For a string sequence
, a string word
is k
-repeating if word
concatenated k
times is a substring of sequence
. The word
's maximum k
-repeating value is the highest value k
where word
is k
-repeating in sequence
. If word
is not a substring of sequence
, word
's maximum k
-repeating value is 0
Given strings sequence
and word
, return the maximum k
-repeating value of word
in sequence
Example 1:
Input: sequence = "ababc", word = "ab" Output: 2 Explanation: "abab" is a substring in "ababc".
Example 2:
Input: sequence = "ababc", word = "ba" Output: 1 Explanation: "ba" is a substring in "ababc". "baba" is not a substring in "ababc".
Example 3:
Input: sequence = "ababc", word = "ac" Output: 0 Explanation: "ac" is not a substring in "ababc".
1 <= sequence.length <= 100
1 <= word.length <= 100
contains only lowercase English letters.
class Solution {
int minOperations(vector<int>& nums, int x) {
int n = nums.size();
int sum = 0;
for (int num: nums) {
sum += num;
int target = sum - x;
int res = -1;
int l = 0;
int r = 0;
sum = 0;
while (r < n) {
sum += nums[r++];
while (sum > target && l < n) {
sum -= nums[l++];
if (sum == target) {
res = max(res, r - l);
if (res == -1) {
return res;
return n - res;
function minOperations(nums: number[], x: number): number {
const n = nums.length;
const target = nums.reduce((r, v) => r + v) - x;
let l = 0;
let r = 0;
let sum = 0;
let max = -1;
while (r < n) {
sum += nums[r++];
while (sum > target && l < r) {
sum -= nums[l++];
if (sum === target) {
max = Math.max(max, r - l);
if (max === -1) {
return max;
return n - max;
impl Solution {
pub fn min_operations(nums: Vec<i32>, x: i32) -> i32 {
let n = nums.len();
let target = nums.iter().sum::<i32>() - x;
let (mut l, mut r) = (0, 0);
let (mut sum, mut max) = (0, -1);
while r < n {
sum += nums[r];
r += 1;
while sum > target && l < r {
sum -= nums[l];
l += 1;
if sum == target {
max = max.max((r - l) as i32);
if max == -1 {
return max;
return n as i32 - max;