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You are given a phone number as a string number. number consists of digits, spaces ' ', and/or dashes '-'.

You would like to reformat the phone number in a certain manner. Firstly, remove all spaces and dashes. Then, group the digits from left to right into blocks of length 3 until there are 4 or fewer digits. The final digits are then grouped as follows:

  • 2 digits: A single block of length 2.
  • 3 digits: A single block of length 3.
  • 4 digits: Two blocks of length 2 each.

The blocks are then joined by dashes. Notice that the reformatting process should never produce any blocks of length 1 and produce at most two blocks of length 2.

Return the phone number after formatting.


Example 1:

Input: number = "1-23-45 6"
Output: "123-456"
Explanation: The digits are "123456".
Step 1: There are more than 4 digits, so group the next 3 digits. The 1st block is "123".
Step 2: There are 3 digits remaining, so put them in a single block of length 3. The 2nd block is "456".
Joining the blocks gives "123-456".

Example 2:

Input: number = "123 4-567"
Output: "123-45-67"
Explanation: The digits are "1234567".
Step 1: There are more than 4 digits, so group the next 3 digits. The 1st block is "123".
Step 2: There are 4 digits left, so split them into two blocks of length 2. The blocks are "45" and "67".
Joining the blocks gives "123-45-67".

Example 3:

Input: number = "123 4-5678"
Output: "123-456-78"
Explanation: The digits are "12345678".
Step 1: The 1st block is "123".
Step 2: The 2nd block is "456".
Step 3: There are 2 digits left, so put them in a single block of length 2. The 3rd block is "78".
Joining the blocks gives "123-456-78".



  • 2 <= number.length <= 100
  • number consists of digits and the characters '-' and ' '.
  • There are at least two digits in number.



class Solution:
    def reformatNumber(self, number: str) -> str:
        number = number.replace("-", "").replace(" ", "")
        n = len(number)
        ans = [number[i * 3 : i * 3 + 3] for i in range(n // 3)]
        if n % 3 == 1:
            ans[-1] = ans[-1][:2]
        elif n % 3 == 2:
        return "-".join(ans)


class Solution {
    public String reformatNumber(String number) {
        number = number.replace("-", "").replace(" ", "");
        int n = number.length();
        List<String> ans = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < n / 3; ++i) {
            ans.add(number.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3));
        if (n % 3 == 1) {
            ans.set(ans.size() - 1, ans.get(ans.size() - 1).substring(0, 2));
            ans.add(number.substring(n - 2));
        } else if (n % 3 == 2) {
            ans.add(number.substring(n - 2));
        return String.join("-", ans);


class Solution {
    string reformatNumber(string number) {
        string s;
        for (char c : number) {
            if (c != ' ' && c != '-') {
        int n = s.size();
        vector<string> res;
        for (int i = 0; i < n / 3; ++i) {
            res.push_back(s.substr(i * 3, 3));
        if (n % 3 == 1) {
            res.back() = res.back().substr(0, 2);
            res.push_back(s.substr(n - 2));
        } else if (n % 3 == 2) {
            res.push_back(s.substr(n - 2));
        string ans;
        for (auto& v : res) {
            ans += v;
            ans += "-";
        return ans;


func reformatNumber(number string) string {
	number = strings.ReplaceAll(number, " ", "")
	number = strings.ReplaceAll(number, "-", "")
	n := len(number)
	ans := []string{}
	for i := 0; i < n/3; i++ {
		ans = append(ans, number[i*3:i*3+3])
	if n%3 == 1 {
		ans[len(ans)-1] = ans[len(ans)-1][:2]
		ans = append(ans, number[n-2:])
	} else if n%3 == 2 {
		ans = append(ans, number[n-2:])
	return strings.Join(ans, "-")


function reformatNumber(number: string): string {
    const cs = [...number].filter(c => c !== ' ' && c !== '-');
    const n = cs.length;
    return cs
        .map((v, i) => {
            if (((i + 1) % 3 === 0 && i < n - 2) || (n % 3 === 1 && n - 3 === i)) {
                return v + '-';
            return v;


impl Solution {
    pub fn reformat_number(number: String) -> String {
        let cs: Vec<char> = number.chars().filter(|&c| c != ' ' && c != '-').collect();
        let n = cs.len();
            .map(|(i, c)| {
                if (i + 1) % 3 == 0 && i < n - 2 || n % 3 == 1 && i == n - 3 {
                    return c.to_string() + &"-";
