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How to Work on Hypothesis Internals

Note: Currently this guide is very specific to the Python version of Hypothesis. Over time the core will be factored out into a small separate set of libraries - the current migration plan is to move all of the Python code into Rust and have the Python and Ruby versions both depend on this. Eventually we will likely need to have more than one core library - e.g. a Java one as well.

This is a guide to how to work on Hypothesis internals, with a particular focus on helping people who are new to it. Right now it is very rudimentary and is intended primarily for people who are looking to get started writing shrink passes as part of our current outreach program to get more people doing that, but it will expand over time.

Bird's Eye View Concepts

The core engine of Hypothesis is called Conjecture.

The "fundamental idea" of Conjecture is that you can represent an arbitrary randomized test case as the sequence of bytes read from the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) that produced it. Whenever the test did something "random" it actually read the next bytes and did what they told it to do. But those bytes didn't have to come from a PRNG, and we can run the test given any byte sequence we like. By manipulating the choice of bytes, we can achieve more interesting effects than pure randomness would allow us to do, while retaining the power and ease of use of random testing.

The greatest strength of this idea is that we have a single source of truth for what an example should look like: Every byte sequence is one that could have come from a PRNG, and thus is a valid thing to try for our test. The only ways it can fail to be a valid test input are for it to be too short or for it to not satisfy one of the test's preconditions, and both are easily detectable.

The idea of shrinking in particular is that once we have this representation, we can shrink arbitrary test cases based on it. We try to produce a string that is shortlex minimal. What this means is that it has the shortest possible length and among those strings of minimal length is lexicographically (i.e. the normal order on strings - find the first byte at which they differ and use that to decide) smallest.

Ideally we could think of the shrinker as a generic function that takes a string satisfying some predicate and returns the shortlex minimal string that also satisfies it.

We depart from this ideal in two ways:

  • we can only approximate such a minimal string. Finding the actual minimum is intractable in general.
  • we are only interested in minimizing things where the predicate goes through the Hypothesis API, which lets us track how the data is used and use that to guide the process.

We then use a number of different transformations of the string to try and reduce our input. These vary from principled general transformations to shameless hacks that special case something we need to work well.

One such example of a hack is the handling of floating point numbers. There are a couple of lexicographic shrinks that are always valid but only really make sense for our particular encoding of floats. We check if we're working on something that is of the right size to be a float and apply those transformations regardless of whether it is actually meant to be a float. Worst case scenario it's not a float and they don't work, and we've run a few extra test cases.

Useful Files to Know About

The code associated with Conjecture lives in src/hypothesis/internal/conjecture. There are a number of files in there, but the most important ones are and defines the core type that is used to represent test cases, and contains the main driver for deciding what test cases to run.

There is also, which contains a general purpose lexicographic minimizer. This is responsible for taking some byte string and a predicate over byte strings and producing a string of the same length which is lexicographically smaller. Unlike the shrinker in general, this is supposed to work on arbitrary predicates and doesn't know anything about the testing API. We typically apply this to subsets of the bytes for a test input with a predicate that knows how to integrate those subsets into a larger test. This is the part of the code that means we can do things like replacing an integer with a smaller one.


For general information about how to test Hypothesis, take a look at the testing guide, but there are a couple of areas that it's worth specifically highlighting for making changes to the engine:

The first is tests/cover/, which is a set of unit tests designed to put the engine into particular scenarios to exercise specific behaviours, with a goal of achieving 100% coverage on it in isolation (though it currently does not quite achieve that for some specific edge cases. We may fix and enforce this later).

The other set of tests that are worth knowing about are the quality tests, in tests/quality. These assert specific hard to satisfy properties about the examples that Hypothesis finds - either their existence, or something about the final shrunk result.

Engine Design Specifics

There are a couple of code patterns that are mostly peculiar to Conjecture that you may not have encountered before and are worth being aware of.

Search State Objects

There are a number of cases where we find ourself with a user-provided function (where the "user" might still be something that is entirely our code) and we want to pass a whole bunch of different examples to it in order to achieve some result. Currently this includes each of the main engine, the Shrinker (in and the minimizer, but there are likely to be more in future.

We typically organise such things in terms of an object that you create with the function and possibly an initial argument that stores these on self and has some run or similar method. They then run for a while, repeatedly calling the function they were given.

Generally speaking they do not call the function directly, but instead wrap calls to it. This allows them to implement a certain amount of decision caching, e.g. avoiding trying the same shrink twice, but also gives us a place where we can update metadata about the search process.

For objects whose goal is some form of optimisation (Shrinker, Minimizer) one of the pieces of metadata they will typically track is a "current target". This is typically the best example they have seen so far. By wrapping every call to the predicate, we ensure that we never miss an example even when we're passing through other things.

For objects whose goal is some broader form of search (currently only ConjectureRunner) this also allows them to keep track of other examples of interest. For example, as part of our multiple bug discovery, ConjectureRunner keeps track of the smallest example of each distinct failure that it has seen, and updates this automatically each time the test function is called. This means that if during shrinking we "slip" and find a different bug than the one we started with, we will not shrink to that, but it will get remembered by the runner if it was either novel or better than our current example.

Weird Loops

The loops inside a lot of the engine look very strange and unidiomatic. For example:

i = 0
while i < len(self.intervals):
    u, v = self.intervals[i]
    if not self.incorporate_new_buffer(
        self.shrink_target.buffer[:u] + self.shrink_target.buffer[v:]
        i += 1

The more natural way to write this in Python would be:

for u, v in self.intervals:
        self.shrink_target.buffer[:u] + self.shrink_target.buffer[v:]

This is not equivalent in this case, and would exhibit the wrong behaviour.

Every time incorporate_new_buffer succeeds, it changes the shape of the current shrink target. This consequently changes the shape of intervals, both its particular values and its current length - on each loop iteration the loop might stop either because i increases or because len(self.intervals) decreases.

We do not reset i to zero on success, as this would cause us to retry deleting things that we have already tried. This might work, but is less likely to. In the event that none of the earlier deletions succeed, this causes us to do retry the entire prefix uselessly, which can result in a pass taking O(n^2) time to do O(n) deletions.

An additional quirk is that we only increment i on failure. The reason for this is that if we successfully deleted the current interval then the interval in position i has been replaced with something else, which is probably the next thing we would have tried deleting if we hadn't succeeded (or something like it), so we don't want to advance past it. This is specific to deletion: If we are just replacing the contents of something then we expect it to still be in the same place, so there we increment unconditionally. Examples of this include zero_draws and minimize_individual_blocks.

The Shrinker

The shrinking part of Hypothesis is organised into a single class called Shrinker that lives in hypothesis/internal/conjecture/

Its job is to take an initial ConjectureData object and some predicate that it satisfies, and to try to produce a simpler ConjectureData object that also satisfies that predicate.

The search process mostly happens in the shrink method, which tries various shrink passes in the greedy_shrink method and then reports on the outcome. For details, you are strongly encouraged to read the source code. It is very well commented, and as the subject of active research often has newer techniques than are documented here.

Search Passes

Search passes are methods on the Shrinker class. They are designed to take the current shrink target and try a number of things that might be sensible shrinks of it.

Typically the design of a search pass is that it should always try to run to completion rather than exiting as soon as it's found something good, but that it shouldn't retry things that are too like stuff it has already tried just because something worked. So for example in the above loop, we try deleting each interval (these roughly correspond to regions of the input that are responsible for some particular value or small number of adjacent values). When we succeed, we keep going and try deleting more intervals, but we don't try to delete any intervals before the current index.

The reason for this is that retrying things from the beginning might work but probably won't. Thus if we restarted every time we made a change we would end up doing a lot of useless work. Additionally, they are more likely to work after other shrink passes have run because frequently other changes are likely to unlock changes in the current pass that were previously impossible. e.g. when we reorder some examples we might make a big region deletable that previously contained something critical to the relevant behaviour of the test but is now just noise.

Because the shrinker runs in a big loop, if we've made progress the shrink pass will always be run again (assuming we don't hit some limit that terminates the shrink early, but by making the shrinker better we try to ensure that that never happens). This means that we will always get an opportunity to start again later if we made progress, and if we didn't make progress we've tried everything anyway.

Expensive Shrink Passes

We have a bunch of search passes that are considered "expensive". Typically this means "quadratic or worse complexity". When shrinking we initially don't run these, and the first time that we get to the end of our main passes and have failed to make the input any smaller, we then turn them on.

This allows the shrinker to switch from a good but slightly timid mode while its input is large into a more aggressive DELETE ALL THE THINGS mode once that stops working. By that point we've usually made our input small enough that quadratic complexity is acceptable.

We turn these on once and then they stay on. The reason for this is to avoid a "flip-flopping" scenario where an expensive pass unlocks one trivial change that the cheap passes can find and then they get stuck again and have to do an extra useless run through the passes to prove that.

Adaptive Shrink Passes

A useful trick that some of the shrink passes use is to try a thing and if it doesn't work take a look at what the test function did to guess why it didn't work and try to repair that.

Two example such passes are zero_examples and the various passes that try to minimize individual blocks lexicographically.

What happens in zero_examples is that we try replacing the region corresponding to a draw with all zero bytes. If that doesn't work, we check if that was because of changing the size of the example (e.g. doing that with a list will make the list much shorter) and messing up the byte stream after that point. If this was what happened then we try again with a sequence of zeroes that corresponds to the size of the draw call in the version we tried that didn't work.

The logic for what we do with block minimization is in try_shrinking_blocks. When it tries shrinking a block and it doesn't work, it checks if the sized changed. If it does then it tries deleting the number of bytes that were lost immediately after the shrunk block to see if it helps.

Playing Around

I often find that it is informative to watch the shrink process in action using Hypothesis's verbosity settings. This can give you an idea of what the format of your data is, and how the shrink process transforms it.

In particular, it is often useful to run a test with the flag -s to tell it not to hide output and the environment variable HYPOTHESIS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL=debug. This will give you a very detailed log of what the testing process is running, along with information about what passes in the shrinker rare running and how they transform it.

Getting Started

The best way of getting started on working on the engine is to work on the shrinker. This is because it has the most well defined problems, the best documented code among the engine, and it's generally fun to work on.

If you have not already done so, check out Issue #1093, which collates a number of other issues about shrink quality that are good starting points for people.

The best place to get started thus is to take a look at those linked issues and jump in and try things! Find one that you think sounds fun. Note that some of them suggest not doing these as your first foray into the shrinker, as some are harder than others.

Please ask questions if you have any - either the main issue for general purpose questions or specific issues for questions about a particular problem - if you get stuck or if anything doesn't make sense. We're trying to make this process easier for everyone to work on, so asking us questions is actively helpful to us and we will be very grateful to you for doing so.