Candies Among Children III](/solution/2900-2999/2927.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20III/ | | Hard | 🔒 | -| 2928 | [Distribute Candies Among Children I](/solution/2900-2999/2928.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20I/ | | Easy | Biweekly Contest 117 | -| 2929 | [Distribute Candies Among Children II](/solution/2900-2999/2929.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20II/ | | Medium | Biweekly Contest 117 | -| 2930 | [Number of Strings Which Can Be Rearranged to Contain Substring](/solution/2900-2999/2930.Number%20of%20Strings%20Which%20Can%20Be%20Rearranged%20to%20Contain%20Substring/ | | Medium | Biweekly Contest 117 | -| 2931 | [Maximum Spending After Buying Items](/solution/2900-2999/2931.Maximum%20Spending%20After%20Buying%20Items/ | | Hard | Biweekly Contest 117 | -| 2932 | [Maximum Strong Pair XOR I](/solution/2900-2999/2932.Maximum%20Strong%20Pair%20XOR%20I/ | | Easy | Weekly Contest 371 | -| 2933 | [High-Access Employees](/solution/2900-2999/2933.High-Access%20Employees/ | | Medium | Weekly Contest 371 | -| 2934 | [Minimum Operations to Maximize Last Elements in Arrays](/solution/2900-2999/2934.Minimum%20Operations%20to%20Maximize%20Last%20Elements%20in%20Arrays/ | | Medium | Weekly Contest 371 | -| 2935 | [Maximum Strong Pair XOR II](/solution/2900-2999/2935.Maximum%20Strong%20Pair%20XOR%20II/ | | Hard | Weekly Contest 371 | +| 2922 | [Market Analysis III](/solution/2900-2999/2922.Market%20Analysis%20III/ | `Database` | Medium | 🔒 | +| 2923 | [Find Champion I](/solution/2900-2999/2923.Find%20Champion%20I/ | `Array`,`Matrix` | Easy | Weekly Contest 370 | +| 2924 | [Find Champion II](/solution/2900-2999/2924.Find%20Champion%20II/ | `Graph` | Medium | Weekly Contest 370 | +| 2925 | [Maximum Score After Applying Operations on a Tree](/solution/2900-2999/2925.Maximum%20Score%20After%20Applying%20Operations%20on%20a%20Tree/ | `Tree`,`Depth-First Search`,`Dynamic Programming` | Medium | Weekly Contest 370 | +| 2926 | [Maximum Balanced Subsequence Sum](/solution/2900-2999/2926.Maximum%20Balanced%20Subsequence%20Sum/ | `Binary Indexed Tree`,`Segment Tree`,`Array`,`Binary Search`,`Dynamic Programming` | Hard | Weekly Contest 370 | +| 2927 | [Distribute Candies Among Children III](/solution/2900-2999/2927.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20III/ | `Math`,`Combinatorics` | Hard | 🔒 | +| 2928 | [Distribute Candies Among Children I](/solution/2900-2999/2928.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20I/ | `Math`,`Combinatorics`,`Enumeration` | Easy | Biweekly Contest 117 | +| 2929 | [Distribute Candies Among Children II](/solution/2900-2999/2929.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20II/ | `Math`,`Combinatorics`,`Enumeration` | Medium | Biweekly Contest 117 | +| 2930 | [Number of Strings Which Can Be Rearranged to Contain Substring](/solution/2900-2999/2930.Number%20of%20Strings%20Which%20Can%20Be%20Rearranged%20to%20Contain%20Substring/ | `Math`,`Dynamic Programming`,`Combinatorics` | Medium | Biweekly Contest 117 | +| 2931 | [Maximum Spending After Buying Items](/solution/2900-2999/2931.Maximum%20Spending%20After%20Buying%20Items/ | `Greedy`,`Array`,`Sorting`,`Heap (Priority Queue)` | Hard | Biweekly Contest 117 | +| 2932 | [Maximum Strong Pair XOR I](/solution/2900-2999/2932.Maximum%20Strong%20Pair%20XOR%20I/ | `Bit Manipulation`,`Trie`,`Array`,`Hash Table`,`Sliding Window` | Easy | Weekly Contest 371 | +| 2933 | [High-Access Employees](/solution/2900-2999/2933.High-Access%20Employees/ | `Array`,`Hash Table`,`String`,`Sorting` | Medium | Weekly Contest 371 | +| 2934 | [Minimum Operations to Maximize Last Elements in Arrays](/solution/2900-2999/2934.Minimum%20Operations%20to%20Maximize%20Last%20Elements%20in%20Arrays/ | `Greedy`,`Array` | Medium | Weekly Contest 371 | +| 2935 | [Maximum Strong Pair XOR II](/solution/2900-2999/2935.Maximum%20Strong%20Pair%20XOR%20II/ | `Bit Manipulation`,`Trie`,`Array`,`Hash Table`,`Sliding Window` | Hard | Weekly Contest 371 | | 2936 | [Number of Equal Numbers Blocks](/solution/2900-2999/2936.Number%20of%20Equal%20Numbers%20Blocks/ | | Medium | 🔒 | ## Copyright diff --git a/solution/ b/solution/ index 55e6891c468f4..85429c59a6476 100644 --- a/solution/ +++ b/solution/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ - [2649.嵌套数组生成器](/javascript-solution/2600-2699/2649.Nested%20Array%20Generator/ - [2650.设计可取消函数](/javascript-solution/2600-2699/2650.Design%20Cancellable%20Function/ - [2665.计数器 II](/javascript-solution/2600-2699/2665.Counter%20II/ - - [2666.只允许一次函数调用 44](/javascript-solution/2600-2699/2666.Allow%20One%20Function%20Call/ + - [2666.只允许一次函数调用](/javascript-solution/2600-2699/2666.Allow%20One%20Function%20Call/ - [2667.创建 Hello World 函数](/javascript-solution/2600-2699/2667.Create%20Hello%20World%20Function/ - [2675.将对象数组转换为矩阵](/javascript-solution/2600-2699/2675.Array%20of%20Objects%20to%20Matrix/ - [2676.节流](/javascript-solution/2600-2699/2676.Throttle/ diff --git a/solution/ b/solution/ index bee681dbb53ce..b94f1adf67664 100644 --- a/solution/ +++ b/solution/ @@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ - [0394.字符串解码](/solution/0300-0399/0394.Decode%20String/ - [0395.至少有 K 个重复字符的最长子串](/solution/0300-0399/0395.Longest%20Substring%20with%20At%20Least%20K%20Repeating%20Characters/ - [0396.旋转函数](/solution/0300-0399/0396.Rotate%20Function/ - - [0397.整数替换](/solution/0300-0399/0397.Integer%20Replacement/ + - [0397.Integer Replacement](/solution/0300-0399/0397.Integer%20Replacement/ - [0398.随机数索引](/solution/0300-0399/0398.Random%20Pick%20Index/ - [0399.除法求值](/solution/0300-0399/0399.Evaluate%20Division/ @@ -2717,7 +2717,7 @@ - [2663.字典序最小的美丽字符串](/solution/2600-2699/2663.Lexicographically%20Smallest%20Beautiful%20String/ - [2664.巡逻的骑士](/solution/2600-2699/2664.The%20Knight%E2%80%99s%20Tour/ - [2665.计数器 II](/solution/2600-2699/2665.Counter%20II/ - - [2666.只允许一次函数调用44](/solution/2600-2699/2666.Allow%20One%20Function%20Call/ + - [2666.只允许一次函数调用](/solution/2600-2699/2666.Allow%20One%20Function%20Call/ - [2667.创建 Hello World 函数](/solution/2600-2699/2667.Create%20Hello%20World%20Function/ - [2668.查询员工当前薪水](/solution/2600-2699/2668.Find%20Latest%20Salaries/ - [2669.统计 Spotify 排行榜上艺术家出现次数](/solution/2600-2699/2669.Count%20Artist%20Occurrences%20On%20Spotify%20Ranking%20List/ @@ -2984,7 +2984,7 @@ - [2924.找到冠军 II](/solution/2900-2999/2924.Find%20Champion%20II/ - [2925.在树上执行操作以后得到的最大分数](/solution/2900-2999/2925.Maximum%20Score%20After%20Applying%20Operations%20on%20a%20Tree/ - [2926.平衡子序列的最大和](/solution/2900-2999/2926.Maximum%20Balanced%20Subsequence%20Sum/ - - [2927.将糖果分发给孩子 III](/solution/2900-2999/2927.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20III/ + - [2927.给小朋友们分糖果 III](/solution/2900-2999/2927.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20III/ - [2928.给小朋友们分糖果 I](/solution/2900-2999/2928.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20I/ - [2929.给小朋友们分糖果 II](/solution/2900-2999/2929.Distribute%20Candies%20Among%20Children%20II/ - [2930.重新排列后包含指定子字符串的字符串数目](/solution/2900-2999/2930.Number%20of%20Strings%20Which%20Can%20Be%20Rearranged%20to%20Contain%20Substring/ HtmlParser { // 返回给定 url 对应的页面中的全部 url 。 public List<String> getUrls(String url); }@@ -34,40 +35,42 @@示例 1:
输入: ++输入: urls = [ - "", - "", - "", - "", - "" + "", + "", + "", + "", + "" ] edges = [[2,0],[2,1],[3,2],[3,1],[0,4]] -startUrl = "" +startUrl = "" 输出:[ - "", - "", - "", - "" + "", + "", + "", + "" ]示例 2:
输入: ++输入: urls = [ - "", - "", - "", - "" + "", + "", + "", + "" ] edges = [[0,2],[2,1],[3,2],[3,1],[3,0]] -startUrl = "" -输入:[""] +startUrl = "" +输出:[""] 解释:startUrl 链接到所有其他不共享相同主机名的页面。@@ -78,8 +81,8 @@ startUrl = ""
1 <= urls.length <= 1000
1 <= urls[i].length <= 300
- startUrl
中的一个。域名标签的长为1到63个字符(包括点),只能包含从‘a’到‘z’的ASCII字母、‘0’到‘9’的数字以及连字符即减号(‘-’)。 -域名标签不会以连字符即减号(‘-’)开头或结尾。 +域名标签的长为1到63个字符(包括点),只能包含从‘a’到‘z’的ASCII字母、‘0’到‘9’的数字以及连字符即减号(‘-’)。 +域名标签不会以连字符即减号(‘-’)开头或结尾。 关于域名有效性的约束可参考: 你可以假定url库中不包含重复项。 diff --git a/solution/1900-1999/1921.Eliminate Maximum Number of Monsters/ b/solution/1900-1999/1921.Eliminate Maximum Number of Monsters/ index 5925a752b540b..6a1f55a2a142f 100644 --- a/solution/1900-1999/1921.Eliminate Maximum Number of Monsters/ +++ b/solution/1900-1999/1921.Eliminate Maximum Number of Monsters/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Explanation: In the beginning, the distances of the monsters are [1,3,4]. You eliminate the first monster. After a minute, the distances of the monsters are [X,2,3]. You eliminate the second monster. -After a minute, the distances of the monsters are [X,X,2]. You eliminate the thrid monster. +After a minute, the distances of the monsters are [X,X,2]. You eliminate the third monster. All 3 monsters can be eliminated.Example 2:
diff --git a/solution/2600-2699/2666.Allow One Function Call/ b/solution/2600-2699/2666.Allow One Function Call/ index 3101b8143c743..19c5f0df9d098 100644 --- a/solution/2600-2699/2666.Allow One Function Call/ +++ b/solution/2600-2699/2666.Allow One Function Call/ @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# [2666. 只允许一次函数调用 44]( +# [2666. 只允许一次函数调用]( [English Version](/solution/2600-2699/2666.Allow%20One%20Function%20Call/ diff --git a/solution/2800-2899/2881.Create a New Column/ b/solution/2800-2899/2881.Create a New Column/ index 97989d19396bd..11d738329f185 100644 --- a/solution/2800-2899/2881.Create a New Column/ +++ b/solution/2800-2899/2881.Create a New Column/ @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ DataFrame employees | Piper | 4548 | 9096 | | Grace | 28150 | 56300 | | Georgia | 1103 | 2206 | -| Willow | 593 | 13186 | +| Willow | 6593 | 13186 | | Finn | 74576 | 149152 | | Thomas | 24433 | 48866 | +---------+--------+--------+ diff --git a/solution/2900-2999/2922.Market Analysis III/ b/solution/2900-2999/2922.Market Analysis III/ index a01a8c5c08ce0..4ea7e1d6cc868 100644 --- a/solution/2900-2999/2922.Market Analysis III/ +++ b/solution/2900-2999/2922.Market Analysis III/ @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ -Table:
+----------------+---------+ @@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ | favorite_brand | varchar | +----------------+---------+ seller_id 是该表的主键。 -该表包含销售者的 ID, 加入日期以及最喜欢的品牌。 +该表包含卖家的 ID, 加入日期以及最喜欢的品牌。-Table:
+---------------+---------+ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ seller_id 是该表的主键。 item_id 是该表的主键。 该表包含商品 ID 和商品品牌。-Table:
+---------------+---------+ @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ item_id 是指向 Items 表的外键。 seller_id 是指向 Users 表的外键。 该表包含订单 ID、下单日期、商品 ID 和卖家 ID。-编写一个解决方案,找到销售最多与其最喜欢的品牌 不同 的 独特 商品的 顶级卖家。如果有多个卖家销售同样数量的商品,则返回所有这些卖家。
+编写一个解决方案,找到卖出非喜爱的品牌数量 最多 的一个卖家。如果有多个卖家销售了同样数量的商品,则返回包括所有卖出非喜爱品牌数量最多的卖家名单。
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ Items table: | 3 | 1 | +-----------+-----------+ 解释: -- 卖家 ID 为 2 的用户销售了三件商品,但只有两件不被标记为最喜欢的商品。我们将只列入独特计数为 1,因为这两件商品都是相同的。 -- 卖家 ID 为 3 的用户销售了两件商品,但只有一件不被标记为最喜欢的商品。我们将只包括那个不被标记为最喜欢的商品列入计数中。 +- 卖家 ID 为 2 的用户销售了三件商品,但只有两件不是他最喜欢的商品。由于这两个商品品牌相同,所以我们只计数 1。 +- 卖家 ID 为 3 的用户销售了两件商品,但只有一件不是他最喜欢的商品。我们将只把 不被标记为最喜欢 的商品列入计数中。 因为卖家 ID 为 2 和 3 的卖家都有一件商品列入计数,所以他们都将显示在输出中。seller_id
升序排序 的结果表。