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第14节 go 调试 测试 以及调试工具 dlv




::: tip prepare:

  • vscode
  • golang 1.92



go mod init test

In main.go file

package main

import (

// Swap functions
func swap(x, y *string) (string, string) {
	//XOR exchange
	*x, *y = *y, *x

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, world!")
	//Swap functions
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		a := "a"
		b := "b"
		swap(&a, &b)
		fmt.Println(a, b)


>gotest for package/function

::: tip 分别是为包生成测试单元,为函数生成测试单元。 :::


package main

import (

func Test_main(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name string
		// TODO: Add test cases.
	for _, tt := range tests {
		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {

func Test_swap(t *testing.T) {
	type args struct {
		x *string
		y *string
	tests := []struct {
		name  string
		args  args
		want  string
		want1 string
		// TODO: Add test cases.
	for _, tt := range tests {
		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
			got, got1 := swap(tt.args.x, tt.args.y)
			if got != tt.want {
				t.Errorf("swap() got = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
			if got1 != tt.want1 {
				t.Errorf("swap() got1 = %v, want %v", got1, tt.want1)

我们在 TODO: Add test cases. 那边给出测试就好了:

也有快捷键,我们先加入一个 {}

>go:file struct


package main

import (

func Test_main(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name string
		// TODO: Add test cases.
			name: "test",
	for _, tt := range tests {
		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {

func Test_swap(t *testing.T) {
	type args struct {
		x *string
		y *string
	tests := []struct {
		name  string
		args  args
		want  string
		want1 string
		// TODO: Add test cases.
		name: "afsdfwe",
		args: args{
			x: 12,
			y: 214,
		want:  "shabi",
		want1: "wangshan ",
		name: "23asdfs",
		args: args{
			x: 1254,
			y: 421,
		want:  "afswedwe",
		want1: "3erasfdsa",
	for _, tt := range tests {
		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
			got, got1 := swap(tt.args.x, tt.args.y)
			if got != tt.want {
				t.Errorf("swap() got = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
			if got1 != tt.want1 {
				t.Errorf("swap() got1 = %v, want %v", got1, tt.want1)




"mode": "test"

可以是 远程的 remote,或者选择 debug


"program": "${file}"

::: warning

    "name": "Launch test function",
    "type": "go",
    "request": "launch",
    "mode": "test",
    "program": "${workspaceFolder}",
    "args": [



我们需要设置 program 在某个具体目录下的,比如说:

    "configurations": [
            "name": "Launch Package",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "launch",
            "mode": "auto",
            "program": "${fileDirname}/../main"
            "name": "Connect to server",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "attach",
            "mode": "remote",
            "remotePath": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "port": 22,
            "host": ""


// Swap functions
func swap(x, y *string) (string, string) {
	//XOR exchange
	*x, *y = *y, *x
	return *x, *y

需要指定 test 参数,来指定具体的测试函数:

    "name": "Launch test function",
    "type": "go",
    "request": "launch",
    "mode": "test",
    "program": "${workspaceFolder}",
    "args": [

vscode 远程调试

::: tip When applied to remote-attach configurations, will look for "dlv ... --headless --listen=:" server started externally. In dlv-dap mode, this will apply to all other configurations as well. The extension will try to connect to an external server started with "dlv dap --listen=:" to ask it to launch/attach to the target process. :::

首先我们需要先启动一个 devle server

dlv --headless debug Test


root@cubmaster01:~/go/src/ dlv connect localhost:40609
Type 'help' for list of commands.
(dlv) break main.go:32
Breakpoint 1 set at 0x4a05b2 for main.main() /workspces/test/main.go:32
(dlv) continue
> main.main() /workspces/test/main.go:32 (hits goroutine(1):1 total:1) (PC: 0x4a05b2)
    27:         gid, _ := strconv.ParseInt(idField, 10, 64)
    28:         return gid
    29: }
    31: func main() {
=>  32:         debug()
    33: }

创建 .vscode 文件夹(mod rootfs目录),并在下面创建:

  • 创建settings.json

  • 创建 launch.json 写入

        //Use IntelliSense to learn about related properties.
        //Hover to see a description of an existing property.
        //For more information, please visit:
        "version": "0.2.0",
        "configurations": [
                "name": "Connect to server",
                "type": "go",
                "request": "attach",
                "mode": "remote",
                "remotePath": "/workspace/sealer",
                "port": 22,
                "host": ""
                "name": "Launch file",
                "type": "go",
                "request": "launch",
                "mode": "debug",
                "program": "${file}"

::: warning 方便起见可以直接在调试窗口一键创建


dlv + VSCode + Go开发环境搭建

::: tip 需要的问题 项目需要 gcc/c++ 环境,或者是大型的项目需要构建(sealos、sealer、kubernets、prometheus

**我需要: ** 使用vscode编辑器编写go,然后进行编译、调试(打断点)。


dlv 是一个简称, 实际上,delve 才是全称,dlv 只是启动命令,如果使用 VScode,默认使用的调试器就是基于 delve 的。


指令 用处 实操
attach 这个命令将使Delve控制一个已经运行的进程,并开始一个新的调试会话。 当退出调试会话时,你可以选择让该进程继续运行或杀死它。 case1
exec 这个命令将使Delve执行二进制文件,并立即附加到它,开始一个新的调试会话。请注意,如果二进制文件在编译时没有关闭优化功能,可能很难正确地调试它。请考虑在Go 1.10或更高版本上用-gcflags="all=-N -l "编译调试二进制文件,在Go的早期版本上用-gcflags="-N -l"。 case2
help 使用手册 case3
debug 默认情况下,没有参数,Delve将编译当前目录下的 "main "包,并开始调试。或者,你可以指定一个包的名字,Delve将编译该包,并开始一个新的调试会话。 case4
test test命令允许你在单元测试的背景下开始一个新的调试会话。默认情况下,Delve将调试当前目录下的测试。另外,你可以指定一个包的名称,Delve将在该包中调试测试。双破折号--可以用来传递参数给测试程序。 case5
version 查看dlv版本 case6


dlv 特别支持 goroutine

  • goroutine
  • gorouties
  • thread
  • threads



指令 缩写 用法 案例
break b 设置断点 case7
breakpoints bp 查看当前所有断点 case8
clear / 删除断点 case9
clearall / 删除多个断点 case10
toggle / 启用或关闭断点 case11


指令 缩写 用法 案例
continue c 继续执行到一个断点或者程序结束吗 case12
next n 执行下一行代码 case13
restart r 重新执行程序 case14
step s 执行代码的下一步 case15
step-instruction si 执行下一行机器码 case16
stepout so 跳出当前执行函数 case17


指令 缩写 用法 案例
args / 打印函数input case18
display / 打印加入到display的变量的值,每次执行下一行代码或下一个断点时 case19
locals / 打印局部变量 case20
print p 打印表达式的结果 case21
set / 设置某个变量的值 case22
vars / 查看全局变量 case23
whatis / 查看变量类型 case24


指令 缩写 用法 案例
disassemble disass 查看反编译后的代码,机器码 case25
exit quit / q 退出 case26
funcs / 打印程序用到的所有函数 case27
help h 帮助信息 case28
list ls / l 打印代码 case29


  1. 建立相应的目录。到/usr/local/go/bin/路径下建立这样的路径,建立之后应该存在这样的路径/usr/local/go/bin/
  2. 下载调试依赖的git库:需直接zip包,然后把源代码解压,然后把源代码直接放到上面的路径下(上面的路径下应该直接是源代码,可以找到Makefile文件!!!!!!)。
  3. 执行命令make install
  4. 配置VSCode的launch.json文,具体怎么配置给个官网链接,英文的自己去看,看不懂你根本不配看这个文章。
  5. 打断点进行测试(测试的项目可以是我们一开始编写的hello.go文件)。

安装 dlv

git clone $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
make install
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

dlv version

或者使用 get:

go get


另外,需要给 Visual Code 添加对应的 debug 方案(debug configuration)。在Visual Code的菜单栏上,通过Debug->Open Configurations打开launch.json的编辑界面。在configurations数组中,加入以下内容后,保存文件。

    "name": "Launch remote",
    "type": "go",
    "request": "launch",
    "mode": "remote",
    "remotePath": "/root/go/src/hello",
    "port": 2345,
    "host": "",
    "program": "${fileDirname}",
    "env": {}


**dlv的debug远程调试需要远端和近端都持有全部的源代码文件。**为了方便,这里就不改变GOPATH,在远端直接将整个项目,扔到 $GOPATH/src 里面。

源代码文件路径为 $GOPATH/src/hello/main.go

在近端,直接创建 hello目录,就把源代码文件直接放在里面。

dlv debug --headless --listen ":2345" --log --api-version 2


API server listening at: [::]:2345
INFO[0004] launching process with args: [/root/go/src/hello/debug]  layer=debugger

然后,回到 Visual Code 进入 debug 界面,选择 “Launch remote” 方案后,点击启动来进行 go debugger,就能启动远程调试。大部分的操作和本地调试无异,堆栈、变量、watch都能正常使用。

dlv 💡简单的一个案例

PS D:\文\my\test> dlv exec .\main.exe    
Type 'help' for list of commands.
(dlv) b
Breakpoint 1 set at 0x7ffc6a490651 for :0
(dlv) b main.main
Breakpoint 2 set at 0xe7e48f for main.main() d:/文档/my/test/main.go:14
(dlv) c
Stopped at: 0x7ffc6a490651
=>   1: no source available
(dlv) b main.swap
Breakpoint 3 set at 0xe7e51c for main.main() d:/文档/my/test/main.go:10
(dlv) c
> main.main() d:/文档/my/test/main.go:14 (hits goroutine(1):1 total:1) (PC: 0xe7e48f)
Warning: debugging optimized function
     9:         //XOR exchange
    10:         *x, *y = *y, *x
    11:         return *x, *y
    12: }
=>  14: func main() {
    15:         fmt.Println("Hello, world!")
    16:         //Swap functions
    17:         for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    18:                 a := "a"
    19:                 b := "b"
(dlv) bp
Breakpoint runtime-fatal-throw (enabled) at 0xe24a20,0xe24b20 for (multiple functions)() d:/app/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1059 (0)
Breakpoint unrecovered-panic (enabled) at 0xe24ec0 for runtime.fatalpanic() d:/app/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1143 (0)
        print runtime.curg._panic.arg
Breakpoint 1 (enabled) at 0x7ffc6a490651 for :0 (1)
Breakpoint 2 (enabled) at 0xe7e48f for main.main() d:/文档/my/test/main.go:14 (1)
Breakpoint 3 (enabled) at 0xe7e51c for main.main() d:/文档/my/test/main.go:10 (0)
(dlv) clear 2
Breakpoint 2 cleared at 0xe7e48f for main.main() d:/文档/my/test/main.go:14
(dlv) bp
Breakpoint runtime-fatal-throw (enabled) at 0xe24a20,0xe24b20 for (multiple functions)() d:/app/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1059 (0)
Breakpoint unrecovered-panic (enabled) at 0xe24ec0 for runtime.fatalpanic() d:/app/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1143 (0)
        print runtime.curg._panic.arg
Breakpoint 1 (enabled) at 0x7ffc6a490651 for :0 (1)
Breakpoint 3 (enabled) at 0xe7e51c for main.main() d:/文档/my/test/main.go:10 (0)
(dlv) ls
> main.main() d:/文档/my/test/main.go:14 (PC: 0xe7e48f)
Warning: debugging optimized function
     9:         //XOR exchange
    10:         *x, *y = *y, *x
    11:         return *x, *y
    12: }
=>  14: func main() {
    15:         fmt.Println("Hello, world!")
    16:         //Swap functions
    17:         for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    18:                 a := "a"
    19:                 b := "b"
  1. 带参数启动程序(dlv exec ./GoDbg -- arg1 arg2

    [lday@alex GoDbg]$ dlv exec ./GoDbg -- arg1 arg2 
    Type 'help' for list of commands.
  2. 在main函数上设置断点(b

    (dlv) b main.main
    Breakpoint 1 set at 0x40101b for main.main() ./main.go:9
  3. 启动调试,断点后继续执行(c

    (dlv) c
    > main.main() ./main.go:9 (hits goroutine(1):1 total:1) (PC: 0x40101b)
         4:        "GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib"
         5:        "fmt"
         6:        "os"
         7:    )
    =>   9:    func main() {
        10:        fmt.Println("Golang dbg test...")
        12:        var argc = len(os.Args)
        13:        var argv = append([]string{}, os.Args...)
  4. 在文件dbgTest.go上通过行号设置断点(b

    (dlv) b dbgTest.go:17
    Breakpoint 2 set at 0x457f51 for GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun() ./mylib/dbgTest.go:17
    (dlv) b dbgTest.go:23
    Breakpoint 3 set at 0x4580d0 for GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun() ./mylib/dbgTest.go:23
    (dlv) b dbgTest.go:26
    Breakpoint 4 set at 0x458123 for GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun() ./mylib/dbgTest.go:26
    (dlv) b dbgTest.go:29
    Breakpoint 5 set at 0x458166 for GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun() ./mylib/dbgTest.go:29
  5. 显示所有断点列表(bp

    (dlv) bp
    Breakpoint unrecovered-panic at 0x429690 for runtime.startpanic() /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/runtime/panic.go:524 (0)
    Breakpoint 1 at 0x40101b for main.main() ./main.go:9 (1)
    Breakpoint 2 at 0x457f51 for GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun() ./mylib/dbgTest.go:17 (0)
    Breakpoint 3 at 0x4580d0 for GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun() ./mylib/dbgTest.go:23 (0)
    Breakpoint 4 at 0x458123 for GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun() ./mylib/dbgTest.go:26 (0)
    Breakpoint 5 at 0x458166 for GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun() ./mylib/dbgTest.go:29 (0)

    dlv似乎没有提供类似gdbdis x,禁止某个断点的功能,在文档中暂时没有查到。不过这个功能用处不大。

  6. 删除某个断点(clear x

    (dlv) clear 5
    Breakpoint 5 cleared at 0x458166 for GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun() ./mylib/dbgTest.go:29
    (dlv) bp
    Breakpoint unrecovered-panic at 0x429690 for runtime.startpanic() /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/runtime/panic.go:524 (0)
    Breakpoint 1 at 0x40101b for main.main() ./main.go:9 (1)
    Breakpoint 2 at 0x457f51 for GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun() ./mylib/dbgTest.go:17 (0)
    Breakpoint 3 at 0x4580d0 for GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun() ./mylib/dbgTest.go:23 (0)
    Breakpoint 4 at 0x458123 for GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun() ./mylib/dbgTest.go:26 (0)
  7. 显示当前运行的代码位置(ls

    (dlv) ls
    > GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun() ./mylib/dbgTest.go:17 (hits goroutine(1):1 total:1) (PC: 0x457f51)
        12:        C map[int]string
        13:        D []string
        14:    }
        16:    func DBGTestRun(var1 int, var2 string, var3 []int, var4 MyStruct) {
    =>  17:        fmt.Println("DBGTestRun Begin!\n")
        18:        waiter := &sync.WaitGroup{}
        20:        waiter.Add(1)
        21:        go RunFunc1(var1, waiter)
  8. 查看当前调用栈信息(bt

    (dlv) bt
    0  0x0000000000457f51 in GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun
       at ./mylib/dbgTest.go:17
    1  0x0000000000401818 in main.main
       at ./main.go:27
    2  0x000000000042aefb in runtime.main
       at /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/runtime/proc.go:188
    3  0x0000000000456df0 in runtime.goexit
       at /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1998
  9. 输出变量信息(print/p

    (dlv) print var1
    (dlv) print var2
    "golang dbg test"
    (dlv) print var3
    []int len: 3, cap: 3, [1,2,3]
    (dlv) print var4
    GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.MyStruct {
        A: 1,
        B: "golang dbg my struct field B",
        C: map[int]string [
            1: "value1", 
            2: "value2", 
            3: "value3", 
        D: []string len: 3, cap: 3, ["D1","D2","D3"],}

    *类比gdb调试,我们看到,之前我们使用gdb进行调试时,发现gdb在此时无法输出var3, var4的内容,而dlv可以*

  10. 在第n层调用栈上执行相应指令(frame n cmd

    (dlv) frame 1 ls
        22:        var4.A = 1
        23:        var4.B = "golang dbg my struct field B"
        24:        var4.C = map[int]string{1: "value1", 2: "value2", 3: "value3"}
        25:        var4.D = []string{"D1", "D2", "D3"}
    =>  27:        mylib.DBGTestRun(var1, var2, var3, var4)
        28:        fmt.Println("Golang dbg test over")
        29:    }

    frame 1 ls将显示程序在第1层调用栈上的具体实行位置

  11. 查看goroutine的信息(goroutines) 当我们执行到dbgTest.go:26时,我们已经启动了两个goroutine

    > GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun() ./mylib/dbgTest.go:26 (hits goroutine(1):1 total:1) (PC: 0x458123)
        21:        go RunFunc1(var1, waiter)
        23:        waiter.Add(1)
        24:        go RunFunc2(var2, waiter)
    =>  26:        waiter.Add(1)
        27:        go RunFunc3(&var3, waiter)
        29:        waiter.Add(1)
        30:        go RunFunc4(&var4, waiter)


    (dlv) goroutines
    [6 goroutines]
    * Goroutine 1 - User: ./mylib/dbgTest.go:26 GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun (0x458123) (thread 9022)
      Goroutine 2 - User: /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/runtime/proc.go:263 runtime.gopark (0x42b2d3)
      Goroutine 3 - User: /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/runtime/proc.go:263 runtime.gopark (0x42b2d3)
      Goroutine 4 - User: /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/runtime/proc.go:263 runtime.gopark (0x42b2d3)
      Goroutine 5 - User: ./mylib/dbgTest.go:39 GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.RunFunc1 (0x4583eb) (thread 9035)
      Goroutine 6 - User: /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/fmt/format.go:130 fmt.(*fmt).padString (0x459545)

    从输出的信息来看,先启动的goroutine 5,执行RunFunc1,此时还没有执行fmt.Printf,而后启动的goroutine 6,执行RunFunc2,则已经进入到fmt.Printf的内部调用过程中了

  12. 进一步查看goroutine信息(goroutine x) 接第11步的操作,此时我想查看goroutine 6的具体执行情况,则执行goroutine 6

    (dlv) goroutine 6
    Switched from 1 to 6 (thread 9022)


    (dlv) bt
     0  0x0000000000454730 in runtime.systemstack_switch
        at /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:245
     1  0x000000000040f700 in runtime.mallocgc
        at /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/runtime/malloc.go:643
     2  0x000000000040fc43 in runtime.rawmem
        at /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/runtime/malloc.go:809
     3  0x000000000043c2a5 in runtime.growslice
        at /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/runtime/slice.go:95
     4  0x000000000043c015 in runtime.growslice_n
        at /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/runtime/slice.go:44
     5  0x0000000000459545 in fmt.(*fmt).padString
        at /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/fmt/format.go:130
     6  0x000000000045a13f in fmt.(*fmt).fmt_s
        at /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/fmt/format.go:322
     7  0x000000000045e905 in fmt.(*pp).fmtString
        at /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/fmt/print.go:518
     8  0x000000000046200f in fmt.(*pp).printArg
        at /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/fmt/print.go:797
     9  0x0000000000468a8d in fmt.(*pp).doPrintf
        at /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/fmt/print.go:1238
    10  0x000000000045c654 in fmt.Fprintf
        at /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/fmt/print.go:188

    此时输出了10层调用栈,但似乎最原始的我自身程序dbgTest.go的调用栈没有输出, 可以通过bt加depth参数,设定bt的输出深度,进而找到我们自己的调用栈,例如bt 13

    (dlv) bt 13
    10  0x000000000045c654 in fmt.Fprintf
        at /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/fmt/print.go:188
    11  0x000000000045c74b in fmt.Printf
        at /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/fmt/print.go:197
    12  0x000000000045846f in GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.RunFunc2
        at ./mylib/dbgTest.go:50
    13  0x0000000000456df0 in runtime.goexit
        at /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1998

    我们看到,我们自己dbgTest.go的调用栈在第12层。当前goroutine已经不再我们自己的调用栈上,而是进入到系统函数的调用中,在这种情况下,使用gdb进行调试时,我们发现,此时我们没有很好的方法能够输出我们需要的调用栈变量信息。**dlv可以!**此时只需简单的通过frame x cmd就可以输出我们想要的调用栈信息了

    (dlv) frame 12 ls
        45:        time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
        46:        waiter.Done()
        47:    }
        49:    func RunFunc2(variable string, waiter *sync.WaitGroup) {
    =>  50:        fmt.Printf("var2:%v\n", variable)
        51:        time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
        52:        waiter.Done()
        53:    }
        55:    func RunFunc3(pVariable *[]int, waiter *sync.WaitGroup) {
    (dlv) frame 12 print variable 
    "golang dbg test"
    (dlv) frame 12 print waiter
    *sync.WaitGroup {
        state1: [12]uint8 [0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
        sema: 0,}


  13. 查看当前是在哪个goroutine上(goroutine) 当使用goroutine不带参数时,dlv就会显示当前goroutine信息,这可以帮助我们在调试时确认是否需要做goroutine切换

    (dlv) goroutine
    Thread 9022 at ./mylib/dbgTest.go:26
    Goroutine 6:
        Runtime: /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:245 runtime.systemstack_switch (0x454730)
        User: /home/lday/Tools/Dev_Tools/Go_Tools/go_1_6_2/src/fmt/format.go:130 fmt.(*fmt).padString (0x459545)
        Go: ./mylib/dbgTest.go:26 GoWorks/GoDbg/mylib.DBGTestRun (0x458123)


dlv提供了类似gdb的cli调试系统,而有第三方还提供了dlv的GUI前端(gdlv),对于那些习惯了使用GUI进行调试的人来说,结合gdlv和dlv,调试会更加方便。gdlv有个问题是:他无法在xwindows server上运行,只能在server本地运行。 img



调试器 优势 不足
dlv 对goroutine, go类型调试支持比较完善 只支持 go, 不支持调试某些Go内部底部数据
gdb 符合现有的调试习惯,类似C/C++调试指令都有 对goroutine场景支持不足,不能很好的应对goroutine的调试


通过 Visual Code+dlv 来进行 go 程序的远程调试,对“开发用Windows,生产用Linux”之类的场合下,调试与系统相关的问题非常有帮助。而且,Visual Code的图形界面和代码提示实在是相当方便。

但是debug这个做法有两点不完善的地方。第一个是它原理上需要远端对源代码进行编译,局限了它在除了开发测试环境外的使用场景,也使得每次调试都得等它编译;另一个是因为远端和近端都得有相同的源代码,无论是dlv还是 Visual Code的Go插件,目前都没法自动将本地改动过的代码上传到远端去。

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