File tree
194 files changed
lines changed- solution
- 0000-0099
- 0003.Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- 0005.Longest Palindromic Substring
- 0009.Palindrome Number
- 0023.Merge k Sorted Lists
- 0032.Longest Valid Parentheses
- 0041.First Missing Positive
- 0053.Maximum Subarray
- 0058.Length of Last Word
- 0078.Subsets
- 0079.Word Search
- 0090.Subsets II
- 0097.Interleaving String
- 0098.Validate Binary Search Tree
- 0100-0199
- 0108.Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
- 0109.Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree
- 0110.Balanced Binary Tree
- 0131.Palindrome Partitioning
- 0132.Palindrome Partitioning II
- 0152.Maximum Product Subarray
- 0159.Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters
- 0192.Word Frequency
- 0195.Tenth Line
- 0197.Rising Temperature
- 0200-0299
- 0209.Minimum Size Subarray Sum
- 0214.Shortest Palindrome
- 0225.Implement Stack using Queues
- 0234.Palindrome Linked List
- 0250.Count Univalue Subtrees
- 0266.Palindrome Permutation
- 0269.Alien Dictionary
- 0287.Find the Duplicate Number
- 0300-0399
- 0300.Longest Increasing Subsequence
- 0316.Remove Duplicate Letters
- 0320.Generalized Abbreviation
- 0325.Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k
- 0333.Largest BST Subtree
- 0336.Palindrome Pairs
- 0340.Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters
- 0365.Water and Jug Problem
- 0500-0599
- 0521.Longest Uncommon Subsequence I
- 0594.Longest Harmonious Subsequence
- 0600-0699/0621.Task Scheduler
- 0700-0799
- 0791.Custom Sort String
- 0799.Champagne Tower
- 0800-0899/0851.Loud and Rich
- 0900-0999
- 0930.Binary Subarrays With Sum
- 0948.Bag of Tokens
- 1000-1099
- 1053.Previous Permutation With One Swap
- 1081.Smallest Subsequence of Distinct Characters
- 1100-1199
- 1108.Defanging an IP Address
- 1111.Maximum Nesting Depth of Two Valid Parentheses Strings
- 1137.N-th Tribonacci Number
- 1138.Alphabet Board Path
- 1139.Largest 1-Bordered Square
- 1184.Distance Between Bus Stops
- 1200-1299
- 1238.Circular Permutation in Binary Representation
- 1248.Count Number of Nice Subarrays
- 1256.Encode Number
- 1273.Delete Tree Nodes
- 1300-1399
- 1301.Number of Paths with Max Score
- 1318.Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c
- 1324.Print Words Vertically
- 1351.Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix
- 1400-1499
- 1418.Display Table of Food Orders in a Restaurant
- 1448.Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree
- 1470.Shuffle the Array
- 1481.Least Number of Unique Integers after K Removals
- 1500-1599
- 1523.Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range
- 1534.Count Good Triplets
- 1600-1699
- 1617.Count Subtrees With Max Distance Between Cities
- 1618.Maximum Font to Fit a Sentence in a Screen
- 1631.Path With Minimum Effort
- 1634.Add Two Polynomials Represented as Linked Lists
- 1649.Create Sorted Array through Instructions
- 1660.Correct a Binary Tree
- 1669.Merge In Between Linked Lists
- images
- 1700-1799
- 1725.Number Of Rectangles That Can Form The Largest Square
- 1746.Maximum Subarray Sum After One Operation
- 1768.Merge Strings Alternately
- 1788.Maximize the Beauty of the Garden
- 1800-1899
- 1801.Number of Orders in the Backlog
- 1803.Count Pairs With XOR in a Range
- 1808.Maximize Number of Nice Divisors
- 1827.Minimum Operations to Make the Array Increasing
- 1836.Remove Duplicates From an Unsorted Linked List
- 1852.Distinct Numbers in Each Subarray
- 1857.Largest Color Value in a Directed Graph
- 1858.Longest Word With All Prefixes
- 1859.Sorting the Sentence
- 1861.Rotating the Box
- 1872.Stone Game VIII
- 1874.Minimize Product Sum of Two Arrays
- 1877.Minimize Maximum Pair Sum in Array
- 1900-1999
- 1911.Maximum Alternating Subsequence Sum
- 1913.Maximum Product Difference Between Two Pairs
- 1914.Cyclically Rotating a Grid
- 1915.Number of Wonderful Substrings
- 1916.Count Ways to Build Rooms in an Ant Colony
- 2000-2099/2087.Minimum Cost Homecoming of a Robot in a Grid
- 2400-2499/2495.Number of Subarrays Having Even Product
- 2500-2599
- 2506.Count Pairs Of Similar Strings
- 2533.Number of Good Binary Strings
- 2600-2699
- 2638.Count the Number of K-Free Subsets
- 2673.Make Costs of Paths Equal in a Binary Tree
- 2700-2799/2745.Construct the Longest New String
- 2800-2899/2899.Last Visited Integers
- 2900-2999
- 2900.Longest Unequal Adjacent Groups Subsequence I
- 2901.Longest Unequal Adjacent Groups Subsequence II
- 2910.Minimum Number of Groups to Create a Valid Assignment
- 2917.Find the K-or of an Array
- 2944.Minimum Number of Coins for Fruits
- 2990.Loan Types
- 3000-3099
- 3004.Maximum Subtree of the Same Color
- 3010.Divide an Array Into Subarrays With Minimum Cost I
- 3013.Divide an Array Into Subarrays With Minimum Cost II
- 3018.Maximum Number of Removal Queries That Can Be Processed I
- 3026.Maximum Good Subarray Sum
- 3035.Maximum Palindromes After Operations
- 3046.Split the Array
- 3047.Find the Largest Area of Square Inside Two Rectangles
- 3048.Earliest Second to Mark Indices I
- 3049.Earliest Second to Mark Indices II
- 3050.Pizza Toppings Cost Analysis
- 3051.Find Candidates for Data Scientist Position
- 3052.Maximize Items
- 3053.Classifying Triangles by Lengths
- 3054.Binary Tree Nodes
- 3055.Top Percentile Fraud
- 3056.Snaps Analysis
- 3057.Employees Project Allocation
- 3058.Friends With No Mutual Friends
- 3059.Find All Unique Email Domains
- 3060.User Activities within Time Bounds
- 3061.Calculate Trapping Rain Water
- 3062.Winner of the Linked List Game
- 3063.Linked List Frequency
- 3064.Guess the Number Using Bitwise Questions I
- 3065.Minimum Operations to Exceed Threshold Value I
- 3066.Minimum Operations to Exceed Threshold Value II
- 3067.Count Pairs of Connectable Servers in a Weighted Tree Network
- 3068.Find the Maximum Sum of Node Values
- 3069.Distribute Elements Into Two Arrays I
- 3070.Count Submatrices with Top-Left Element and Sum Less Than k
- 3071.Minimum Operations to Write the Letter Y on a Grid
- 3072.Distribute Elements Into Two Arrays II
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194 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
8 | 8 |
| |
9 | 9 |
| |
10 | 10 |
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11 |
| - | |
| 11 | + | |
12 | 12 |
| |
13 | 13 |
| |
14 | 14 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
8 | 8 |
| |
9 | 9 |
| |
10 | 10 |
| |
11 |
| - | |
| 11 | + | |
12 | 12 |
| |
13 | 13 |
| |
14 | 14 |
| |
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