This is a Swift app that demonstrates the use of Apple's machine learning vision framework with CoreML.
Using Turi Create, an image classification model is trained (transfer-learning by fine-tuning of Squeezenet) on food images of different types. This trained mlmodel is then used in the Swift iOS project for recognising pictures of food, taken with an iPhone.
- Turi Create to generate a coreml model
- VNCoreMLRequest & VNImageRequestHandler to query a Core ML model to process images
- UIImagePickerController to take pictures or choose items from media gallery
Note : For simplicity, this app does not perform resize/transformation of images which can generally be a good practice for ML projects.
Food 11 dataset from EPFL
(For simplicity, images for this project was downloaded from where the original Food 11 data has been organized by category) -
16643 food images across 11 classes :
- Bread
- Dairy product
- Dessert
- Egg
- Fried food
- Meat
- Noodles-Pasta
- Rice
- Seafood
- Soup
- Vegetable-Fruit
3 splits in datase : Training, Validation & Test.
(Training & validation have been combined in this project for training the model, and then allowing only 5% split for validation)
Due to size limit issues, the data is not uploaded in this repository. The 2 python files
include the TuriCreate code used to generate the Food11.mlmodel used in the iOS app.