::: tip ISSUES 1859 feature] want to implement the k3s runtime module#1859
3293172751 opened this issue 前天 · 4 comments
What a good start @3293172751! Now i have some suggestions maybe make you more understand about sealer runtime.
the Achieve Interface step is definitely correct. but it would be some misunderstand about k3s's cluterimage rootfs in your chapter k3s - rootfs , i think we do not need to care too much about k3s install package distribution in this stage. I propose a step which is my learning path of sealer,FYI @3293172751 .
- k8s runtiem interface 逻辑是什么?
- sealer 如何以及何时安装私人注册表?
- runtime module 如何与 rootfs 中的脚本交互?
::: tip ISSUE
And you mentioned about the k3s installation [online\offline]. I have little confusions.
If sqlite couldn't support cluster HA installation? How to specify the database?
Another question is about install step. AFAIK, k3s support join node by k3s agent
k3s server
, so whether you tried this method?
Last, k3s support custom private registry, how to config this? and whether k3s could support external CRI? @3293172751
🎉about [online\offline]
🎉 about HA install and single node
希望在接口 interface
seal run k3s~
seal run k0s~
seal run kuberntes~
另一个问题是关于安装步骤。AFAIK,k3s 支持通过 k3s 代理 k3s 服务器加入节点吗? 最后,k3s支持自定义私有registry
k3s agent k3s server
加入节点吗?是的,k3s agent
节点可以加入另一个正在运行的节点的集群k3s server
。这就是你想问的吗?k3s 支持自定义私有注册中心,如何配置?您有机会查看文档吗?https://docs.k3s.io/installation/private-registryk3s
可以支持外部 CRI 吗?是的,使用
// GenerateCert generate the containerd CA for registry TLS and k0s join token for 100 years.
func (k *Runtime) GenerateCert() error {
if err := k.generateK0sToken(); err != nil {
return err
if err := k.GenerateRegistryCert(); err != nil {
return err
return k.SendRegistryCert(k.cluster.GetMasterIPList()[:1])
func (k *Runtime) initRegistryCmd() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("cd %s/scripts && ./init-registry.sh %s %s %s", k.getRootfs(), k.RegConfig.Port, fmt.Sprintf("%s/registry", k.getRootfs()), k.RegConfig.Domain)
// getRootfs return the rootfs dir like: /var/lib/sealer/data/my-k0s-cluster/rootfs
func (k *Runtime) getRootfs() string {
return common.DefaultTheClusterRootfsDir(k.cluster.Name)
func DefaultTheClusterRootfsDir(clusterName string) string {
return filepath.Join(DefaultSealerDataDir, clusterName, "rootfs")
DefaultSealerDataDir = "/var/lib/sealer/data"
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