File tree
291 files changed
lines changed- lcci
- 03.01.Three in One
- 04.02.Minimum Height Tree
- 04.05.Legal Binary Search Tree
- 05.02.Binary Number to String
- 05.07.Exchange
- 10.09.Sorted Matrix Search
- 16.25.LRU Cache
- 17.20.Continuous Median
- 17.22.Word Transformer
- 17.23.Max Black Square
- lcof
- 面试题26. 树的子结构
- 面试题41. 数据流中的中位数
- lcof2
- 剑指 Offer II 094. 最少回文分割
- 剑指 Offer II 096. 字符串交织
- 剑指 Offer II 098. 路径的数目
- solution
- 0000-0099
- 0032.Longest Valid Parentheses
- 0044.Wildcard Matching
- 0062.Unique Paths
- 0072.Edit Distance
- 0097.Interleaving String
- 0098.Validate Binary Search Tree
- 0100-0199
- 0132.Palindrome Partitioning II
- 0146.LRU Cache
- 0200-0299
- 0215.Kth Largest Element in an Array
- 0221.Maximal Square
- 0240.Search a 2D Matrix II
- 0270.Closest Binary Search Tree Value
- 0295.Find Median from Data Stream
- 0300-0399
- 0338.Counting Bits
- 0347.Top K Frequent Elements
- 0350.Intersection of Two Arrays II
- 0364.Nested List Weight Sum II
- 0365.Water and Jug Problem
- 0400-0499
- 0416.Partition Equal Subset Sum
- 0464.Can I Win
- 0476.Number Complement
- 0494.Target Sum
- 0500-0599
- 0510.Inorder Successor in BST II
- 0514.Freedom Trail
- 0517.Super Washing Machines
- 0523.Continuous Subarray Sum
- 0560.Subarray Sum Equals K
- 0594.Longest Harmonious Subsequence
- 0600-0699
- 0638.Shopping Offers
- 0664.Strange Printer
- 0691.Stickers to Spell Word
- 0700-0799
- 0704.Binary Search
- 0727.Minimum Window Subsequence
- 0744.Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target
- 0800-0899
- 0807.Max Increase to Keep City Skyline
- 0826.Most Profit Assigning Work
- 0875.Koko Eating Bananas
- 0900-0999
- 0925.Long Pressed Name
- 0945.Minimum Increment to Make Array Unique
- 0956.Tallest Billboard
- 0973.K Closest Points to Origin
- 0979.Distribute Coins in Binary Tree
- 0983.Minimum Cost For Tickets
- 0994.Rotting Oranges
- 0995.Minimum Number of K Consecutive Bit Flips
- 1000-1099/1092.Shortest Common Supersequence
- 1100-1199
- 1130.Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values
- 1143.Longest Common Subsequence
- 1146.Snapshot Array
- 1200-1299
- 1208.Get Equal Substrings Within Budget
- 1252.Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix
- 1400-1499/1411.Number of Ways to Paint N × 3 Grid
- 1500-1599
- 1510.Stone Game IV
- 1550.Three Consecutive Odds
- 1552.Magnetic Force Between Two Balls
- 1600-1699/1687.Delivering Boxes from Storage to Ports
- 1700-1799/1720.Decode XORed Array
- 1800-1899
- 1835.Find XOR Sum of All Pairs Bitwise AND
- 1870.Minimum Speed to Arrive on Time
- 1883.Minimum Skips to Arrive at Meeting On Time
- 1900-1999
- 1931.Painting a Grid With Three Different Colors
- 1958.Check if Move is Legal
- 1971.Find if Path Exists in Graph
- 1981.Minimize the Difference Between Target and Chosen Elements
- 2000-2099
- 2028.Find Missing Observations
- 2040.Kth Smallest Product of Two Sorted Arrays
- 2058.Find the Minimum and Maximum Number of Nodes Between Critical Points
- 2065.Maximum Path Quality of a Graph
- 2073.Time Needed to Buy Tickets
- 2075.Decode the Slanted Ciphertext
- 2079.Watering Plants
- 2080.Range Frequency Queries
- 2088.Count Fertile Pyramids in a Land
- 2100-2199
- 2101.Detonate the Maximum Bombs
- 2105.Watering Plants II
- 2109.Adding Spaces to a String
- 2135.Count Words Obtained After Adding a Letter
- 2138.Divide a String Into Groups of Size k
- 2164.Sort Even and Odd Indices Independently
- 2187.Minimum Time to Complete Trips
- 2193.Minimum Number of Moves to Make Palindrome
- 2197.Replace Non-Coprime Numbers in Array
- 2200-2299
- 2213.Longest Substring of One Repeating Character
- 2225.Find Players With Zero or One Losses
- 2246.Longest Path With Different Adjacent Characters
- 2247.Maximum Cost of Trip With K Highways
- 2285.Maximum Total Importance of Roads
- 2296.Design a Text Editor
- 2300-2399
- 2304.Minimum Path Cost in a Grid
- 2326.Spiral Matrix IV
- 2331.Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree
- 2334.Subarray With Elements Greater Than Varying Threshold
- 2369.Check if There is a Valid Partition For The Array
- 2385.Amount of Time for Binary Tree to Be Infected
- 2391.Minimum Amount of Time to Collect Garbage
- 2400-2499
- 2452.Words Within Two Edits of Dictionary
- 2481.Minimum Cuts to Divide a Circle
- 2500-2599/2518.Number of Great Partitions
- 2700-2799
- 2713.Maximum Strictly Increasing Cells in a Matrix
- 2741.Special Permutations
- 2747.Count Zero Request Servers
- 2748.Number of Beautiful Pairs
- 2749.Minimum Operations to Make the Integer Zero
- 2766.Relocate Marbles
- 2800-2899
- 2865.Beautiful Towers I
- 2866.Beautiful Towers II
- 2897.Apply Operations on Array to Maximize Sum of Squares
- 2900-2999
- 2968.Apply Operations to Maximize Frequency Score
- 2977.Minimum Cost to Convert String II
- 3000-3099
- 3052.Maximize Items
- 3086.Minimum Moves to Pick K Ones
- 3098.Find the Sum of Subsequence Powers
- 3100-3199
- 3119.Maximum Number of Potholes That Can Be Fixed
- 3122.Minimum Number of Operations to Satisfy Conditions
- 3125.Maximum Number That Makes Result of Bitwise AND Zero
- 3129.Find All Possible Stable Binary Arrays I
- 3130.Find All Possible Stable Binary Arrays II
- 3135.Equalize Strings by Adding or Removing Characters at Ends
- 3138.Minimum Length of Anagram Concatenation
- 3141.Maximum Hamming Distances
- 3144.Minimum Substring Partition of Equal Character Frequency
- 3148.Maximum Difference Score in a Grid
- 3149.Find the Minimum Cost Array Permutation
- 3154.Find Number of Ways to Reach the K-th Stair
- 3155.Maximum Number of Upgradable Servers
- 3158.Find the XOR of Numbers Which Appear Twice
- 3159.Find Occurrences of an Element in an Array
- 3160.Find the Number of Distinct Colors Among the Balls
- 3162.Find the Number of Good Pairs I
- 3164.Find the Number of Good Pairs II
- 3168.Minimum Number of Chairs in a Waiting Room
- 3169.Count Days Without Meetings
- 3176.Find the Maximum Length of a Good Subsequence I
- 3177.Find the Maximum Length of a Good Subsequence II
- 3180.Maximum Total Reward Using Operations I
- 3181.Maximum Total Reward Using Operations II
- 3184.Count Pairs That Form a Complete Day I
- 3185.Count Pairs That Form a Complete Day II
- 3186.Maximum Total Damage With Spell Casting
- 3190.Find Minimum Operations to Make All Elements Divisible by Three
- 3191.Minimum Operations to Make Binary Array Elements Equal to One I
- 3192.Minimum Operations to Make Binary Array Elements Equal to One II
- 3193.Count the Number of Inversions
- 3194.Minimum Average of Smallest and Largest Elements
- 3196.Maximize Total Cost of Alternating Subarrays
- 3197.Find the Minimum Area to Cover All Ones II
- 3200-3299
- 3201.Find the Maximum Length of Valid Subsequence I
- 3202.Find the Maximum Length of Valid Subsequence II
- 3205.Maximum Array Hopping Score I
- 3221.Maximum Array Hopping Score II
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291 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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47 | 47 |
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48 | 48 |
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49 | 49 |
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60 |
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61 | 61 |
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62 | 62 |
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63 | 63 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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62 | 62 |
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63 | 63 |
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64 | 64 |
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65 |
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66 | 66 |
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74 | 74 |
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75 |
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76 | 76 |
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77 | 77 |
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78 | 78 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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24 | 24 |
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25 | 25 |
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26 | 26 |
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27 |
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28 | 28 |
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33 | 33 |
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34 | 34 |
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35 | 35 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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26 | 26 |
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27 | 27 |
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28 | 28 |
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29 |
| - | |
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30 | 30 |
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31 | 31 |
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32 | 32 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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42 | 42 |
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43 | 43 |
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44 | 44 |
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51 | 51 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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51 | 51 |
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52 | 52 |
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53 | 53 |
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58 | 58 |
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59 | 59 |
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60 | 60 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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44 | 44 |
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45 | 45 |
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46 | 46 |
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47 |
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48 | 48 |
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49 | 49 |
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50 | 50 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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249 | 249 |
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250 | 250 |
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251 | 251 |
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252 |
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254 |
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255 | 255 |
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256 | 256 |
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257 | 257 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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258 | 258 |
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259 | 259 |
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260 | 260 |
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261 |
| - | |
262 |
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263 |
| - | |
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264 | 264 |
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265 | 265 |
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266 | 266 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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67 | 67 |
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68 | 68 |
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69 | 69 |
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70 |
| - | |
| 70 | + | |
71 | 71 |
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72 | 72 |
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73 | 73 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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48 | 48 |
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49 | 49 |
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50 | 50 |
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51 |
| - | |
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52 | 52 |
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53 |
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54 | 54 |
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55 |
| - | |
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56 | 56 |
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57 | 57 |
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58 | 58 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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55 | 55 |
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56 | 56 |
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57 | 57 |
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58 |
| - | |
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59 | 59 |
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60 |
| - | |
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61 | 61 |
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62 |
| - | |
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63 | 63 |
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64 | 64 |
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65 | 65 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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50 | 50 |
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51 | 51 |
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52 | 52 |
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53 |
| - | |
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54 | 54 |
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60 | 60 |
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61 |
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62 | 62 |
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63 | 63 |
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64 | 64 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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52 | 52 |
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53 | 53 |
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54 | 54 |
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55 |
| - | |
56 |
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59 | 59 |
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60 | 60 |
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61 | 61 |
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62 | 62 |
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63 |
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64 |
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65 | 65 |
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66 | 66 |
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67 | 67 |
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