Table: Salaries
+-------------+---------+ | Column Name | Type | +-------------+---------+ | emp_name | varchar | | department | varchar | | salary | int | +-------------+---------+ (emp_name, department) is the primary key (combination of unique values) for this table. Each row of this table contains emp_name, department and salary. There will be at least one entry for the engineering and marketing departments.
Write a solution to calculate the difference between the highest salaries in the marketing and engineering department
. Output the absolute difference in salaries.
Return the result table.
The result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
Input: Salaries table: +----------+-------------+--------+ | emp_name | department | salary | +----------+-------------+--------+ | Kathy | Engineering | 50000 | | Roy | Marketing | 30000 | | Charles | Engineering | 45000 | | Jack | Engineering | 85000 | | Benjamin | Marketing | 34000 | | Anthony | Marketing | 42000 | | Edward | Engineering | 102000 | | Terry | Engineering | 44000 | | Evelyn | Marketing | 53000 | | Arthur | Engineering | 32000 | +----------+-------------+--------+ Output: +-------------------+ | salary_difference | +-------------------+ | 49000 | +-------------------+ Explanation: - The Engineering and Marketing departments have the highest salaries of 102,000 and 53,000, respectively. Resulting in an absolute difference of 49,000.
# Write your MySQL query statement below
SELECT max(s) - min(s) AS salary_difference
SELECT max(salary) AS s
FROM Salaries
GROUP BY department
) AS t;