diff --git a/solution/0000-0099/0080.Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II/README.md b/solution/0000-0099/0080.Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II/README.md index b6a847e0b7624..8140b980dbd1d 100644 --- a/solution/0000-0099/0080.Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II/README.md +++ b/solution/0000-0099/0080.Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II/README.md @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
输入:nums = [1,1,1,2,2,3] 输出:5, nums = [1,1,2,2,3] -解释:函数应返回新长度 length =5
, 并且原数组的前五个元素被修改为1, 1, 2, 2,
3 。 不需要考虑数组中超出新长度后面的元素。 +解释:函数应返回新长度 length =5
, 并且原数组的前五个元素被修改为1, 1, 2, 2, 3
。 不需要考虑数组中超出新长度后面的元素。
示例 2:
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {输入:nums = [0,0,1,1,1,1,2,3,3] 输出:7, nums = [0,0,1,1,2,3,3] -解释:函数应返回新长度 length =7
, 并且原数组的前五个元素被修改为0
, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3 。 不需要考虑数组中超出新长度后面的元素。 +解释:函数应返回新长度 length =7
, 并且原数组的前五个元素被修改为0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3
diff --git a/solution/0300-0399/0373.Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums/README.md b/solution/0300-0399/0373.Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums/README.md index d3a1025de67d5..27ce4ea23bfe6 100644 --- a/solution/0300-0399/0373.Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums/README.md +++ b/solution/0300-0399/0373.Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums/README.md @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
1 <= nums1.length, nums2.length <= 105
-109 <= nums1[i], nums2[i] <= 109
和 nums2
均为升序排列1 <= k <= 1000
1 <= k <= 104
The first order of a customer is the order with the earliest order date that the customer made. It is guaranteed that a customer has precisely one first order.
-Write an SQL query to find the percentage of immediate orders in the first orders of all customers, rounded to 2 decimal places.
+Write a solution to find the percentage of immediate orders in the first orders of all customers, rounded to 2 decimal places.
-The query result format is in the following example.
+The result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
diff --git a/solution/1200-1299/1204.Last Person to Fit in the Bus/README_EN.md b/solution/1200-1299/1204.Last Person to Fit in the Bus/README_EN.md index 0dfacf1d55409..6f482f4d6bd2e 100644 --- a/solution/1200-1299/1204.Last Person to Fit in the Bus/README_EN.md +++ b/solution/1200-1299/1204.Last Person to Fit in the Bus/README_EN.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ | weight | int | | turn | int | +-------------+---------+ -person_id is the primary key column for this table. +person_id column contains unique values. This table has the information about all people waiting for a bus. The person_id and turn columns will contain all numbers from 1 to n, where n is the number of rows in the table. turn determines the order of which the people will board the bus, where turn=1 denotes the first person to board and turn=n denotes the last person to board. @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ weight is the weight of the person in kilograms.There is a queue of people waiting to board a bus. However, the bus has a weight limit of 1000
kilograms, so there may be some people who cannot board.
Write an SQL query to find the person_name
of the last person that can fit on the bus without exceeding the weight limit. The test cases are generated such that the first person does not exceed the weight limit.
Write a solution to find the person_name
of the last person that can fit on the bus without exceeding the weight limit. The test cases are generated such that the first person does not exceed the weight limit.
The query result format is in the following example.
+The result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
diff --git a/solution/1200-1299/1211.Queries Quality and Percentage/README_EN.md b/solution/1200-1299/1211.Queries Quality and Percentage/README_EN.md index 9bd741eacd337..6a86953394d56 100644 --- a/solution/1200-1299/1211.Queries Quality and Percentage/README_EN.md +++ b/solution/1200-1299/1211.Queries Quality and Percentage/README_EN.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ | position | int | | rating | int | +-------------+---------+ -There is no primary key for this table, it may have duplicate rows. +This table may have duplicate rows. This table contains information collected from some queries on a database. Theposition
column has a value from 1 to 500.
The rating
column has a value from 1 to 5. Query with rating
less than 3 is a poor query.
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ The rating
column has a value from 1 to 5<
The percentage of all queries with rating less than 3.
-Write an SQL query to find each query_name
, the quality
and poor_query_percentage
Write a solution to find each query_name
, the quality
and poor_query_percentage
Both quality
and poor_query_percentage
should be rounded to 2 decimal places.
Return the result table in any order.
-The query result format is in the following example.
+The result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
diff --git a/solution/1200-1299/1212.Team Scores in Football Tournament/README_EN.md b/solution/1200-1299/1212.Team Scores in Football Tournament/README_EN.md index 5d98e3468dae6..604897cb2482a 100644 --- a/solution/1200-1299/1212.Team Scores in Football Tournament/README_EN.md +++ b/solution/1200-1299/1212.Team Scores in Football Tournament/README_EN.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ | team_id | int | | team_name | varchar | +---------------+----------+ -team_id is the primary key of this table. +team_id is the column with unique values of this table. Each row of this table represents a single football team. @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Each row of this table represents a single football team. | host_goals | int | | guest_goals | int | +---------------+---------+ -match_id is the primary key of this table. +match_id is the column of unique values of this table. Each row is a record of a finished match between two different teams. Teams host_team and guest_team are represented by their IDs in the Teams table (team_id), and they scored host_goals and guest_goals goals, respectively. @@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ You would like to compute the scores of all teams after all matches. Points areWrite an SQL query that selects the team_id
, team_name
and num_points
of each team in the tournament after all described matches.
Write a solution that selects the team_id
, team_name
and num_points
of each team in the tournament after all described matches.
Return the result table ordered by num_points
in decreasing order. In case of a tie, order the records by team_id
in increasing order.
The query result format is in the following example.
+The result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
diff --git a/solution/1200-1299/1264.Page Recommendations/README_EN.md b/solution/1200-1299/1264.Page Recommendations/README_EN.md index 2a9b26806f60b..9ce50693a7d04 100644 --- a/solution/1200-1299/1264.Page Recommendations/README_EN.md +++ b/solution/1200-1299/1264.Page Recommendations/README_EN.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ | user1_id | int | | user2_id | int | +---------------+---------+ -(user1_id, user2_id) is the primary key for this table. +(user1_id, user2_id) is the primary key (combination of columns with unique values) for this table. Each row of this table indicates that there is a friendship relation between user1_id and user2_id. @@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ Each row of this table indicates that there is a friendship relation between use | user_id | int | | page_id | int | +-------------+---------+ -(user_id, page_id) is the primary key for this table. +(user_id, page_id) is the primary key (combination of columns with unique values) for this table. Each row of this table indicates that user_id likes page_id.-
Write an SQL query to recommend pages to the user with user_id = 1
using the pages that your friends liked. It should not recommend pages you already liked.
Write a solution to recommend pages to the user with user_id = 1
using the pages that your friends liked. It should not recommend pages you already liked.
Return result table in any order without duplicates.
-The query result format is in the following example.
+The result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
diff --git a/solution/1200-1299/1270.All People Report to the Given Manager/README_EN.md b/solution/1200-1299/1270.All People Report to the Given Manager/README_EN.md index 298976bef7366..d6701da9c73e6 100644 --- a/solution/1200-1299/1270.All People Report to the Given Manager/README_EN.md +++ b/solution/1200-1299/1270.All People Report to the Given Manager/README_EN.md @@ -14,20 +14,20 @@ | employee_name | varchar | | manager_id | int | +---------------+---------+ -employee_id is the primary key for this table. +employee_id is the column of unique values for this table. Each row of this table indicates that the employee with ID employee_id and name employee_name reports his work to his/her direct manager with manager_id The head of the company is the employee with employee_id = 1.-
Write an SQL query to find employee_id
of all employees that directly or indirectly report their work to the head of the company.
Write a solution to find employee_id
of all employees that directly or indirectly report their work to the head of the company.
The indirect relation between managers will not exceed three managers as the company is small.
Return the result table in any order.
-The query result format is in the following example.
+The result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
diff --git a/solution/1200-1299/1285.Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges/README_EN.md b/solution/1200-1299/1285.Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges/README_EN.md index ee4e82dcd613f..f741417b7e5ed 100644 --- a/solution/1200-1299/1285.Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges/README_EN.md +++ b/solution/1200-1299/1285.Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges/README_EN.md @@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ +---------------+---------+ | log_id | int | +---------------+---------+ -log_id is the primary key for this table. +log_id is the column of unique values for this table. Each row of this table contains the ID in a log Table.-
Write an SQL query to find the start and end number of continuous ranges in the table Logs
Write a solution to find the start and end number of continuous ranges in the table Logs
Return the result table ordered by start_id
The query result format is in the following example.
+The result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
diff --git a/solution/1300-1399/1326.Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden/README_EN.md b/solution/1300-1399/1326.Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden/README_EN.md index b1ee7747afa00..9e55ef6bce344 100644 --- a/solution/1300-1399/1326.Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden/README_EN.md +++ b/solution/1300-1399/1326.Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden/README_EN.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ ## Description -There is a one-dimensional garden on the x-axis. The garden starts at the point 0
and ends at the point n
. (i.e The length of the garden is n
There is a one-dimensional garden on the x-axis. The garden starts at the point 0
and ends at the point n
. (i.e., the length of the garden is n
There are n + 1
taps located at points [0, 1, ..., n]
in the garden.
一张有 n
个节点的无向图以边的列表 edgeList
的形式定义,其中 edgeList[i] = [ui, vi, disi]
表示一条连接 ui
和 vi
,距离为 disi
一张有 n
个节点的无向图以边的列表 edgeList
的形式定义,其中 edgeList[i] = [ui, vi, disi]
表示一条连接 ui
和 vi
,距离为 disi
实现 DistanceLimitedPathsExist
实现 DistanceLimitedPathsExist
DistanceLimitedPathsExist(int n, int[][] edgeList)
以给定的无向图初始化对象。boolean query(int p, int q, int limit)
当存在一条从 p
到 q
的路径,且路径中每条边的距离都严格小于 limit
时,返回 true
,否则返回 false
。DistanceLimitedPathsExist(int n, int[][] edgeList)
以给定的无向图初始化对象。boolean query(int p, int q, int limit)
当存在一条从 p
到 q
的路径,且路径中每条边的距离都严格小于 limit
时,返回 true
,否则返回 false
示例 1:
-输入: ++输入: ["DistanceLimitedPathsExist", "query", "query", "query", "query"] [[6, [[0, 2, 4], [0, 3, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 1], [4, 5, 5]]], [2, 3, 2], [1, 3, 3], [2, 0, 3], [0, 5, 6]] 输出: @@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ 解释: DistanceLimitedPathsExist distanceLimitedPathsExist = new DistanceLimitedPathsExist(6, [[0, 2, 4], [0, 3, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 1], [4, 5, 5]]); distanceLimitedPathsExist.query(2, 3, 2); // 返回 true。存在一条从 2 到 3 ,距离为 1 的边, - // 这条边的距离小于 2。 + // 这条边的距离小于 2。 distanceLimitedPathsExist.query(1, 3, 3); // 返回 false。从 1 到 3 之间不存在每条边的距离都 // 严格小于 3 的路径。 distanceLimitedPathsExist.query(2, 0, 3); // 返回 true。存在一条从 2 到 0 的路径,使得每条边的 @@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ distanceLimitedPathsExist.query(2, 0, 3); // 返回 true。存在一条从 2 到 distanceLimitedPathsExist.query(0, 5, 6); // 返回 false。从 0 到 5 之间不存在路径。-+
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ distanceLimitedPathsExist.query(0, 5, 6); // 返回 false。从 0 到 5 之间
ui != vi
p != q
1 <= disi, limit <= 109
次 query
次 query
。Given an integer array nums
and two integers k
and p
, return the number of distinct subarrays which have at most k
elements divisible by p
Given an integer array nums
and two integers k
and p
, return the number of distinct subarrays, which have at most k
elements that are divisible by p
Two arrays nums1
and nums2
are said to be distinct if:
You have two fruit baskets containing n
fruits each. You are given two 0-indexed integer arrays basket1
and basket2
representing the cost of fruit in each basket. You want to make both baskets equal. To do so, you can use the following operation as many times as you want:
and j
, and swap the ith
fruit of basket1
with the jth
fruit of basket2
and j
, and swap the ith
fruit of basket1
with the jth
fruit of basket2
obj is a valid JSON object
is a valid JSON object2 <= JSON.stringify(obj).length <= 106
给你一个仅由小写英文字母组成的字符串 s
的任一非空子字符串,可能是整个字符串,接着将字符串中的每一个字符替换为英文字母表中的前一个字符。例如,'b' 用 'a' 替换,'a' 用 'z' 替换。s
的任一非空子字符串,可能是整个字符串,接着将字符串中的每一个字符替换为英文字母表中的前一个字符。例如,'b' 用 'a' 替换,'a' 用 'z' 替换。返回执行上述操作 恰好一次 后可以获得的 字典序最小 的字符串。
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@示例 1:
-输入:s = "cbabc" ++输入:s = "cbabc" 输出:"baabc" 解释:我们选择从下标 0 开始、到下标 1 结束的子字符串执行操作。 可以证明最终得到的字符串是字典序最小的。 @@ -29,7 +30,8 @@示例 2:
-输入:s = "acbbc" ++输入:s = "acbbc" 输出:"abaab" 解释:我们选择从下标 1 开始、到下标 4 结束的子字符串执行操作。 可以证明最终得到的字符串是字典序最小的。 @@ -37,7 +39,8 @@示例 3:
-输入:s = "leetcode" +-+输入:s = "leetcode" 输出:"kddsbncd" 解释:我们选择整个字符串执行操作。 可以证明最终得到的字符串是字典序最小的。 diff --git a/solution/2700-2799/2776.Convert Callback Based Function to Promise Based Function/README_EN.md b/solution/2700-2799/2776.Convert Callback Based Function to Promise Based Function/README_EN.md index 4f9966b8130f8..fe35ce8c098ee 100644 --- a/solution/2700-2799/2776.Convert Callback Based Function to Promise Based Function/README_EN.md +++ b/solution/2700-2799/2776.Convert Callback Based Function to Promise Based Function/README_EN.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ async function sum(a, b) {@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@ Each row of this table contains user id and name. | user_id | int | | distance | int | +--------------+------+ -ride_id is the primary key for this table. +ride_id is the column of unique values for this table. Each row of this table contains ride id, user id, and traveled distance.Input: fn = (callback, a, b, c) => { - return callback(a * b * c); + callback(a * b * c); } args = [1, 2, 3] Output: {"resolved": 6} @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ fn is called with a callback as the first argument and args as the rest. The pro-Input: fn = (callback, a, b, c) => { - callback(a * b * c, "Promise Rejected"); + callback(a * b * c, "Promise Rejected"); } args = [4, 5, 6] Output: {"rejected": "Promise Rejected"} diff --git a/solution/2700-2799/2782.Number of Unique Categories/README_EN.md b/solution/2700-2799/2782.Number of Unique Categories/README_EN.md index 8f847f1fe84b9..b688d935b50e9 100644 --- a/solution/2700-2799/2782.Number of Unique Categories/README_EN.md +++ b/solution/2700-2799/2782.Number of Unique Categories/README_EN.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@@@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ Each row of this table contains user id and name. | user_id | int | | distance | int | +--------------+------+ -ride_id is the primary key for this table. +ride_id is the column of unique values for this table. Each row of this table contains ride id, user id, and traveled distance.Example 1:
-Input: n = 6, catagoryHandler = [1,1,2,2,3,3] +Input: n = 6, categoryHandler = [1,1,2,2,3,3] Output: 3 Explanation: There are 6 elements in this example. The first two elements belong to category 1, the second two belong to category 2, and the last two elements belong to category 3. So there are 3 unique categories.@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@Example 2:
-Input: n = 5, catagoryHandler = [1,2,3,4,5] +Input: n = 5, categoryHandler = [1,2,3,4,5] Output: 5 Explanation: There are 5 elements in this example. Each element belongs to a unique category. So there are 5 unique categories.@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@Example 3:
-Input: n = 3, catagoryHandler = [1,1,1] +Input: n = 3, categoryHandler = [1,1,1] Output: 1 Explanation: There are 3 elements in this example. All of them belong to one category. So there is only 1 unique category.diff --git a/solution/2800-2899/2837.Total Traveled Distance/README.md b/solution/2800-2899/2837.Total Traveled Distance/README.md index f1d3aee92e8d7..76264ab60c259 100644 --- a/solution/2800-2899/2837.Total Traveled Distance/README.md +++ b/solution/2800-2899/2837.Total Traveled Distance/README.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ | user_id | int | | name | varchar | +-------------+---------+ -user_id
is the primary key for this table. +user_id
is the column with unique values for this table. Each row of this table contains user id and name.Write an SQL query to calculate the
traveled by each user. If there is a user who hasn't completed any rides, then theirdistance
should be considered as0
. Output theuser_id
and total traveleddistance
.Write a solution to calculate the
traveled by each user. If there is a user who hasn't completed any rides, then theirdistance
should be considered as0
. Output theuser_id
and total traveleddistance
.Return the result table ordered by
in ascending order.The query result format is in the following example.
+The result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
diff --git a/solution/2800-2899/2837.Total Traveled Distance/README_EN.md b/solution/2800-2899/2837.Total Traveled Distance/README_EN.md index c6a392a8ad84b..16d601c2337c5 100644 --- a/solution/2800-2899/2837.Total Traveled Distance/README_EN.md +++ b/solution/2800-2899/2837.Total Traveled Distance/README_EN.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ | user_id | int | | name | varchar | +-------------+---------+ -user_id
is the primary key for this table. +user_id
is the column with unique values for this table. Each row of this table contains user id and name.Write an SQL query to calculate the
traveled by each user. If there is a user who hasn't completed any rides, then theirdistance
should be considered as0
. Output theuser_id
and total traveleddistance
.Write a solution to calculate the
traveled by each user. If there is a user who hasn't completed any rides, then theirdistance
should be considered as0
. Output theuser_id
and total traveleddistance
.Return the result table ordered by
in ascending order.The query result format is in the following example.
+The result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
diff --git a/solution/README.md b/solution/README.md index fc4d1032b530a..647142d889e83 100644 --- a/solution/README.md +++ b/solution/README.md @@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ | 0718 | [最长重复子数组](/solution/0700-0799/0718.Maximum%20Length%20of%20Repeated%20Subarray/README.md) | `数组`,`二分查找`,`动态规划`,`滑动窗口`,`哈希函数`,`滚动哈希` | 中等 | | | 0719 | [找出第 K 小的数对距离](/solution/0700-0799/0719.Find%20K-th%20Smallest%20Pair%20Distance/README.md) | `数组`,`双指针`,`二分查找`,`排序` | 困难 | | | 0720 | [词典中最长的单词](/solution/0700-0799/0720.Longest%20Word%20in%20Dictionary/README.md) | `字典树`,`数组`,`哈希表`,`字符串`,`排序` | 中等 | | -| 0721 | [账户合并](/solution/0700-0799/0721.Accounts%20Merge/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`广度优先搜索`,`并查集`,`数组`,`字符串` | 中等 | | +| 0721 | [账户合并](/solution/0700-0799/0721.Accounts%20Merge/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`广度优先搜索`,`并查集`,`数组`,`哈希表`,`字符串`,`排序` | 中等 | | | 0722 | [删除注释](/solution/0700-0799/0722.Remove%20Comments/README.md) | `数组`,`字符串` | 中等 | | | 0723 | [粉碎糖果](/solution/0700-0799/0723.Candy%20Crush/README.md) | `数组`,`双指针`,`矩阵`,`模拟` | 中等 | 🔒 | | 0724 | [寻找数组的中心下标](/solution/0700-0799/0724.Find%20Pivot%20Index/README.md) | `数组`,`前缀和` | 简单 | | @@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ | 0836 | [矩形重叠](/solution/0800-0899/0836.Rectangle%20Overlap/README.md) | `几何`,`数学` | 简单 | 第 85 场周赛 | | 0837 | [新 21 点](/solution/0800-0899/0837.New%2021%20Game/README.md) | `数学`,`动态规划`,`滑动窗口`,`概率与统计` | 中等 | 第 85 场周赛 | | 0838 | [推多米诺](/solution/0800-0899/0838.Push%20Dominoes/README.md) | `双指针`,`字符串`,`动态规划` | 中等 | 第 85 场周赛 | -| 0839 | [相似字符串组](/solution/0800-0899/0839.Similar%20String%20Groups/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`广度优先搜索`,`并查集`,`数组`,`字符串` | 困难 | 第 85 场周赛 | +| 0839 | [相似字符串组](/solution/0800-0899/0839.Similar%20String%20Groups/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`广度优先搜索`,`并查集`,`数组`,`哈希表`,`字符串` | 困难 | 第 85 场周赛 | | 0840 | [矩阵中的幻方](/solution/0800-0899/0840.Magic%20Squares%20In%20Grid/README.md) | `数组`,`数学`,`矩阵` | 中等 | 第 86 场周赛 | | 0841 | [钥匙和房间](/solution/0800-0899/0841.Keys%20and%20Rooms/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`广度优先搜索`,`图` | 中等 | 第 86 场周赛 | | 0842 | [将数组拆分成斐波那契序列](/solution/0800-0899/0842.Split%20Array%20into%20Fibonacci%20Sequence/README.md) | `字符串`,`回溯` | 中等 | 第 86 场周赛 | @@ -934,11 +934,11 @@ | 0921 | [使括号有效的最少添加](/solution/0900-0999/0921.Minimum%20Add%20to%20Make%20Parentheses%20Valid/README.md) | `栈`,`贪心`,`字符串` | 中等 | 第 106 场周赛 | | 0922 | [按奇偶排序数组 II](/solution/0900-0999/0922.Sort%20Array%20By%20Parity%20II/README.md) | `数组`,`双指针`,`排序` | 简单 | 第 106 场周赛 | | 0923 | [三数之和的多种可能](/solution/0900-0999/0923.3Sum%20With%20Multiplicity/README.md) | `数组`,`哈希表`,`双指针`,`计数`,`排序` | 中等 | 第 106 场周赛 | -| 0924 | [尽量减少恶意软件的传播](/solution/0900-0999/0924.Minimize%20Malware%20Spread/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`广度优先搜索`,`并查集`,`数组`,`矩阵` | 困难 | 第 106 场周赛 | +| 0924 | [尽量减少恶意软件的传播](/solution/0900-0999/0924.Minimize%20Malware%20Spread/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`广度优先搜索`,`并查集`,`图`,`哈希表` | 困难 | 第 106 场周赛 | | 0925 | [长按键入](/solution/0900-0999/0925.Long%20Pressed%20Name/README.md) | `双指针`,`字符串` | 简单 | 第 107 场周赛 | | 0926 | [将字符串翻转到单调递增](/solution/0900-0999/0926.Flip%20String%20to%20Monotone%20Increasing/README.md) | `字符串`,`动态规划` | 中等 | 第 107 场周赛 | | 0927 | [三等分](/solution/0900-0999/0927.Three%20Equal%20Parts/README.md) | `数组`,`数学` | 困难 | 第 107 场周赛 | -| 0928 | [尽量减少恶意软件的传播 II](/solution/0900-0999/0928.Minimize%20Malware%20Spread%20II/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`广度优先搜索`,`并查集`,`数组`,`矩阵` | 困难 | 第 107 场周赛 | +| 0928 | [尽量减少恶意软件的传播 II](/solution/0900-0999/0928.Minimize%20Malware%20Spread%20II/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`广度优先搜索`,`并查集`,`图`,`哈希表` | 困难 | 第 107 场周赛 | | 0929 | [独特的电子邮件地址](/solution/0900-0999/0929.Unique%20Email%20Addresses/README.md) | `数组`,`哈希表`,`字符串` | 简单 | 第 108 场周赛 | | 0930 | [和相同的二元子数组](/solution/0900-0999/0930.Binary%20Subarrays%20With%20Sum/README.md) | `数组`,`哈希表`,`前缀和`,`滑动窗口` | 中等 | 第 108 场周赛 | | 0931 | [下降路径最小和](/solution/0900-0999/0931.Minimum%20Falling%20Path%20Sum/README.md) | `数组`,`动态规划`,`矩阵` | 中等 | 第 108 场周赛 | @@ -957,19 +957,19 @@ | 0944 | [删列造序](/solution/0900-0999/0944.Delete%20Columns%20to%20Make%20Sorted/README.md) | `数组`,`字符串` | 简单 | 第 111 场周赛 | | 0945 | [使数组唯一的最小增量](/solution/0900-0999/0945.Minimum%20Increment%20to%20Make%20Array%20Unique/README.md) | `贪心`,`数组`,`计数`,`排序` | 中等 | 第 112 场周赛 | | 0946 | [验证栈序列](/solution/0900-0999/0946.Validate%20Stack%20Sequences/README.md) | `栈`,`数组`,`模拟` | 中等 | 第 112 场周赛 | -| 0947 | [移除最多的同行或同列石头](/solution/0900-0999/0947.Most%20Stones%20Removed%20with%20Same%20Row%20or%20Column/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`并查集`,`图` | 中等 | 第 112 场周赛 | +| 0947 | [移除最多的同行或同列石头](/solution/0900-0999/0947.Most%20Stones%20Removed%20with%20Same%20Row%20or%20Column/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`并查集`,`图`,`哈希表` | 中等 | 第 112 场周赛 | | 0948 | [令牌放置](/solution/0900-0999/0948.Bag%20of%20Tokens/README.md) | `贪心`,`数组`,`双指针`,`排序` | 中等 | 第 112 场周赛 | | 0949 | [给定数字能组成的最大时间](/solution/0900-0999/0949.Largest%20Time%20for%20Given%20Digits/README.md) | `字符串`,`枚举` | 中等 | 第 113 场周赛 | | 0950 | [按递增顺序显示卡牌](/solution/0900-0999/0950.Reveal%20Cards%20In%20Increasing%20Order/README.md) | `队列`,`数组`,`排序`,`模拟` | 中等 | 第 113 场周赛 | | 0951 | [翻转等价二叉树](/solution/0900-0999/0951.Flip%20Equivalent%20Binary%20Trees/README.md) | `树`,`深度优先搜索`,`二叉树` | 中等 | 第 113 场周赛 | -| 0952 | [按公因数计算最大组件大小](/solution/0900-0999/0952.Largest%20Component%20Size%20by%20Common%20Factor/README.md) | `并查集`,`数组`,`数学`,`数论` | 困难 | 第 113 场周赛 | +| 0952 | [按公因数计算最大组件大小](/solution/0900-0999/0952.Largest%20Component%20Size%20by%20Common%20Factor/README.md) | `并查集`,`数组`,`哈希表`,`数学`,`数论` | 困难 | 第 113 场周赛 | | 0953 | [验证外星语词典](/solution/0900-0999/0953.Verifying%20an%20Alien%20Dictionary/README.md) | `数组`,`哈希表`,`字符串` | 简单 | 第 114 场周赛 | | 0954 | [二倍数对数组](/solution/0900-0999/0954.Array%20of%20Doubled%20Pairs/README.md) | `贪心`,`数组`,`哈希表`,`排序` | 中等 | 第 114 场周赛 | | 0955 | [删列造序 II](/solution/0900-0999/0955.Delete%20Columns%20to%20Make%20Sorted%20II/README.md) | `贪心`,`数组`,`字符串` | 中等 | 第 114 场周赛 | | 0956 | [最高的广告牌](/solution/0900-0999/0956.Tallest%20Billboard/README.md) | `数组`,`动态规划` | 困难 | 第 114 场周赛 | | 0957 | [N 天后的牢房](/solution/0900-0999/0957.Prison%20Cells%20After%20N%20Days/README.md) | `位运算`,`数组`,`哈希表`,`数学` | 中等 | 第 115 场周赛 | | 0958 | [二叉树的完全性检验](/solution/0900-0999/0958.Check%20Completeness%20of%20a%20Binary%20Tree/README.md) | `树`,`广度优先搜索`,`二叉树` | 中等 | 第 115 场周赛 | -| 0959 | [由斜杠划分区域](/solution/0900-0999/0959.Regions%20Cut%20By%20Slashes/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`广度优先搜索`,`并查集`,`图` | 中等 | 第 115 场周赛 | +| 0959 | [由斜杠划分区域](/solution/0900-0999/0959.Regions%20Cut%20By%20Slashes/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`广度优先搜索`,`并查集`,`数组`,`哈希表`,`矩阵` | 中等 | 第 115 场周赛 | | 0960 | [删列造序 III](/solution/0900-0999/0960.Delete%20Columns%20to%20Make%20Sorted%20III/README.md) | `数组`,`字符串`,`动态规划` | 困难 | 第 115 场周赛 | | 0961 | [在长度 2N 的数组中找出重复 N 次的元素](/solution/0900-0999/0961.N-Repeated%20Element%20in%20Size%202N%20Array/README.md) | `数组`,`哈希表` | 简单 | 第 116 场周赛 | | 0962 | [最大宽度坡](/solution/0900-0999/0962.Maximum%20Width%20Ramp/README.md) | `栈`,`数组`,`单调栈` | 中等 | 第 116 场周赛 | @@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@ | 1170 | [比较字符串最小字母出现频次](/solution/1100-1199/1170.Compare%20Strings%20by%20Frequency%20of%20the%20Smallest%20Character/README.md) | `数组`,`哈希表`,`字符串`,`二分查找`,`排序` | 中等 | 第 151 场周赛 | | 1171 | [从链表中删去总和值为零的连续节点](/solution/1100-1199/1171.Remove%20Zero%20Sum%20Consecutive%20Nodes%20from%20Linked%20List/README.md) | `哈希表`,`链表` | 中等 | 第 151 场周赛 | | 1172 | [餐盘栈](/solution/1100-1199/1172.Dinner%20Plate%20Stacks/README.md) | `栈`,`设计`,`哈希表`,`堆(优先队列)` | 困难 | 第 151 场周赛 | -| 1173 | [即时食物配送 I](/solution/1100-1199/1173.Immediate%20Food%20Delivery%20I/README.md) | `数据库` | 简单 | | +| 1173 | [即时食物配送 I](/solution/1100-1199/1173.Immediate%20Food%20Delivery%20I/README.md) | `数据库` | 简单 | 🔒 | | 1174 | [即时食物配送 II](/solution/1100-1199/1174.Immediate%20Food%20Delivery%20II/README.md) | `数据库` | 中等 | | | 1175 | [质数排列](/solution/1100-1199/1175.Prime%20Arrangements/README.md) | `数学` | 简单 | 第 152 场周赛 | | 1176 | [健身计划评估](/solution/1100-1199/1176.Diet%20Plan%20Performance/README.md) | `数组`,`滑动窗口` | 简单 | 第 152 场周赛 | @@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@ | 1199 | [建造街区的最短时间](/solution/1100-1199/1199.Minimum%20Time%20to%20Build%20Blocks/README.md) | `贪心`,`数学`,`堆(优先队列)` | 困难 | 第 9 场双周赛 | | 1200 | [最小绝对差](/solution/1200-1299/1200.Minimum%20Absolute%20Difference/README.md) | `数组`,`排序` | 简单 | 第 155 场周赛 | | 1201 | [丑数 III](/solution/1200-1299/1201.Ugly%20Number%20III/README.md) | `数学`,`二分查找`,`数论` | 中等 | 第 155 场周赛 | -| 1202 | [交换字符串中的元素](/solution/1200-1299/1202.Smallest%20String%20With%20Swaps/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`广度优先搜索`,`并查集`,`哈希表`,`字符串` | 中等 | 第 155 场周赛 | +| 1202 | [交换字符串中的元素](/solution/1200-1299/1202.Smallest%20String%20With%20Swaps/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`广度优先搜索`,`并查集`,`数组`,`哈希表`,`字符串`,`排序` | 中等 | 第 155 场周赛 | | 1203 | [项目管理](/solution/1200-1299/1203.Sort%20Items%20by%20Groups%20Respecting%20Dependencies/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`广度优先搜索`,`图`,`拓扑排序` | 困难 | 第 155 场周赛 | | 1204 | [最后一个能进入巴士的人](/solution/1200-1299/1204.Last%20Person%20to%20Fit%20in%20the%20Bus/README.md) | `数据库` | 中等 | | | 1205 | [每月交易II](/solution/1200-1299/1205.Monthly%20Transactions%20II/README.md) | `数据库` | 中等 | 🔒 | @@ -1637,7 +1637,7 @@ | 1624 | [两个相同字符之间的最长子字符串](/solution/1600-1699/1624.Largest%20Substring%20Between%20Two%20Equal%20Characters/README.md) | `哈希表`,`字符串` | 简单 | 第 211 场周赛 | | 1625 | [执行操作后字典序最小的字符串](/solution/1600-1699/1625.Lexicographically%20Smallest%20String%20After%20Applying%20Operations/README.md) | `广度优先搜索`,`字符串` | 中等 | 第 211 场周赛 | | 1626 | [无矛盾的最佳球队](/solution/1600-1699/1626.Best%20Team%20With%20No%20Conflicts/README.md) | `数组`,`动态规划`,`排序` | 中等 | 第 211 场周赛 | -| 1627 | [带阈值的图连通性](/solution/1600-1699/1627.Graph%20Connectivity%20With%20Threshold/README.md) | `并查集`,`数组`,`数学` | 困难 | 第 211 场周赛 | +| 1627 | [带阈值的图连通性](/solution/1600-1699/1627.Graph%20Connectivity%20With%20Threshold/README.md) | `并查集`,`数组`,`数学`,`数论` | 困难 | 第 211 场周赛 | | 1628 | [设计带解析函数的表达式树](/solution/1600-1699/1628.Design%20an%20Expression%20Tree%20With%20Evaluate%20Function/README.md) | `栈`,`树`,`设计`,`数学`,`二叉树` | 中等 | 🔒 | | 1629 | [按键持续时间最长的键](/solution/1600-1699/1629.Slowest%20Key/README.md) | `数组`,`字符串` | 简单 | 第 212 场周赛 | | 1630 | [等差子数组](/solution/1600-1699/1630.Arithmetic%20Subarrays/README.md) | `数组`,`排序` | 中等 | 第 212 场周赛 | @@ -2092,7 +2092,7 @@ | 2079 | [给植物浇水](/solution/2000-2099/2079.Watering%20Plants/README.md) | `数组` | 中等 | 第 268 场周赛 | | 2080 | [区间内查询数字的频率](/solution/2000-2099/2080.Range%20Frequency%20Queries/README.md) | `设计`,`线段树`,`数组`,`哈希表`,`二分查找` | 中等 | 第 268 场周赛 | | 2081 | [k 镜像数字的和](/solution/2000-2099/2081.Sum%20of%20k-Mirror%20Numbers/README.md) | `数学`,`枚举` | 困难 | 第 268 场周赛 | -| 2082 | [富有客户的数量](/solution/2000-2099/2082.The%20Number%20of%20Rich%20Customers/README.md) | `数据库` | 简单 | | +| 2082 | [富有客户的数量](/solution/2000-2099/2082.The%20Number%20of%20Rich%20Customers/README.md) | `数据库` | 简单 | 🔒 | | 2083 | [求以相同字母开头和结尾的子串总数](/solution/2000-2099/2083.Substrings%20That%20Begin%20and%20End%20With%20the%20Same%20Letter/README.md) | `哈希表`,`数学`,`字符串`,`计数`,`前缀和` | 中等 | 🔒 | | 2084 | [为订单类型为 0 的客户删除类型为 1 的订单](/solution/2000-2099/2084.Drop%20Type%201%20Orders%20for%20Customers%20With%20Type%200%20Orders/README.md) | `数据库` | 中等 | 🔒 | | 2085 | [统计出现过一次的公共字符串](/solution/2000-2099/2085.Count%20Common%20Words%20With%20One%20Occurrence/README.md) | `数组`,`哈希表`,`字符串`,`计数` | 简单 | 第 66 场双周赛 | @@ -2103,7 +2103,7 @@ | 2090 | [半径为 k 的子数组平均值](/solution/2000-2099/2090.K%20Radius%20Subarray%20Averages/README.md) | `数组`,`滑动窗口` | 中等 | 第 269 场周赛 | | 2091 | [从数组中移除最大值和最小值](/solution/2000-2099/2091.Removing%20Minimum%20and%20Maximum%20From%20Array/README.md) | `贪心`,`数组` | 中等 | 第 269 场周赛 | | 2092 | [找出知晓秘密的所有专家](/solution/2000-2099/2092.Find%20All%20People%20With%20Secret/README.md) | `深度优先搜索`,`广度优先搜索`,`并查集`,`图`,`排序` | 困难 | 第 269 场周赛 | -| 2093 | [前往目标城市的最小费用](/solution/2000-2099/2093.Minimum%20Cost%20to%20Reach%20City%20With%20Discounts/README.md) | `图`,`最短路` | 中等 | 🔒 | +| 2093 | [前往目标城市的最小费用](/solution/2000-2099/2093.Minimum%20Cost%20to%20Reach%20City%20With%20Discounts/README.md) | `图`,`最短路`,`堆(优先队列)` | 中等 | 🔒 | | 2094 | [找出 3 位偶数](/solution/2000-2099/2094.Finding%203-Digit%20Even%20Numbers/README.md) | `数组`,`哈希表`,`枚举`,`排序` | 简单 | 第 270 场周赛 | | 2095 | [删除链表的中间节点](/solution/2000-2099/2095.Delete%20the%20Middle%20Node%20of%20a%20Linked%20List/README.md) | `链表`,`双指针` | 中等 | 第 270 场周赛 | | 2096 | [从二叉树一个节点到另一个节点每一步的方向](/solution/2000-2099/2096.Step-By-Step%20Directions%20From%20a%20Binary%20Tree%20Node%20to%20Another/README.md) | `树`,`深度优先搜索`,`字符串`,`二叉树` | 中等 | 第 270 场周赛 | @@ -2725,7 +2725,6 @@ | 2712 | [使所有字符相等的最小成本](/solution/2700-2799/2712.Minimum%20Cost%20to%20Make%20All%20Characters%20Equal/README.md) | `贪心`,`字符串`,`动态规划` | 中等 | 第 347 场周赛 | | 2713 | [矩阵中严格递增的单元格数](/solution/2700-2799/2713.Maximum%20Strictly%20Increasing%20Cells%20in%20a%20Matrix/README.md) | `记忆化搜索`,`数组`,`二分查找`,`动态规划`,`矩阵`,`排序` | 困难 | 第 347 场周赛 | | 2714 | [找到最短路径的 K 次跨越](/solution/2700-2799/2714.Find%20Shortest%20Path%20with%20K%20Hops/README.md) | `图`,`最短路`,`堆(优先队列)` | 困难 | 🔒 | -| 2715 | [Timeout Cancellation](/solution/2700-2799/2715.Timeout%20Cancellation/README.md) | | 简单 | | | 2716 | [最小化字符串长度](/solution/2700-2799/2716.Minimize%20String%20Length/README.md) | `哈希表`,`字符串` | 简单 | 第 348 场周赛 | | 2717 | [半有序排列](/solution/2700-2799/2717.Semi-Ordered%20Permutation/README.md) | `数组`,`模拟` | 简单 | 第 348 场周赛 | | 2718 | [查询后矩阵的和](/solution/2700-2799/2718.Sum%20of%20Matrix%20After%20Queries/README.md) | `数组`,`哈希表` | 中等 | 第 348 场周赛 | @@ -2842,12 +2841,12 @@ | 2829 | [k-avoiding 数组的最小总和](/solution/2800-2899/2829.Determine%20the%20Minimum%20Sum%20of%20a%20k-avoiding%20Array/README.md) | `贪心`,`数学` | 中等 | 第 359 场周赛 | | 2830 | [销售利润最大化](/solution/2800-2899/2830.Maximize%20the%20Profit%20as%20the%20Salesman/README.md) | `数组`,`二分查找`,`动态规划`,`排序` | 中等 | 第 359 场周赛 | | 2831 | [找出最长等值子数组](/solution/2800-2899/2831.Find%20the%20Longest%20Equal%20Subarray/README.md) | `数组`,`哈希表`,`二分查找`,`滑动窗口` | 中等 | 第 359 场周赛 | -| 2832 | [每个元素为最大值的最大范围](/solution/2800-2899/2832.Maximal%20Range%20That%20Each%20Element%20Is%20Maximum%20in%20It/README.md) | | 中等 | 🔒 | -| 2833 | [距离原点最远的点](/solution/2800-2899/2833.Furthest%20Point%20From%20Origin/README.md) | | 简单 | 第 360 场周赛 | -| 2834 | [找出美丽数组的最小和](/solution/2800-2899/2834.Find%20the%20Minimum%20Possible%20Sum%20of%20a%20Beautiful%20Array/README.md) | | 中等 | 第 360 场周赛 | -| 2835 | [使子序列的和等于目标的最少操作次数](/solution/2800-2899/2835.Minimum%20Operations%20to%20Form%20Subsequence%20With%20Target%20Sum/README.md) | | 困难 | 第 360 场周赛 | -| 2836 | [在传球游戏中最大化函数值](/solution/2800-2899/2836.Maximize%20Value%20of%20Function%20in%20a%20Ball%20Passing%20Game/README.md) | | 困难 | 第 360 场周赛 | -| 2837 | [Total Traveled Distance](/solution/2800-2899/2837.Total%20Traveled%20Distance/README.md) | | 简单 | 🔒 | +| 2832 | [每个元素为最大值的最大范围](/solution/2800-2899/2832.Maximal%20Range%20That%20Each%20Element%20Is%20Maximum%20in%20It/README.md) | `栈`,`数组`,`单调栈` | 中等 | 🔒 | +| 2833 | [距离原点最远的点](/solution/2800-2899/2833.Furthest%20Point%20From%20Origin/README.md) | `数组`,`计数` | 简单 | 第 360 场周赛 | +| 2834 | [找出美丽数组的最小和](/solution/2800-2899/2834.Find%20the%20Minimum%20Possible%20Sum%20of%20a%20Beautiful%20Array/README.md) | `贪心`,`数学` | 中等 | 第 360 场周赛 | +| 2835 | [使子序列的和等于目标的最少操作次数](/solution/2800-2899/2835.Minimum%20Operations%20to%20Form%20Subsequence%20With%20Target%20Sum/README.md) | `贪心`,`位运算`,`数组` | 困难 | 第 360 场周赛 | +| 2836 | [在传球游戏中最大化函数值](/solution/2800-2899/2836.Maximize%20Value%20of%20Function%20in%20a%20Ball%20Passing%20Game/README.md) | `位运算`,`数组`,`动态规划` | 困难 | 第 360 场周赛 | +| 2837 | [Total Traveled Distance](/solution/2800-2899/2837.Total%20Traveled%20Distance/README.md) | `数据库` | 简单 | 🔒 | | 2838 | [Maximum Coins Heroes Can Collect](/solution/2800-2899/2838.Maximum%20Coins%20Heroes%20Can%20Collect/README.md) | | 中等 | 🔒 | ## 版权 diff --git a/solution/README_EN.md b/solution/README_EN.md index 07af984c85848..268928f9cd23a 100644 --- a/solution/README_EN.md +++ b/solution/README_EN.md @@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ Press Control+F(or Command+F on the | 0718 | [Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray](/solution/0700-0799/0718.Maximum%20Length%20of%20Repeated%20Subarray/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Binary Search`,`Dynamic Programming`,`Sliding Window`,`Hash Function`,`Rolling Hash` | Medium | | | 0719 | [Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance](/solution/0700-0799/0719.Find%20K-th%20Smallest%20Pair%20Distance/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Two Pointers`,`Binary Search`,`Sorting` | Hard | | | 0720 | [Longest Word in Dictionary](/solution/0700-0799/0720.Longest%20Word%20in%20Dictionary/README_EN.md) | `Trie`,`Array`,`Hash Table`,`String`,`Sorting` | Medium | | -| 0721 | [Accounts Merge](/solution/0700-0799/0721.Accounts%20Merge/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Breadth-First Search`,`Union Find`,`Array`,`String` | Medium | | +| 0721 | [Accounts Merge](/solution/0700-0799/0721.Accounts%20Merge/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Breadth-First Search`,`Union Find`,`Array`,`Hash Table`,`String`,`Sorting` | Medium | | | 0722 | [Remove Comments](/solution/0700-0799/0722.Remove%20Comments/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`String` | Medium | | | 0723 | [Candy Crush](/solution/0700-0799/0723.Candy%20Crush/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Two Pointers`,`Matrix`,`Simulation` | Medium | 🔒 | | 0724 | [Find Pivot Index](/solution/0700-0799/0724.Find%20Pivot%20Index/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Prefix Sum` | Easy | | @@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ Press Control+F(or Command+F on the | 0836 | [Rectangle Overlap](/solution/0800-0899/0836.Rectangle%20Overlap/README_EN.md) | `Geometry`,`Math` | Easy | Weekly Contest 85 | | 0837 | [New 21 Game](/solution/0800-0899/0837.New%2021%20Game/README_EN.md) | `Math`,`Dynamic Programming`,`Sliding Window`,`Probability and Statistics` | Medium | Weekly Contest 85 | | 0838 | [Push Dominoes](/solution/0800-0899/0838.Push%20Dominoes/README_EN.md) | `Two Pointers`,`String`,`Dynamic Programming` | Medium | Weekly Contest 85 | -| 0839 | [Similar String Groups](/solution/0800-0899/0839.Similar%20String%20Groups/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Breadth-First Search`,`Union Find`,`Array`,`String` | Hard | Weekly Contest 85 | +| 0839 | [Similar String Groups](/solution/0800-0899/0839.Similar%20String%20Groups/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Breadth-First Search`,`Union Find`,`Array`,`Hash Table`,`String` | Hard | Weekly Contest 85 | | 0840 | [Magic Squares In Grid](/solution/0800-0899/0840.Magic%20Squares%20In%20Grid/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Math`,`Matrix` | Medium | Weekly Contest 86 | | 0841 | [Keys and Rooms](/solution/0800-0899/0841.Keys%20and%20Rooms/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Breadth-First Search`,`Graph` | Medium | Weekly Contest 86 | | 0842 | [Split Array into Fibonacci Sequence](/solution/0800-0899/0842.Split%20Array%20into%20Fibonacci%20Sequence/README_EN.md) | `String`,`Backtracking` | Medium | Weekly Contest 86 | @@ -932,11 +932,11 @@ Press Control+F(or Command+F on the | 0921 | [Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid](/solution/0900-0999/0921.Minimum%20Add%20to%20Make%20Parentheses%20Valid/README_EN.md) | `Stack`,`Greedy`,`String` | Medium | Weekly Contest 106 | | 0922 | [Sort Array By Parity II](/solution/0900-0999/0922.Sort%20Array%20By%20Parity%20II/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Two Pointers`,`Sorting` | Easy | Weekly Contest 106 | | 0923 | [3Sum With Multiplicity](/solution/0900-0999/0923.3Sum%20With%20Multiplicity/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Hash Table`,`Two Pointers`,`Counting`,`Sorting` | Medium | Weekly Contest 106 | -| 0924 | [Minimize Malware Spread](/solution/0900-0999/0924.Minimize%20Malware%20Spread/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Breadth-First Search`,`Union Find`,`Array`,`Matrix` | Hard | Weekly Contest 106 | +| 0924 | [Minimize Malware Spread](/solution/0900-0999/0924.Minimize%20Malware%20Spread/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Breadth-First Search`,`Union Find`,`Graph`,`Hash Table` | Hard | Weekly Contest 106 | | 0925 | [Long Pressed Name](/solution/0900-0999/0925.Long%20Pressed%20Name/README_EN.md) | `Two Pointers`,`String` | Easy | Weekly Contest 107 | | 0926 | [Flip String to Monotone Increasing](/solution/0900-0999/0926.Flip%20String%20to%20Monotone%20Increasing/README_EN.md) | `String`,`Dynamic Programming` | Medium | Weekly Contest 107 | | 0927 | [Three Equal Parts](/solution/0900-0999/0927.Three%20Equal%20Parts/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Math` | Hard | Weekly Contest 107 | -| 0928 | [Minimize Malware Spread II](/solution/0900-0999/0928.Minimize%20Malware%20Spread%20II/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Breadth-First Search`,`Union Find`,`Array`,`Matrix` | Hard | Weekly Contest 107 | +| 0928 | [Minimize Malware Spread II](/solution/0900-0999/0928.Minimize%20Malware%20Spread%20II/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Breadth-First Search`,`Union Find`,`Graph`,`Hash Table` | Hard | Weekly Contest 107 | | 0929 | [Unique Email Addresses](/solution/0900-0999/0929.Unique%20Email%20Addresses/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Hash Table`,`String` | Easy | Weekly Contest 108 | | 0930 | [Binary Subarrays With Sum](/solution/0900-0999/0930.Binary%20Subarrays%20With%20Sum/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Hash Table`,`Prefix Sum`,`Sliding Window` | Medium | Weekly Contest 108 | | 0931 | [Minimum Falling Path Sum](/solution/0900-0999/0931.Minimum%20Falling%20Path%20Sum/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Dynamic Programming`,`Matrix` | Medium | Weekly Contest 108 | @@ -955,19 +955,19 @@ Press Control+F(or Command+F on the | 0944 | [Delete Columns to Make Sorted](/solution/0900-0999/0944.Delete%20Columns%20to%20Make%20Sorted/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`String` | Easy | Weekly Contest 111 | | 0945 | [Minimum Increment to Make Array Unique](/solution/0900-0999/0945.Minimum%20Increment%20to%20Make%20Array%20Unique/README_EN.md) | `Greedy`,`Array`,`Counting`,`Sorting` | Medium | Weekly Contest 112 | | 0946 | [Validate Stack Sequences](/solution/0900-0999/0946.Validate%20Stack%20Sequences/README_EN.md) | `Stack`,`Array`,`Simulation` | Medium | Weekly Contest 112 | -| 0947 | [Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column](/solution/0900-0999/0947.Most%20Stones%20Removed%20with%20Same%20Row%20or%20Column/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Union Find`,`Graph` | Medium | Weekly Contest 112 | +| 0947 | [Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column](/solution/0900-0999/0947.Most%20Stones%20Removed%20with%20Same%20Row%20or%20Column/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Union Find`,`Graph`,`Hash Table` | Medium | Weekly Contest 112 | | 0948 | [Bag of Tokens](/solution/0900-0999/0948.Bag%20of%20Tokens/README_EN.md) | `Greedy`,`Array`,`Two Pointers`,`Sorting` | Medium | Weekly Contest 112 | | 0949 | [Largest Time for Given Digits](/solution/0900-0999/0949.Largest%20Time%20for%20Given%20Digits/README_EN.md) | `String`,`Enumeration` | Medium | Weekly Contest 113 | | 0950 | [Reveal Cards In Increasing Order](/solution/0900-0999/0950.Reveal%20Cards%20In%20Increasing%20Order/README_EN.md) | `Queue`,`Array`,`Sorting`,`Simulation` | Medium | Weekly Contest 113 | | 0951 | [Flip Equivalent Binary Trees](/solution/0900-0999/0951.Flip%20Equivalent%20Binary%20Trees/README_EN.md) | `Tree`,`Depth-First Search`,`Binary Tree` | Medium | Weekly Contest 113 | -| 0952 | [Largest Component Size by Common Factor](/solution/0900-0999/0952.Largest%20Component%20Size%20by%20Common%20Factor/README_EN.md) | `Union Find`,`Array`,`Math`,`Number Theory` | Hard | Weekly Contest 113 | +| 0952 | [Largest Component Size by Common Factor](/solution/0900-0999/0952.Largest%20Component%20Size%20by%20Common%20Factor/README_EN.md) | `Union Find`,`Array`,`Hash Table`,`Math`,`Number Theory` | Hard | Weekly Contest 113 | | 0953 | [Verifying an Alien Dictionary](/solution/0900-0999/0953.Verifying%20an%20Alien%20Dictionary/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Hash Table`,`String` | Easy | Weekly Contest 114 | | 0954 | [Array of Doubled Pairs](/solution/0900-0999/0954.Array%20of%20Doubled%20Pairs/README_EN.md) | `Greedy`,`Array`,`Hash Table`,`Sorting` | Medium | Weekly Contest 114 | | 0955 | [Delete Columns to Make Sorted II](/solution/0900-0999/0955.Delete%20Columns%20to%20Make%20Sorted%20II/README_EN.md) | `Greedy`,`Array`,`String` | Medium | Weekly Contest 114 | | 0956 | [Tallest Billboard](/solution/0900-0999/0956.Tallest%20Billboard/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Dynamic Programming` | Hard | Weekly Contest 114 | | 0957 | [Prison Cells After N Days](/solution/0900-0999/0957.Prison%20Cells%20After%20N%20Days/README_EN.md) | `Bit Manipulation`,`Array`,`Hash Table`,`Math` | Medium | Weekly Contest 115 | | 0958 | [Check Completeness of a Binary Tree](/solution/0900-0999/0958.Check%20Completeness%20of%20a%20Binary%20Tree/README_EN.md) | `Tree`,`Breadth-First Search`,`Binary Tree` | Medium | Weekly Contest 115 | -| 0959 | [Regions Cut By Slashes](/solution/0900-0999/0959.Regions%20Cut%20By%20Slashes/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Breadth-First Search`,`Union Find`,`Graph` | Medium | Weekly Contest 115 | +| 0959 | [Regions Cut By Slashes](/solution/0900-0999/0959.Regions%20Cut%20By%20Slashes/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Breadth-First Search`,`Union Find`,`Array`,`Hash Table`,`Matrix` | Medium | Weekly Contest 115 | | 0960 | [Delete Columns to Make Sorted III](/solution/0900-0999/0960.Delete%20Columns%20to%20Make%20Sorted%20III/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`String`,`Dynamic Programming` | Hard | Weekly Contest 115 | | 0961 | [N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array](/solution/0900-0999/0961.N-Repeated%20Element%20in%20Size%202N%20Array/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Hash Table` | Easy | Weekly Contest 116 | | 0962 | [Maximum Width Ramp](/solution/0900-0999/0962.Maximum%20Width%20Ramp/README_EN.md) | `Stack`,`Array`,`Monotonic Stack` | Medium | Weekly Contest 116 | @@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@ Press Control+F(or Command+F on the | 1170 | [Compare Strings by Frequency of the Smallest Character](/solution/1100-1199/1170.Compare%20Strings%20by%20Frequency%20of%20the%20Smallest%20Character/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Hash Table`,`String`,`Binary Search`,`Sorting` | Medium | Weekly Contest 151 | | 1171 | [Remove Zero Sum Consecutive Nodes from Linked List](/solution/1100-1199/1171.Remove%20Zero%20Sum%20Consecutive%20Nodes%20from%20Linked%20List/README_EN.md) | `Hash Table`,`Linked List` | Medium | Weekly Contest 151 | | 1172 | [Dinner Plate Stacks](/solution/1100-1199/1172.Dinner%20Plate%20Stacks/README_EN.md) | `Stack`,`Design`,`Hash Table`,`Heap (Priority Queue)` | Hard | Weekly Contest 151 | -| 1173 | [Immediate Food Delivery I](/solution/1100-1199/1173.Immediate%20Food%20Delivery%20I/README_EN.md) | `Database` | Easy | | +| 1173 | [Immediate Food Delivery I](/solution/1100-1199/1173.Immediate%20Food%20Delivery%20I/README_EN.md) | `Database` | Easy | 🔒 | | 1174 | [Immediate Food Delivery II](/solution/1100-1199/1174.Immediate%20Food%20Delivery%20II/README_EN.md) | `Database` | Medium | | | 1175 | [Prime Arrangements](/solution/1100-1199/1175.Prime%20Arrangements/README_EN.md) | `Math` | Easy | Weekly Contest 152 | | 1176 | [Diet Plan Performance](/solution/1100-1199/1176.Diet%20Plan%20Performance/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Sliding Window` | Easy | Weekly Contest 152 | @@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@ Press Control+F(or Command+F on the | 1199 | [Minimum Time to Build Blocks](/solution/1100-1199/1199.Minimum%20Time%20to%20Build%20Blocks/README_EN.md) | `Greedy`,`Math`,`Heap (Priority Queue)` | Hard | Biweekly Contest 9 | | 1200 | [Minimum Absolute Difference](/solution/1200-1299/1200.Minimum%20Absolute%20Difference/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Sorting` | Easy | Weekly Contest 155 | | 1201 | [Ugly Number III](/solution/1200-1299/1201.Ugly%20Number%20III/README_EN.md) | `Math`,`Binary Search`,`Number Theory` | Medium | Weekly Contest 155 | -| 1202 | [Smallest String With Swaps](/solution/1200-1299/1202.Smallest%20String%20With%20Swaps/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Breadth-First Search`,`Union Find`,`Hash Table`,`String` | Medium | Weekly Contest 155 | +| 1202 | [Smallest String With Swaps](/solution/1200-1299/1202.Smallest%20String%20With%20Swaps/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Breadth-First Search`,`Union Find`,`Array`,`Hash Table`,`String`,`Sorting` | Medium | Weekly Contest 155 | | 1203 | [Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies](/solution/1200-1299/1203.Sort%20Items%20by%20Groups%20Respecting%20Dependencies/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Breadth-First Search`,`Graph`,`Topological Sort` | Hard | Weekly Contest 155 | | 1204 | [Last Person to Fit in the Bus](/solution/1200-1299/1204.Last%20Person%20to%20Fit%20in%20the%20Bus/README_EN.md) | `Database` | Medium | | | 1205 | [Monthly Transactions II](/solution/1200-1299/1205.Monthly%20Transactions%20II/README_EN.md) | `Database` | Medium | 🔒 | @@ -1635,7 +1635,7 @@ Press Control+F(or Command+F on the | 1624 | [Largest Substring Between Two Equal Characters](/solution/1600-1699/1624.Largest%20Substring%20Between%20Two%20Equal%20Characters/README_EN.md) | `Hash Table`,`String` | Easy | Weekly Contest 211 | | 1625 | [Lexicographically Smallest String After Applying Operations](/solution/1600-1699/1625.Lexicographically%20Smallest%20String%20After%20Applying%20Operations/README_EN.md) | `Breadth-First Search`,`String` | Medium | Weekly Contest 211 | | 1626 | [Best Team With No Conflicts](/solution/1600-1699/1626.Best%20Team%20With%20No%20Conflicts/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Dynamic Programming`,`Sorting` | Medium | Weekly Contest 211 | -| 1627 | [Graph Connectivity With Threshold](/solution/1600-1699/1627.Graph%20Connectivity%20With%20Threshold/README_EN.md) | `Union Find`,`Array`,`Math` | Hard | Weekly Contest 211 | +| 1627 | [Graph Connectivity With Threshold](/solution/1600-1699/1627.Graph%20Connectivity%20With%20Threshold/README_EN.md) | `Union Find`,`Array`,`Math`,`Number Theory` | Hard | Weekly Contest 211 | | 1628 | [Design an Expression Tree With Evaluate Function](/solution/1600-1699/1628.Design%20an%20Expression%20Tree%20With%20Evaluate%20Function/README_EN.md) | `Stack`,`Tree`,`Design`,`Math`,`Binary Tree` | Medium | 🔒 | | 1629 | [Slowest Key](/solution/1600-1699/1629.Slowest%20Key/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`String` | Easy | Weekly Contest 212 | | 1630 | [Arithmetic Subarrays](/solution/1600-1699/1630.Arithmetic%20Subarrays/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Sorting` | Medium | Weekly Contest 212 | @@ -2090,7 +2090,7 @@ Press Control+F(or Command+F on the | 2079 | [Watering Plants](/solution/2000-2099/2079.Watering%20Plants/README_EN.md) | `Array` | Medium | Weekly Contest 268 | | 2080 | [Range Frequency Queries](/solution/2000-2099/2080.Range%20Frequency%20Queries/README_EN.md) | `Design`,`Segment Tree`,`Array`,`Hash Table`,`Binary Search` | Medium | Weekly Contest 268 | | 2081 | [Sum of k-Mirror Numbers](/solution/2000-2099/2081.Sum%20of%20k-Mirror%20Numbers/README_EN.md) | `Math`,`Enumeration` | Hard | Weekly Contest 268 | -| 2082 | [The Number of Rich Customers](/solution/2000-2099/2082.The%20Number%20of%20Rich%20Customers/README_EN.md) | `Database` | Easy | | +| 2082 | [The Number of Rich Customers](/solution/2000-2099/2082.The%20Number%20of%20Rich%20Customers/README_EN.md) | `Database` | Easy | 🔒 | | 2083 | [Substrings That Begin and End With the Same Letter](/solution/2000-2099/2083.Substrings%20That%20Begin%20and%20End%20With%20the%20Same%20Letter/README_EN.md) | `Hash Table`,`Math`,`String`,`Counting`,`Prefix Sum` | Medium | 🔒 | | 2084 | [Drop Type 1 Orders for Customers With Type 0 Orders](/solution/2000-2099/2084.Drop%20Type%201%20Orders%20for%20Customers%20With%20Type%200%20Orders/README_EN.md) | `Database` | Medium | 🔒 | | 2085 | [Count Common Words With One Occurrence](/solution/2000-2099/2085.Count%20Common%20Words%20With%20One%20Occurrence/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Hash Table`,`String`,`Counting` | Easy | Biweekly Contest 66 | @@ -2101,7 +2101,7 @@ Press Control+F(or Command+F on the | 2090 | [K Radius Subarray Averages](/solution/2000-2099/2090.K%20Radius%20Subarray%20Averages/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Sliding Window` | Medium | Weekly Contest 269 | | 2091 | [Removing Minimum and Maximum From Array](/solution/2000-2099/2091.Removing%20Minimum%20and%20Maximum%20From%20Array/README_EN.md) | `Greedy`,`Array` | Medium | Weekly Contest 269 | | 2092 | [Find All People With Secret](/solution/2000-2099/2092.Find%20All%20People%20With%20Secret/README_EN.md) | `Depth-First Search`,`Breadth-First Search`,`Union Find`,`Graph`,`Sorting` | Hard | Weekly Contest 269 | -| 2093 | [Minimum Cost to Reach City With Discounts](/solution/2000-2099/2093.Minimum%20Cost%20to%20Reach%20City%20With%20Discounts/README_EN.md) | `Graph`,`Shortest Path` | Medium | 🔒 | +| 2093 | [Minimum Cost to Reach City With Discounts](/solution/2000-2099/2093.Minimum%20Cost%20to%20Reach%20City%20With%20Discounts/README_EN.md) | `Graph`,`Shortest Path`,`Heap (Priority Queue)` | Medium | 🔒 | | 2094 | [Finding 3-Digit Even Numbers](/solution/2000-2099/2094.Finding%203-Digit%20Even%20Numbers/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Hash Table`,`Enumeration`,`Sorting` | Easy | Weekly Contest 270 | | 2095 | [Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List](/solution/2000-2099/2095.Delete%20the%20Middle%20Node%20of%20a%20Linked%20List/README_EN.md) | `Linked List`,`Two Pointers` | Medium | Weekly Contest 270 | | 2096 | [Step-By-Step Directions From a Binary Tree Node to Another](/solution/2000-2099/2096.Step-By-Step%20Directions%20From%20a%20Binary%20Tree%20Node%20to%20Another/README_EN.md) | `Tree`,`Depth-First Search`,`String`,`Binary Tree` | Medium | Weekly Contest 270 | @@ -2723,7 +2723,6 @@ Press Control+F(or Command+F on the | 2712 | [Minimum Cost to Make All Characters Equal](/solution/2700-2799/2712.Minimum%20Cost%20to%20Make%20All%20Characters%20Equal/README_EN.md) | `Greedy`,`String`,`Dynamic Programming` | Medium | Weekly Contest 347 | | 2713 | [Maximum Strictly Increasing Cells in a Matrix](/solution/2700-2799/2713.Maximum%20Strictly%20Increasing%20Cells%20in%20a%20Matrix/README_EN.md) | `Memoization`,`Array`,`Binary Search`,`Dynamic Programming`,`Matrix`,`Sorting` | Hard | Weekly Contest 347 | | 2714 | [Find Shortest Path with K Hops](/solution/2700-2799/2714.Find%20Shortest%20Path%20with%20K%20Hops/README_EN.md) | `Graph`,`Shortest Path`,`Heap (Priority Queue)` | Hard | 🔒 | -| 2715 | [Timeout Cancellation](/solution/2700-2799/2715.Timeout%20Cancellation/README_EN.md) | | Easy | | | 2716 | [Minimize String Length](/solution/2700-2799/2716.Minimize%20String%20Length/README_EN.md) | `Hash Table`,`String` | Easy | Weekly Contest 348 | | 2717 | [Semi-Ordered Permutation](/solution/2700-2799/2717.Semi-Ordered%20Permutation/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Simulation` | Easy | Weekly Contest 348 | | 2718 | [Sum of Matrix After Queries](/solution/2700-2799/2718.Sum%20of%20Matrix%20After%20Queries/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Hash Table` | Medium | Weekly Contest 348 | @@ -2840,12 +2839,12 @@ Press Control+F(or Command+F on the | 2829 | [Determine the Minimum Sum of a k-avoiding Array](/solution/2800-2899/2829.Determine%20the%20Minimum%20Sum%20of%20a%20k-avoiding%20Array/README_EN.md) | `Greedy`,`Math` | Medium | Weekly Contest 359 | | 2830 | [Maximize the Profit as the Salesman](/solution/2800-2899/2830.Maximize%20the%20Profit%20as%20the%20Salesman/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Binary Search`,`Dynamic Programming`,`Sorting` | Medium | Weekly Contest 359 | | 2831 | [Find the Longest Equal Subarray](/solution/2800-2899/2831.Find%20the%20Longest%20Equal%20Subarray/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Hash Table`,`Binary Search`,`Sliding Window` | Medium | Weekly Contest 359 | -| 2832 | [Maximal Range That Each Element Is Maximum in It](/solution/2800-2899/2832.Maximal%20Range%20That%20Each%20Element%20Is%20Maximum%20in%20It/README_EN.md) | | Medium | 🔒 | -| 2833 | [Furthest Point From Origin](/solution/2800-2899/2833.Furthest%20Point%20From%20Origin/README_EN.md) | | Easy | Weekly Contest 360 | -| 2834 | [Find the Minimum Possible Sum of a Beautiful Array](/solution/2800-2899/2834.Find%20the%20Minimum%20Possible%20Sum%20of%20a%20Beautiful%20Array/README_EN.md) | | Medium | Weekly Contest 360 | -| 2835 | [Minimum Operations to Form Subsequence With Target Sum](/solution/2800-2899/2835.Minimum%20Operations%20to%20Form%20Subsequence%20With%20Target%20Sum/README_EN.md) | | Hard | Weekly Contest 360 | -| 2836 | [Maximize Value of Function in a Ball Passing Game](/solution/2800-2899/2836.Maximize%20Value%20of%20Function%20in%20a%20Ball%20Passing%20Game/README_EN.md) | | Hard | Weekly Contest 360 | -| 2837 | [Total Traveled Distance](/solution/2800-2899/2837.Total%20Traveled%20Distance/README_EN.md) | | Easy | 🔒 | +| 2832 | [Maximal Range That Each Element Is Maximum in It](/solution/2800-2899/2832.Maximal%20Range%20That%20Each%20Element%20Is%20Maximum%20in%20It/README_EN.md) | `Stack`,`Array`,`Monotonic Stack` | Medium | 🔒 | +| 2833 | [Furthest Point From Origin](/solution/2800-2899/2833.Furthest%20Point%20From%20Origin/README_EN.md) | `Array`,`Counting` | Easy | Weekly Contest 360 | +| 2834 | [Find the Minimum Possible Sum of a Beautiful Array](/solution/2800-2899/2834.Find%20the%20Minimum%20Possible%20Sum%20of%20a%20Beautiful%20Array/README_EN.md) | `Greedy`,`Math` | Medium | Weekly Contest 360 | +| 2835 | [Minimum Operations to Form Subsequence With Target Sum](/solution/2800-2899/2835.Minimum%20Operations%20to%20Form%20Subsequence%20With%20Target%20Sum/README_EN.md) | `Greedy`,`Bit Manipulation`,`Array` | Hard | Weekly Contest 360 | +| 2836 | [Maximize Value of Function in a Ball Passing Game](/solution/2800-2899/2836.Maximize%20Value%20of%20Function%20in%20a%20Ball%20Passing%20Game/README_EN.md) | `Bit Manipulation`,`Array`,`Dynamic Programming` | Hard | Weekly Contest 360 | +| 2837 | [Total Traveled Distance](/solution/2800-2899/2837.Total%20Traveled%20Distance/README_EN.md) | `Database` | Easy | 🔒 | | 2838 | [Maximum Coins Heroes Can Collect](/solution/2800-2899/2838.Maximum%20Coins%20Heroes%20Can%20Collect/README_EN.md) | | Medium | 🔒 | ## Copyright