core.async, Communicating Sequential Processes
core.logic, miniKanren implementation
core.match, Efficient pattern matching
core.rrb-vector, concatenation and non-view slicing for vectors
data.avl, sorted maps and sets with O(log n) rank queries and splits
test.check, QuickCheck style property based testing
tools.reader, portable Clojure(Script) reader
om, React bindings and state management
om-tools, Om extensions
reagent, React bindings
reagent-forms, Forms for Reagent
quiescent, React bindings
reacl, React bindings
rum, React bindings
brutha Simple ClojureScript interface to React
sablono Hiccup style wrapper for React DOM Elements
cljs-react-reload Writing reloadable React Classes
helix Modern React development with low runtime overhead
uix Idiomatic interface into modern React
sablono, Hiccup style HTML generation for React
sablono-tools, Enlive-style selector-based templating and transformations for Sablono
kioo, Enlive style HTML generation
hipo, Hiccup style templating
enfocus, Enlive templating for ClojureScript
hickory parses HTML into Hiccup vectors
hicada macro-based Hiccup compiler for React
klozzer, Http Caching and File System Api with core.async
s3-cljs, aws s3 sdk wrapper
sente, core.async + websockets
cljs-ajax simple Ajax client for ClojureScript
cljs-http a ClojureScript HTTP library
https://github.com/jeluard/happy) a Clojure(Script[happy] HTTP async client library
clj-browserchannel Real-time, bi-directional communication between ClojureScript and Clojure
chord, core.async + WebSockets
https://github.com/crisptrutski/matchbox), Firebase client for Clojure(Script[matchbox]
transit-cljs, efficient, extensible data exchange format
datascript, Datomic-like in-memory database
konserve, KV store protocol
hodgepodge A idiomatic interface to local and session storage
https://thi.ng/trio) Non-RDF triplestores & SPARQL like query engine (CLJX[thi.ng/trio]
purnam is a clojurescript library designed to provide better clojurescript/javascript interop, testing and documentation tools to the programmer.
cuerdas, string manipulation
schema, Validation & contracts
bardo, transitions
lucuma, WebComponents
differ, data structure diffing
component-cljs, port of Alessandra Sierra’s Component library
cats, Monads
lively, Client-side live programming support
patterny, Extract imagine patterns
phalanges, Keyboard events
keybind, Key bindings
https://github.com/andrewmcveigh/cljs-time), Date/time lib (almost[cljs-time] consistent API with clj-time
cljs-promises, Promises
markdown-clj extensible Clojure/Script Markdown parser
json-html generates a DOM node with a human representation of the JSON/EDN encoded data
https://github.com/reagent-project/historian) a drop-in atom-state-management (UNDOs!![historian] for your clojurescript projects
https://github.com/thi-ng/validate) Schema based validation of nested data (CLJX[thi.ng/validate]
clara Rete-based rule engine
cljs.test, a port of clojure.test built-in to the standard library
DEPRECATED: clojurescript.test a port of clojure.test that pre-dates the built-in version
clairvoyant, tracing
purnam.test, provides macros for testing with the karma test runner, works with async tests.
speclj A TDD/BDD framework for Clojure and Clojurescript, based on RSpec.