This is an archive of the main list for projects that are no longer maintained / old.
- 1Trackr
- 2048
- 4clock
- 4Pets
- 8mph
- A Menjar
- AA-Keyboard
- Abby's Cycle
- AccountBook
- Actions
- Actor
- Adler Planetarium Navigation & Tour
- Aeropack
- AfishaLviv
- AirBnb clone
- AirCheck
- Alarm
- AlarmClock
- AlcatrazTour
- Alien Blue
- Alienblast
- AlohaGIF
- Alphabet-Blocks
- AlzPrevent
- Amaroq
- American Chronicle
- Amplosion
- Antidote
- AntiMap
- Anypic
- Anypic
- AnyWall
- Aozora
- apnagent-ios
- App Store Clone
- Apple WWDC 2015
- AppleWatchFaces
- AppleWatchProductHunt
- AppLove
- AppSales-Mobile
- AppSlate
- AR Art Attractors
- AR Plastic Ocean
- Arex
- Argent
- Around Me
- ARStickers
- Articles
- Artsy Folio
- Artsy Shows
- Assemblies
- AssociationBot
- AsthmaHealth
- audiograph
- Avo Keepr
- Awesome Mobile Conference
- Awesome Swift iOS App
- Balloon Burst
- Bancha
- bandit-hat-budget
- BaseConverter
- Basic Chat GPT 3.5/4
- Bat Loves Bugs
- Battle for Wesnoth
- Be my eyes
- Bequest
- Bike Compass
- BitPrice
- BitStore
- BoardBank
- Bombus Pomodoro
- Boostnote
- Borrowed Books
- Brain Marks
- Brew
- BrewMobile
- Bridges
- Buck Tracker
- Calculator by mukeshthawani
- Calculator by noodlewerk
- CalendarKit
- Calvin and Hobbes Comic Viewer
- CamLingual
- CamShift
- Canada - COVID Shield
- Canvas
- CaseAssistant
- Castle Hassle
- Celluloid Photo Editing extension
- ChainReactApp
- Charter
- Chaty
- Cheddar
- Cherry
- Chess
- ChineseZodiac
- Chuck
- Ciao
- ClickWheelKeyboard
- climbers
- Closebox
- CloudKit
- CloudKit-To-Do-List
- CodeCombat
- CodeSprint
- Codinator
- Coding
- Coffee Timer
- Coins
- CoinTracker
- CollageMaker
- Colo
- Colorblind
- ColorBlur
- ColorCipher
- ComicFlow
- Communiqué
- Compass
- Concentration game (翻翻看)
- Concertino
- Concurrency
- ConfFriends
- Connectivity Demo
- Contacts
- Conway's Game of Life
- CookieCrunch
- CoolSpot
- Count It
- Counter
- CrimeMapper
- Cryptose
- Crystal Clipboard
- Currency Converter
- CutTheNotch
- CZInstagram
- Danbooru Lite
- Delta: Math helper
- Den
- DesireKeyboard
- DevSwitch
- Dicershaker
- Dictum
- DinnerRoll
- DoctorNearby
- Dollar Bets
- Done
- Dono
- Doppio
- DoubanFM
- doughwallet
- Dragon Shout
- Dragon Shout App 2
- DropColour
- DrugsNRock
- Dungeon Crawl
- DVD Collection Tracker
- DWA Mobile
- Easy Diceware
- EatNow
- EconoApp
- eCortex
- Eleven
- Ello
- EMI Calculator
- EmojiFireplace
- EmotionNote Diary
- Encryptr
- Endless Browser
- ESCapey
- EU VAT Number - VIES Freelance
- EventBlankApp
- Everest
- EX Player
- Exchanger
- f.lux
- Facebook Login
- Facebook-Pop-Introduction
- Facemotion
- Falcon Messenger
- FancyNews
- FC Barcelona clone
- Federal Data SDK
- FinalFighter
- Find My Bus NJ
- Flappy Bird using SpriteBuilder
- Flickr-Search
- FlickrWatch
- For Hacker News by iSimar
- Forecast
- Foreign Exchange
- fosdem
- Frame Grabber
- Frameless
- Fresh-Food-Finder
- FS-Player
- fudge
- Furni
- FuseCloud
- GameJam
- gbible
- GeoTappy
- Ghostery Dawn Privacy Browser
- Gifzat
- Giraffe
- GitBucket
- GitHub API Client
- github-issues
- GitHub-Swift
- Gitify
- GlucoSuccess
- Good Living Guide
- GoodNight
- Google Feud
- Gorillas
- GrandCentralBoard
- graygram
- GreatReader
- Green Mahjong
- GrinnellEvents
- GroceryList
- Grove
- GrubbyWorm
- Gulps
- Hack Cancer Hackathon
- Hacker News Client
- HackerNews (Y)
- Hand-painted style tower defense game
- HausClock
- Hedgewars
- Helio Workstation
- Heredox
- hexclock
- Hey ChatGPT
- Hidrate
- HighStreet
- HN Now
- HN-App
- Hodor
- HomeKit-Demo
- HopperBus
- Hostile Takeover
- hoxChess
- IBCalculator
- iBeaconTasks
- Iceland Earthquakes
- iContactU
- iCopyPasta
- iGrades
- iLabyrinth
- Impulse
- iOctocat
- iOS 10 Day by Day
- iOS 11 by Examples
- iOS 8 Sampler
- iOS 9 Sampler
- iOSAppsInfo
- iOSSwiftMetalCamera
- IpfsIosAppExample
- iStockcheck
- Jim
- Jupp
- Keinex tech blog
- keyacid
- KeyCo
- Knock
- Knuff
- KonaBot
- KTPomodoro
- LastFM
- Layer-Parse
- Legend-Wings
- Letters
- LidderbuchApp
- Light-Jockey
- Link Keyboard : My Links Everywhere
- Lister
- Listr
- LivescoreApp using Sports API
- LobsterApp
- lobsters-reader
- Local Storage
- Locative
- LogU
- london-react
- Longboxed
- Lucid Weather Clock
- Lumines remake
- LunarCore
- Lunchify
- M
- MapBox Earth
- Mast
- Master
- Math Quest
- Mathee
- mChat
- Means
- MedKeeper
- MedKeeper
- MeetPoint
- MeetupOrganizer
- Megabite
- Meme Maker
- Mergel
- MeWeather
- Minds
- Mission999
- Molecules
- Monotone Delay
- Morse
- mosaix
- Motivator
- Movement - Watch Tracker
- Moves
- Movies
- mPower
- Mugician
- MultiBuddy
- Mume
- Munch
- MVI-SingleState
- MVI-SwiftUI
- MVPTwitterSample
- My First Memory
- MyAwesomeChecklist
- NatsuLion
- Natural Language Clock
- NaughtyKeyboard
- NearbyWeather
- Nested Lists
- Neverlate
- New Zealand - NZ COVID Tracer
- news
- News
- News/YC
- newswatch
- NirZhihuDaily2.0
- Nortal TechDay 2015
- Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival
- notGIF
- NumberPad
- Obědář
- OCiney
- OctoPodium
- Octopus
- Onions
- OnTime
- Open States
- OpenCB
- OpenClien
- OpenIt
- OpenPics
- OpenSesame
- OpenTerm
- Orbit7
- packlog
- Pancake
- Parse 2013 Developer Day
- Parse Dashboard
- Parse-Challenge-App
- ParseStore
- pass
- pathlogger
- Paws
- PebCiti
- Peggsite
- PencilAnnotator
- PGPro
- PhishOD
- PhoneBattery
- PhotoBrowser
- Pi
- PickerFull
- Pickery
- Picsum
- PlainNote
- PocketFlix
- PocketNode
- Podcasts
- Pokedex
- Pokemon Go clone
- pokemon-map
- pokevision
- Polls
- Poly API - Samples
- Poppins
- Popular Movies
- Post Manager
- Potatso
- Potter Pics
- PowerUp
- prankPro
- Prefacto for prime numbers
- Prey
- PrivacyBlur
- Product Catalogue
- Product Kitty
- projectM
- ProMonster
- Property Finder
- PropertyCross
- prox
- Pterodactyl Attack
- Pugs
- QiitaCollection
- QRGen
- Queue'd Music
- Radio Paradise
- Radium Web Browser
- RailsCasts
- RainMan
- Raivo OTP
- ReactiveHackerNews
- ReactiveKitten
- ReactiveSwiftFlickrSearch
- ReactKitCalculator
- ReactNativeHackerNews
- RealmPop
- RealmTasks
- RealmToDo
- RealmVideo
- RedditWatch
- Remote
- Repo
- Retriever
- Retro Skate
- Reusable Code
- Review Time
- Revolved
- Rewatch
- RKGist
- RSS Reader
- RSSRead
- Runner-Stats
- RxCurrency
- S.C.P-Asylum-Fail
- S.I.T. (雕刻时光)
- SafariAutoLoginTest
- SafePeople
- Santa Tracker
- Savings Assistant
- SceneKitFrogger
- Science Journal
- Scratch
- Screenshotter
- SeeFood
- SelfieAssist
- Send To Me
- Sentiments
- Session
- SF Symbols Game
- SF Viewer for SF Symbols
- Shadertweak
- Show OpenGL content
- Showio
- Shuttle-Tracker
- Siesta GitHub Browser
- SimpleMemo
- Simplistic
- SkeletonKey
- Skiff Mail
- Smart Traveller (UberGuide)
- SmileWeather
- Snapchat clone
- Sol
- Songkick
- Soon
- SoundCloudSwift
- Sounds
- Space Zero
- Spacepics
- Spare Parts
- SparkleShare
- Speak
- Spontaneous - Random quotes
- Starship
- Stay
- Steps
- Stocks-iOS
- Stopwatch
- StreetMusicMap
- Strife Veteran Edition
- Sudoku
- SudokuBreaker
- SudokuResolv
- Superday
- surespot
- Swab
- Swiflytics
- Swift Off
- Swift-Gif
- Swift-Walk-Tracker
- SwiftBlog
- Swifteroid
- SwiftFanorona
- SwiftFlickrApp
- SwiftHub
- SwiftNote
- SwiftRACGoogleImages
- SwiftSnake
- SwiftSpace
- SwiftTextClock
- SwipeIt
- Tack
- Task Coach
- TaskPaper
- TechTavta
- teh internets
- Telemat-tvOS
- Tenere News Reader
- Terrarium
- Tether
- Textbook
- TextEthan
- Textor
- That Movie With
- The Oakland Post
- The Spin Zone
- theNews
- TheReservist
- Theseus
- Tic-tac-toe
- TicTacToe
- TicTacToe Ultimatum
- Tinder clone
- Tiny Wings Remake
- Tinylog
- Tip Calculator
- TKeyboard
- To do
- To Do List
- Tob
- TodayMind
- TodayStocks
- Todo
- Todo Combine SwiftUI
- Todo.txt
- Toggl Timer
- Toggl Timer
- tootbot
- ToThePenny
- Tracker 4 Compassion
- Triggy
- Tripletz Tic Tac Toe
- TrollDrop
- try! Swift
- tweedie
- tweejump
- Twitter clone
- UitzendingGemist by jeffkreeftmeijer
- UK
- Ulangi
- Uncle Nagy's House
- Valio Con 2014 Schedule
- Vegan Lists UK
- Vesper
- Vim
- VisitBCN
- WaniKani
- warpedAR
- WatchKit tutorials
- Watchman
- WatchNotes
- watchOS-2-Sampler
- WatchSnake
- WatchStocks
- Weather by JakeLin
- WeatherMap
- Whatsapp clone
- WhatsUp Chat
- Wheelmap
- WhiteHouse
- wikiHow
- wildcats
- windmill
- Wizard War
- Words
- Workdays
- Wunderschnell
- WWDC Family
- XPilot
- YaleMobile
- Yep
- Yorkie
- ZeroStore
- ZXing
- 花灰
This list was inspired by awesome-ios and awesome-swift. Thanks to all the contributors 🎉