- LCCI Solutions
- 01.01. Is Unique
- 01.02. Check Permutation
- 01.03. String to URL
- 01.04. Palindrome Permutation
- 01.05. One Away
- 01.06. Compress String
- 01.07. Rotate Matrix
- 01.08. Zero Matrix
- 01.09. String Rotation
- 02.01. Remove Duplicate Node
- 02.02. Kth Node From End of List
- 02.03. Delete Middle Node
- 02.04. Partition List
- 02.05. Sum Lists
- 02.06. Palindrome Linked List
- 02.07. Intersection of Two Linked Lists
- 02.08. Linked List Cycle
- 03.01. Three in One
- 03.02. Min Stack
- 03.03. Stack of Plates
- 03.04. Implement Queue using Stacks
- 03.05. Sort of Stacks
- 03.06. Animal Shelter
- 04.01. Route Between Nodes
- 04.02. Minimum Height Tree
- 04.03. List of Depth
- 04.04. Check Balance
- 04.05. Legal Binary Search Tree
- 04.06. Successor
- 04.08. First Common Ancestor
- 04.09. BST Sequences
- 04.10. Check SubTree
- 04.12. Paths with Sum
- 05.01. Insert Into Bits
- 05.02. Bianry Number to String
- 05.03. Reverse Bits
- 05.04. Closed Number
- 05.06. Convert Integer
- 05.07. Exchange
- 05.08. Draw Line
- 08.01. Three Steps Problem
- 08.02. Robot in a Grid
- 08.03. Magic Index
- 08.04. Power Set
- 08.05. Recursive Mulitply
- 08.06. Hanota
- 08.07. Permutation I
- 08.08. Permutation II
- 08.09. Bracket
- 08.10. Color Fill
- 08.11. Coin
- 08.12. Eight Queens
- 08.13. Pile Box
- 08.14. Boolean Evaluation
- 10.01. Sorted Merge
- 10.02. Group Anagrams
- 10.03. Search Rotate Array
- 10.05. Sparse Array Search
- 10.09. Sorted Matrix Search
- 10.10. Rank from Stream
- 10.11. Peaks and Valleys
- 16.01. Swap Numbers
- 16.02. Words Frequency
- 16.03. Intersection
- 16.04. Tic-Tac-Toe
- 16.05. Factorial Zeros
- 16.06. Smallest Difference
- 16.07. Maximum
- 16.08. English Int
- 16.09. Operations
- 16.10. Living People
- 16.11. Diving Board
- 16.13. Bisect Squares
- 16.14. Best Line
- 16.15. Master Mind
- 16.16. Sub Sort
- 16.17. Contiguous Sequence
- 16.18. Pattern Matching
- 16.19. Pond Sizes
- 16.20. T9
- 16.21. Sum Swap
- 16.22. Langtons Ant
- 16.24. Pairs With Sum
- 16.25. LRU Cache
- 16.26. Calculator
- 17.01. Add Without Plus
- 17.04. Missing Number
- 17.05. Find Longest Subarray
- 17.06. Number Of 2s In Range
- 17.07. Baby Names
- 17.08. Circus Tower
- 17.09. Get Kth Magic Number
- 17.10. Find Majority Element
- 17.11. Find Closest
- 17.12. BiNode
- 17.13. Re-Space
- 17.14. Smallest K
- 17.15. Longest Word
- 17.16. The Masseuse
- 17.17. Multi Search
- 17.18. Shortest Supersequence
- 17.19. Missing Two
- 17.20. Continuous Median
- 17.21. Volume of Histogram
- 17.22. Word Transformer
- 17.23. Max Black Square
- 17.24. Max Submatrix
- 17.25. Word Rectangle
- 17.26. Sparse Similarity