Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = "CYLTabBarController" s.version = "1.28.3" s.summary = "Highly customizable tabBar and tabBarController for iOS" s.description = "[EN]It is an iOS UI module library for adding animation to iOS tabbar items and icons with Lottie. [CN]【中国特色 TabBar】一行代码实现 Lottie 动画TabBar,支持中间带+号的TabBar样式,自带红点角标,支持动态刷新。【iOS12 & iPhone XS MAX supported】" s.homepage = "https://github.com/ChenYilong/CYLTabBarController" s.license = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE' } s.author = { "ChenYilong" => "luohanchenyilong@163.com" } s.social_media_url = 'http://weibo.com/luohanchenyilong/' s.platform = :ios, '8.0' s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/ChenYilong/CYLTabBarController.git", :tag => s.version.to_s } s.requires_arc = true s.default_subspec = 'Core' s.subspec 'Core' do |core| core.source_files = 'CYLTabBarController', 'CYLTabBarController/**/*.{h,m}' core.public_header_files = 'CYLTabBarController/**/*.h' end s.subspec 'Lottie' do |lottie| lottie.dependency 'CYLTabBarController/Core' lottie.dependency "lottie-ios" , '~> 2.5.3' end end