Table: Files
+-------------+---------+ | Column Name | Type | +-- ----------+---------+ | file_name | varchar | | content | text | +-------------+---------+ file_name is the column with unique values of this table. Each row contains file_name and the content of that file.
Write a solution to find the number of files that have at least one occurrence of the words 'bull' and 'bear' as a standalone word, respectively, disregarding any instances where it appears without space on either side (e.g. 'bullet', 'bears', 'bull.', or 'bear' at the beginning or end of a sentence will not be considered)
Return the word 'bull' and 'bear' along with the corresponding number of occurrences in any order.
The result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
Input: Files table: +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | file_name | content | +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | draft1.txt | The stock exchange predicts a bull market which would make many investors happy. | | draft2.txt | The stock exchange predicts a bull market which would make many investors happy, | | | but analysts warn of possibility of too much optimism and that in fact we are | | | awaiting a bear market. | | draft3.txt | The stock exchange predicts a bull market which would make many investors happy, | | | but analysts warn of possibility of too much optimism and that in fact we are | | | awaiting a bear market. As always predicting the future market is an uncertain | | | game and all investors should follow their instincts and best practices. | +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Output: +------+-------+ | word | count | +------+-------+ | bull | 3 | | bear | 2 | +------+-------+ Explanation: - The word "bull" appears 1 time in "draft1.txt", 1 time in "draft2.txt", and 1 time in "draft3.txt". Therefore, the total number of occurrences for the word "bull" is 3. - The word "bear" appears 1 time in "draft2.txt", and 1 time in "draft3.txt". Therefore, the total number of occurrences for the word "bear" is 2.
# Write your MySQL query statement below
SELECT 'bull' AS word, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM Files
WHERE content LIKE '% bull %'
SELECT 'bear' AS word, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM Files
WHERE content LIKE '% bear %';