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Stateful testing

Hypothesis offers support for a stateful style of test, where instead of trying to produce a single data value that causes a specific test to fail, it tries to generate a program that errors. In many ways, this sort of testing is to classical property based testing as property based testing is to normal example based testing.

The idea doesn't originate with Hypothesis, though Hypothesis's implementation and approach is mostly not based on an existing implementation and should be considered some mix of novel and independent reinventions.

This style of testing is useful both for programs which involve some sort of mutable state and for complex APIs where there's no state per se but the actions you perform involve e.g. taking data from one function and feeding it into another.

The idea is that you teach Hypothesis how to interact with your program: Be it a server, a python API, whatever. All you need is to be able to answer the question "Given what I've done so far, what could I do now?". After that, Hypothesis takes over and tries to find sequences of actions which cause a test failure.

Right now the stateful testing is a bit new and experimental and should be considered as a semi-public API: It may break between minor versions but won't break between patch releases, and there are still some rough edges in the API that will need to be filed off.

This shouldn't discourage you from using it. Although it's not as robust as the rest of Hypothesis, it's still pretty robust and more importantly is extremely powerful. I found a number of really subtle bugs in Hypothesis by turning the stateful testing onto a subset of the Hypothesis API, and you likely will find the same.

Enough preamble, lets see how to use it.

The first thing to note is that there are two levels of API: The low level but more flexible API and the higher level rule based API which is both easier to use and also produces a much better display of data due to its greater structure. We'll start with the more structured one.

Rule based state machines

Rule based state machines are the ones you're most likely to want to use. They're significantly more user friendly and should be good enough for most things you'd want to do.

A rule based state machine is a collection of functions (possibly with side effects) which may depend on both values that Hypothesis can generate and also on values that have resulted from previous function calls.

You define a rule based state machine as follows:

import unittest
from collections import namedtuple

from hypothesis import strategies as st
from hypothesis.stateful import RuleBasedStateMachine, Bundle, rule

Leaf = namedtuple('Leaf', ('label',))
Split = namedtuple('Split', ('left', 'right'))

class BalancedTrees(RuleBasedStateMachine):
    trees = Bundle('BinaryTree')

    @rule(target=trees, x=st.integers())
    def leaf(self, x):
        return Leaf(x)

    @rule(target=trees, left=trees, right=trees)
    def split(self, left, right):
        return Split(left, right)

    def check_balanced(self, tree):
        if isinstance(tree, Leaf):
            assert abs(self.size(tree.left) - self.size(tree.right)) <= 1

    def size(self, tree):
        if isinstance(tree, Leaf):
            return 1
            return 1 + self.size(tree.left) + self.size(tree.right)

In this we declare a Bundle, which is a named collection of previously generated values. We define two rules which put data onto this bundle - one which just generates leaves with integer labels, the other of which takes two previously generated values and returns a new one.

We can then integrate this into our test suite by getting a unittest TestCase from it:

TestTrees = BalancedTrees.TestCase

if __name__ == '__main__':

(these will also be picked up by py.test if you prefer to use that). Running this we get:

Step #1: v1 = leaf(x=0)
Step #2: v2 = split(left=v1, right=v1)
Step #3: v3 = split(left=v2, right=v1)
Step #4: check_balanced(tree=v3)
FAIL: runTest (hypothesis.stateful.BalancedTrees.TestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
assert abs(self.size(tree.left) - self.size(tree.right)) <= 1

Note how it's printed out a very short program that will demonstrate the problem.

...the problem of course being that we've not actually written any code to balance this tree at all, so of course it's not balanced.

So lets balance some trees.

from collections import namedtuple

from hypothesis import strategies as st
from hypothesis.stateful import RuleBasedStateMachine, Bundle, rule

Leaf = namedtuple('Leaf', ('label',))
Split = namedtuple('Split', ('left', 'right'))

class BalancedTrees(RuleBasedStateMachine):
    trees = Bundle('BinaryTree')
    balanced_trees = Bundle('balanced BinaryTree')

    @rule(target=trees, x=st.integers())
    def leaf(self, x):
        return Leaf(x)

    @rule(target=trees, left=trees, right=trees)
    def split(self, left, right):
        return Split(left, right)

    def check_balanced(self, tree):
        if isinstance(tree, Leaf):
            assert abs(self.size(tree.left) - self.size(tree.right)) <= 1, \

    @rule(target=balanced_trees, tree=trees)
    def balance_tree(self, tree):
        return self.split_leaves(self.flatten(tree))

    def size(self, tree):
        if isinstance(tree, Leaf):
            return 1
            return self.size(tree.left) + self.size(tree.right)

    def flatten(self, tree):
        if isinstance(tree, Leaf):
            return (tree.label,)
            return self.flatten(tree.left) + self.flatten(tree.right)

    def split_leaves(self, leaves):
        assert leaves
        if len(leaves) == 1:
            return Leaf(leaves[0])
            mid = len(leaves) // 2
            return Split(

We've now written a really noddy tree balancing implementation. This takes trees and puts them into a new bundle of data, and we only assert that things in the balanced_trees bundle are actually balanced.

If you run this it will sit there silently for a while (you can turn on :ref:`verbose output <verbose-output>` to get slightly more information about what's happening. debug will give you all the intermediate programs being run) and then run, telling you your test has passed! Our balancing algorithm worked.

Now lets break it to make sure the test is still valid:

Changing the split to mid = max(len(leaves) // 3, 1) this should no longer balance, which gives us the following counter-example:

v1 = leaf(x=0)
v2 = split(left=v1, right=v1)
v3 = balance_tree(tree=v1)
v4 = split(left=v2, right=v2)
v5 = balance_tree(tree=v4)

Note that the example could be shrunk further by deleting v3. Due to some technical limitations, Hypothesis was unable to find that particular shrink. In general it's rare for examples produced to be long, but they won't always be minimal.

You can control the detailed behaviour with a settings object on the TestCase (this is a normal hypothesis settings object using the defaults at the time the TestCase class was first referenced). For example if you wanted to run fewer examples with larger programs you could change the settings to:

TestTrees.settings = settings(max_examples=100, stateful_step_count=100)

Which doubles the number of steps each program runs and halves the number of runs relative to the example. settings.timeout will also be respected as usual.


While it's possible to use :func:`~hypothesis.assume` in RuleBasedStateMachine rules, if you use it in only a few rules you can quickly run into a situation where few or none of your rules pass their assumptions. Thus, Hypothesis provides a :func:`~hypothesis.stateful.precondition` decorator to avoid this problem. The :func:`~hypothesis.stateful.precondition` decorator is used on rule-decorated functions, and must be given a function that returns True or False based on the RuleBasedStateMachine instance.

.. autofunction:: hypothesis.stateful.precondition

from hypothesis.stateful import RuleBasedStateMachine, rule, precondition

class NumberModifier(RuleBasedStateMachine):

    num = 0

    def add_one(self):
        self.num += 1

    @precondition(lambda self: self.num != 0)
    def divide_with_one(self):
        self.num = 1 / self.num

By using :func:`~hypothesis.stateful.precondition` here instead of :func:`~hypothesis.assume`, Hypothesis can filter the inapplicable rules before running them. This makes it much more likely that a useful sequence of steps will be generated.

Note that currently preconditions can't access bundles; if you need to use preconditions, you should store relevant data on the instance instead.


Often there are invariants that you want to ensure are met after every step in a process. It would be possible to add these as rules that are run, but they would be run zero or multiple times between other rules. Hypothesis provides a decorator that marks a function to be run after every step.

.. autofunction:: hypothesis.stateful.invariant

from hypothesis.stateful import RuleBasedStateMachine, rule, invariant

class NumberModifier(RuleBasedStateMachine):

    num = 0

    def add_two(self):
        self.num += 2
        if self.num > 50:
            self.num += 1

    def divide_with_one(self):
        assert self.num % 2 == 0

NumberTest = NumberModifier.TestCase

Invariants can also have :func:`~hypothesis.stateful.precondition`s applied to them, in which case they will only be run if the precondition function returns true.

Note that currently invariants can't access bundles; if you need to use invariants, you should store relevant data on the instance instead.

Generic state machines

The class GenericStateMachine is the underlying machinery of stateful testing in Hypothesis. In execution it looks much like the RuleBasedStateMachine but it allows the set of steps available to depend in essentially arbitrary ways on what has happened so far. For example, if you wanted to use Hypothesis to test a game, it could choose each step in the machine based on the game to date and the set of actions the game program is telling it it has available.

It essentially executes the following loop:

machine = MyStateMachine()
    for _ in range(n_steps):
        step = machine.steps().example()

Where steps and execute_step are methods you must implement, and teardown and check_invarants are methods you can implement if required. steps returns a strategy, which is allowed to depend arbitrarily on the current state of the test execution. Ideally a good steps implementation should be robust against minor changes in the state. Steps that change a lot between slightly different executions will tend to produce worse quality examples because they're hard to simplify.

The steps method may depend on external state, but it's not advisable and may produce flaky tests.

If any of execute_step, check_invariants or teardown produces an exception, Hypothesis will try to find a minimal sequence of values steps such that the following throws an exception:

machine = MyStateMachine()
    for step in steps:

and such that at every point, the step executed is one that could plausible have come from a call to steps in the current state.

Here's an example of using stateful testing to test a broken implementation of a set in terms of a list (note that you could easily do something close to this example with the rule based testing instead, and probably should. This is mostly for illustration purposes):

import unittest

from hypothesis.stateful import GenericStateMachine
from hypothesis.strategies import tuples, sampled_from, just, integers

class BrokenSet(GenericStateMachine):
    def __init__(self): = []

    def steps(self):
        add_strategy = tuples(just("add"), integers())
        if not
            return add_strategy
            return (
                add_strategy |
                tuples(just("delete"), sampled_from(

    def execute_step(self, step):
        action, value = step
        if action == 'delete':
            except ValueError:
            assert value not in
            assert action == 'add'
            assert value in

TestSet = BrokenSet.TestCase

if __name__ == '__main__':

Note that the strategy changes each time based on the data that's currently in the state machine.

Running this gives us the following:

Step #1: ('add', 0)
Step #2: ('add', 0)
Step #3: ('delete', 0)
FAIL: runTest (hypothesis.stateful.BrokenSet.TestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
    assert value not in

So it adds two elements, then deletes one, and throws an assertion when it finds out that this only deleted one of the copies of the element.

More fine grained control

If you want to bypass the TestCase infrastructure you can invoke these manually. The stateful module exposes the function run_state_machine_as_test, which takes an arbitrary function returning a GenericStateMachine and an optional settings parameter and does the same as the class based runTest provided.

In particular this may be useful if you wish to pass parameters to a custom __init__ in your subclass.