Use Xcode Server's API with ease. First brought to you in Buildasaur, now in an independent project.
Supports both Xcode Server with Xcode 6 and 7!
Create the server config object with the server's URL, username and password.
let config = XcodeServerConfig(host: "", apiVersion: .Xcode6, user: "IRuleBots", password: "superSecr3t")
let server = XcodeServerFactory.server(config)
Go wild!
server.getBots { (bots, error) -> () in
if let error = error {
Log.error("Oh no! \(error.description)")
//go crazy with bots
if let firstBot = bots?.first {
//use the first bot...
Need inspiration? Watch this WWDC 2015 session on Xcode Server! Using hardware buttons to start integrations? Why not! The sky is the limit.
- createBot
- getBot
- deleteBot
- getBots
- getIntegrations
- postIntegration
- cancelIntegration
- getDevices
- getUserCanCreateBots
Create an issue or (preferably) send a pull request.
This code has been pulled out of Buildasaur, bringing you integration of GitHub Pull Requests to Xcode Bots.
Honza Dvorsky @czechboy0