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Packaging Guidelines

Downstream packagers often want to package Hypothesis. Here are some guidelines.

The primary guideline is this: If you are not prepared to keep up with the Hypothesis release schedule, don't. You will annoy me and are doing your users a disservice.

Hypothesis has quite a frequent release schedule. It's very rare that it goes a month without a release, and there are often multiple releases in a given month.

Many people not only fail to follow the release schedule but also seem included to package versions which are months out of date even at the point of packaging. This will cause me to be very annoyed with you and you will consequently get very little co-operation from me.

If you are prepared to keep up with the Hypothesis release schedule, the rest of this document outlines some information you might find useful.

Release tarballs

These are available from the GitHub releases page. The tarballs on pypi are intended for installation from a Python tool such as pip or easy_install and should not be considered complete releases. Requests to include additional files in them will not be granted. Their absence is not a bug.


Python versions

Hypothesis is designed to work with a range of Python versions. Currently supported are:

  • pypy-2.6.1 (earlier versions of pypy may work)
  • CPython 2.6.x
  • CPython 2.7.x
  • CPython 3.3.x
  • CPython 3.4.x
  • CPython 3.5.x

If you feel the need to have separate Python 3 and Python 2 packages you can, but Hypothesis works unmodified on either.

Other Python libraries

Hypothesis has optional dependencies on the following libraries:

  • pytz (almost any version should work)
  • fake-factory (0.5.2 or 0.5.3)
  • Django, 1.7 through 1.9 (This requires fake-factory to be installed)
  • numpy, 1.10.x (earlier versions will probably work fine)
  • py.test (2.7.0 or greater). This is a mandatory dependency for testing Hypothesis itself but optional for users.

The way this works when installing Hypothesis normally is that these features become available if the relevant library is installed.

Testing Hypothesis

If you want to test Hypothesis as part of your packaging you will probably not want to use the mechanisms Hypothesis itself uses for running its tests, because it has a lot of logic for installing and testing against different versions of Python.

The tests must be run with py.test. A version more recent than 2.7.0 is strongly encouraged, but it may work with earlier versions (however py.test specific logic is disabled before 2.7.0).

Tests are organised into a number of top level subdirectories of the tests/ directory.

  • cover: This is a small, reasonably fast, collection of tests designed to give 100% coverage of all but a select subset of the files when run under Python 3.
  • nocover: This is a much slower collection of tests that should not be run under coverage for performance reasons.
  • py2: Tests that can only be run under Python 2
  • py3: Tests that can only be run under Python 3
  • datetime: This tests the subset of Hypothesis that depends on pytz
  • fakefactory: This tests the subset of Hypothesis that depends on fakefactory.
  • django: This tests the subset of Hypothesis that depends on django (this also depends on fakefactory).

An example invocation for running the coverage subset of these tests:

python install
pip install pytest # you will probably want to use your own packaging here
python -m pytest tests/cover


Other distros appear to really like Hypothesis 1.11. I do not encourage following their example.