EasyBuild maintainers should meet the following criteria:
- being sufficiently familiar with the contribution procedure (see [Contributing][contributing])
- frequently contributing to the EasyBuild GitHub repositories
- being an active member of the EasyBuild community for a significant amount of time, i.e.:
- following the EasyBuild mailing list and participating in discussions (see [Getting help][getting_help])
- actively participating in the EasyBuild IRC or Slack channel (see [Getting help][getting_help]);
- (occasionally) joining in on the EasyBuild conference calls (see https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild/wiki/Conference-calls)
- having access to a working setup for submitting test reports (see [Test reports for easyconfig contributions (
The release managers are responsible for releasing new stable EasyBuild versions on a regular basis, with the help of the other EasyBuild maintainers.
Sebastian, Miguel & Kenneth have been working together to get EasyBuild releases out the door on a regular basis (about once every 6 weeks, see https://pypi.org/project/easybuild/#history).
- Sebastian Achilles (JSC)
- GitHub: @SebastianAchilles - e-mail:
s.achilles (at) fz-juelich.de
- IRC/Slack:Sebastian Achilles
- GitHub: @SebastianAchilles - e-mail:
- Miguel Dias Costa (National University of Singapore)
- GitHub: @migueldiascosta - e-mail:
migueldiascosta (at) nus.edu.sg
- IRC/Slack:migueldiascosta
- GitHub: @migueldiascosta - e-mail:
- Kenneth Hoste (HPC-UGent)
- GitHub: @boegel - e-mail:
kenneth.hoste (at) ugent.be
- IRC/Slack:boegel
- GitHub: @boegel - e-mail:
The EasyBuild maintainers all have admin access to the different EasyBuild GitHub repositories:
- https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild (documentation (https://easybuild.readthedocs.io), EasyBuild website,
metapackage) - https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-framework (EasyBuild framework)
- https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyblocks (central repository for easyblocks)
- https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs (central repository for easyconfigs)
(maintainers are listed in alphabetical order, by last name)
- Sebastian Achilles (JSC)
- GitHub: @SebastianAchilles - e-mail:
s.achilles (at) fz-juelich.de
- IRC/Slack:Sebastian Achilles
- GitHub: @SebastianAchilles - e-mail:
- Damian Alvarez (JSC)
- GitHub: @damianam - e-mail:
d.alvarez (at) fz-juelich.de
- IRC/Slack:dalvarez
- GitHub: @damianam - e-mail:
- Simon Branford (BEAR - University of Birmingham)
- GitHub: @branfosj - e-mail:
s.j.branford (at) bham.ac.uk
- IRC/Slack:Simon
- GitHub: @branfosj - e-mail:
- Miguel Dias Costa (National University of Singapore)
- GitHub: @migueldiascosta - e-mail:
migueldiascosta (at) nus.edu.sg
- IRC/Slack:migueldiascosta
- GitHub: @migueldiascosta - e-mail:
- Alex Domingo (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
- GitHub: @lexming - e-mail:
alex.domingo.toro (at) vub.be
- IRC/Slack:lexming
- GitHub: @lexming - e-mail:
- Bob Dröge (University of Groningen)
- GitHub: @bedroge - e-mail:
b.e.droge (at) rug.nl
- IRC/Slack:Bob Dröge
- GitHub: @bedroge - e-mail:
- Pablo Escobar (sciCORE, University of Basel)
- GitHub: @pescobar - e-mail:
pablo.escobarlopez (at) unibas.ch
- IRC/Slack:pescobar
- GitHub: @pescobar - e-mail:
- Fotis Georgatos (SDSC)
- GitHub: @fgeorgatos - e-mail:
kefalonia (at) gmail.com
- IRC/Slack:fotis
- GitHub: @fgeorgatos - e-mail:
- Jasper Grimm (University or York)
- GitHub: @jfgrimm - e-mail:
jasper.grimm (at) york.ac.uk
- IRC/Slack:Jasper
- GitHub: @jfgrimm - e-mail:
- Balázs Hajgató (HPC-UGent)
- GitHub: @hajgato - e-mail:
balazs.hajgato (at) ugent.be
- IRC/Slack:hajgato
- GitHub: @hajgato - e-mail:
- Kenneth Hoste (HPC-UGent)
- GitHub: @boegel - e-mail:
kenneth.hoste (at) ugent.be
- IRC/Slack:boegel
- GitHub: @boegel - e-mail:
- Adam Huffman (Big Data Institute, University of Oxford)
- GitHub: @verdurin - e-mail:
adam.huffman (at) gmail.com
- IRC/Slack:verdurin
- GitHub: @verdurin - e-mail:
- Samuel Moors (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
- GitHub: @smoors - e-mail:
samuel.moors (at) vub.be
- IRC/Slack:smoors
- GitHub: @smoors - e-mail:
- Alan O'Cais (CECAM)
- GitHub: @ocaisa - e-mail:
alan.ocais (at) cecam.org
- IRC/Slack:ocaisa
- GitHub: @ocaisa - e-mail:
- Mikael Öhman (Chalmers University of Technology)
- GitHub: @Micket - e-mail:
micketeer (at) gmail.com
- IRC/Slack:micketeer
- GitHub: @Micket - e-mail:
- Bart Oldeman (ComputeCanada)
- GitHub: @bartoldeman - e-mail:
bart.oldeman (at) calculquebec.ca
- IRC/Slack:bartoldeman
- GitHub: @bartoldeman - e-mail:
- Ward Poelmans (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
- GitHub: @wpoely86 - e-mail:
wpoely86 (at) gmail.com
- IRC/Slack:wpoely86
- GitHub: @wpoely86 - e-mail:
- Åke Sandgren (Umeå University, Sweden)
- GitHub: @akesandgren - e-mail:
ake.sandgren (at) hpc2n.umu.se
- IRC/Slack:ake_s
- GitHub: @akesandgren - e-mail:
- Caspar Van Leeuwen (SURFsara, Netherlands)
- GitHub: @casparvl - e-mail:
caspar.vanleeuwen (at) surfsara.nl
- IRC/Slack:Caspar Van Leeuwen
- GitHub: @casparvl - e-mail:
- Davide Vanzo (Microsoft)
- GitHub: @vanzod - e-mail:
davide.vanzo (at) microsoft.com
- IRC/Slack:vanzod
- GitHub: @vanzod - e-mail:
- Lars Viklund (Umeå University, Sweden)
- GitHub: @zao - e-mail:
lars.viklund (at) umu.se
- IRC/Slack:zao
- GitHub: @zao - e-mail: