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Installing EasyBuild {: #installation }

EasyBuild is Python software, so there are a couple of ways to install it.

We recommend installing EasyBuild using pip. This method is described at [Using pip to Install EasyBuild][pip].

It is also possible to install EasyBuild as a module. To do this, use the 3-step procedure outlined at [Installing EasyBuild with EasyBuild][eb_as_module].

Do take into account the required and optional dependencies (see [Requirements][requirements] and [Dependencies][dependencies]).

Notes on other ways of installing EasyBuild are available under section [Alternative installation methods][alt_inst_methods].

Requirements {: #requirements }

The only strict requirements are:

  • a GNU/Linux distribution as operating system
    • some common shell tools are expected to be available, see [Required shell tools][required_shell_tools]
  • Python:
    • Python 2.7, or Python 3.x (>= 3.5);
    • since Python 2 is end-of-life we strongly recommend using Python 3 if it is available;
    • only EasyBuild v4.0 (or newer) is compatible with Python 3, earlier EasyBuild releases require Python 2;
    • EasyBuild 5.0 will require Python >= 3.6;
    • no third-party Python packages are strictly required (the Python standard library is sufficient);
    • for some specific EasyBuild features additional Python packages are required however, see [Optional Python packages][optional_python_packages];
  • a modules tool: Tcl(/C) environment modules or Lmod
    • the actual modules tool must be available via $PATH, see [Required modules tool][required_modules_tool]
  • a C/C++ compiler (e.g., gcc and g++)
    • only required to build and install GCC with, or as a dependency for the Intel compilers, for example

For more information on dependencies, see [Dependencies][dependencies].

Using pip to Install EasyBuild {: #pip }

Since EasyBuild is released as a Python package on PyPI you can install it using pip, the most commonly used tool for installing Python packages.

Install EasyBuild with:

pip install easybuild

You may need to tweak this command a bit, depending on your setup, see [Additional pip install options][more_pip].

!!! note There are various other ways of installing Python packages, which we won't cover here. If you are familiar with other tools like virtualenv or pipenv, feel free to use those instead to install EasyBuild.

Sanity check

Compare the version of eb, the main EasyBuild command, with the version of the EasyBuild module that was installed. For example::

$ module load EasyBuild
$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) EasyBuild/4.8.0

$ eb --version
This is EasyBuild 4.8.0 (framework: 4.8.0, easyblocks: 4.8.0) on host example.local

!!! tip The Tcl/C Environment Modules (version <= 3.2.10) does its default sorting differently than newer versions of Environment Modules and Lmod. The former will normally sort in the lexicographic order, while the latters follow an approach that is closer to Python's construct LooseVersion way of ordering. Such aspects may make a big difference, if you have installed both versions 1.9.0 and 1.15.2, with respect to what is the version being loaded by default.

You can also run eb --show-system-info to see system information relevant to EasyBuild, or runeb --show-config to see the default EasyBuild configuration (see also [Configuring EasyBuild][configuring_easybuild]).

Updating an existing EasyBuild installation {: #updating }

To upgrade to a newer EasyBuild version than the one currently installed:

  • pip install --upgrade easybuild will upgrade EasyBuild to the latest release.

Additional pip install options {: #more_pip }

For the pip install, you may wish to slightly change this command depending on the context and your personal preferences:

  • to install EasyBuild system-wide, you can use sudo (if you have admin privileges):

    sudo pip install easybuild
  • To install EasyBuild in your personal home directory, you can use the --user option:

    pip install --user easybuild

    This will result in an EasyBuild installation in $HOME/.local/.

  • To install EasyBuild in a specific directory you can use the --prefix option:

    pip install --prefix _PREFIX_ easybuild

    In this command, you should replace '_PREFIX_' with the location where you want to have EasyBuild installed (for example, $HOME/tools or /tmp/$USER).

Keep in mind that you may need to update your environment too when using --user or --prefix, see [Updating your environment][more_pip_env].

pip vs pip3 {: #more_pip_pip3 }

On systems where both Python 2 and Python 3 are installed you may also have different pip commands available. Or maybe pip is not available at all, and only "versioned" pip commands like pip3 are available.

If you (only) have pip3 available, you can replace pip with pip3 in any of the pip install commands above:

pip3 install easybuild

If you want to ensure that you are using the pip installation that corresponds to the Python 3 installation that you intend to use, you can use python3 -m pip rather than pip3.

python3.6 -m pip install easybuild

Note that you may also need to instruct the eb command to use the correct Python version at runtime, via $EB_PYTHON (see [Setting $EB_PYTHON][more_pip_env_EB_PYTHON]).

Updating your environment {: #more_pip_env }

If you used the --user or --prefix option in the pip install command, or if you installed EasyBuild with a pip version that does not correspond to your default Python installation, you will need to update your environment to make EasyBuild ready for use. This is not required if you did a system-wide installation in a standard location with the default Python version.

!!! note Keep in mind that you will have to make these environment changes again if you start a new shell session. To avoid this, you can update one of the shell startup scripts in your home directory (.bashrc for example).

Updating $PATH {: #more_pip_env_PATH }

Update the $PATH environment variable to make sure the eb command is available::

export PATH=_PREFIX_/bin:$PATH

Replace _PREFIX_ in this command with the directory path where EasyBuild was installed into (use $HOME/.local if you used pip install --user).

This is not required if you installing EasyBuild in a standard system location.

You can check with the which eb command to determine whether or not you need to update the $PATH environment variable.

Updating $PYTHONPATH {: #more_pip_env_PYTHONPATH }

If you installed EasyBuild to a non-standard location using pip install --prefix, you also need to update the Python search path environment variable $PYTHONPATH to instruct Python where it can find the EasyBuild Python packages.

This is not required if you used the --user option, since Python will automatically consider $HOME/.local when searching for installed Python packages, or if you installed EasyBuild in a standard system-wide location.

Update $PYTHONPATH by running a command like::

export PYTHONPATH=_PREFIX_/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

Here, you need to replace the X and Y with the major and minor version of your Python installation, which you can determine by running python -V. For example, if you are using Python 3.6, make sure you are using /python3.6/ in the command to update $PYTHONPATH.

And of course, you again need to replace '_PREFIX_' with the installation prefix where EasyBuild was installed into.

For example:

# update $PYTHONPATH if EasyBuild was installed in $HOME/tools with Python 3.6
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/tools/lib/python3.6/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

Setting $EB_PYTHON {: #more_pip_env_EB_PYTHON }

If you want to control which Python version is used to run EasyBuild, you can specify the name or the full path to the python command that should be used by the eb command via the $EB_PYTHON environment variable.

This may be required when you are installing EasyBuild with a version of pip that does not correspond with the default Python version.

For example, to ensure that eb uses python3.6:

export EB_PYTHON=python3.6

Setting $EB_VERBOSE {: #more_pip_env_EB_VERBOSE }

To determine which python commands are being considered by the eb command, you can define the $EB_VERBOSE environment variable. For example:

$ EB_VERBOSE=1 eb --version
>> Considering 'python3.6'...
>> 'python3' version: 3.6.8, which matches Python 3 version requirement (>= 3.5)
>> Selected Python command: python3 (/usr/bin/python3.6)
>> python3.6 -m easybuild.main --version
This is EasyBuild 4.8.0 (framework: 4.8.0, easyblocks: 4.8.0) on host example

Installing EasyBuild with EasyBuild {: #eb_as_module }

If you prefer having EasyBuild available through an environment module file, you can consider installing EasyBuild with EasyBuild. This can be done in 3 steps:

  • [Step 1][eb_as_module_step1]: Installing EasyBuild with pip into a temporary location (only needed if EasyBuild is not installed yet)
  • [Step 2][eb_as_module_step2]: Using EasyBuild to install EasyBuild as a module
  • [Step 3][eb_as_module_step3]: Loading the EasyBuild module

Step 1: Installing EasyBuild into a temporary location {: #eb_as_module_step1 }

If you don't have EasyBuild installed yet, you need to install it in a temporary location first. The recommended way of doing this is [using pip to install EasyBuild][pip].

For example, to install EasyBuild into a subdirectory /tmp/$USER using the default Python 3 version:

# pick installation prefix, and install EasyBuild into it
export EB_TMPDIR=/tmp/$USER/eb_tmp
python3 -m pip install --ignore-installed --prefix $EB_TMPDIR easybuild

# update environment to use this temporary EasyBuild installation
export PATH=$EB_TMPDIR/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=$(/bin/ls -rtd -1 $EB_TMPDIR/lib*/python*/site-packages | tail -1):$PYTHONPATH
export EB_PYTHON=python3

Step 2: Using EasyBuild to install EasyBuild {: #eb_as_module_step2 }

Once you have a working (recent) temporary EasyBuild installation, you can use it to install EasyBuild as a module. Usually this is done in the location where you would like to install other software too.

You can use the eb --install-latest-eb-release command for this, combined with the --prefix option to control which directories are used by EasyBuild for the installation.

For example, to install the latest version of EasyBuild as a module into $HOME/easybuild:

eb --install-latest-eb-release --prefix $HOME/easybuild

!!! note You may see a harmless deprecation warning popping up when performing this installation, just ignore it.

Step 3: Loading the EasyBuild module {: #eb_as_module_step3 }

Once [Step 2: Using EasyBuild to install EasyBuild][eb_as_module_step2] is completed, you should be able to load the module that was generated alongside the EasyBuild installation. You will need to do this every time you start a new shell session.

First, make the module available by running the following command (which will update the module search path environment variable $MODULEPATH):

module use _PREFIX_/modules/all

Replace _PREFIX_ with the path to the directory that you used when running [Step 2: Using EasyBuild to install EasyBuild][eb_as_module_step2] (for example, $HOME/easybuild).

Then, load the EasyBuild module to update your environment and make EasyBuild available for use:

module load EasyBuild

!!! note Note that in this case, we don't need to make any changes to our environment for EasyBuild to work correctly. The environment module file that was generated by EasyBuild specifies all changes that need to be made.

Required Dependencies {: #dependencies }

This section gives further information on the [required dependencies][requirements].

Required shell tools {: #required_shell_tools }

A couple of shell tools may be required, depending on the particular use case (in relative order of importance):

  • shell builtin commands:
    • type, for inspecting the module function (if defined)
    • ulimit, for querying user limits
  • tools for unpacking (source) archives:
    • commonly required: tar, gunzip, bunzip2
    • occasionally required: unzip, unxz
  • patch, for applying patch files to unpacked sources (relatively common)
  • rpm or dpkg, for querying OS dependencies (only needed occasionally)
  • locate, only as a (poor mans) fallback to rpm/dpkg (rarely needed)
  • sysctl, for querying system characteristics (only required on non-Linux systems)

Required modules tool {: #required_modules_tool }

EasyBuild not only generates module files to be used along with the software it installs, it also depends on the generated modules, mainly for resolving dependencies. Hence, a modules tool must be available to consume module files with.

Supported module tools:

!!! note The path to the actual modules tool binary/script used must be included in $PATH, to make it readily available to EasyBuild.

* for Tcl/C environment modules: `modulecmd`
* for Tcl-only environment modules: `modulecmd.tcl`
* for Lmod: `lmod`

The path where the modules tool binary/script is located can be determined via the definition of
the `module` function; for example, using `type module` or `type -f module`.

!!! note For Lmod, EasyBuild will try to fall back to finding the lmod binary via the $LMOD_CMD environment variable, in case lmod is not available in $PATH.

In EasyBuild versions *prior* to 2.1.1, the path specified by `$LMOD_CMD` was (erroneously) preferred over the
(first) `lmod` binary available via `$PATH`.

For modern Tcl-only environment modules (version >= 4.0.0), EasyBuild will try to fall back to finding the
`modulecmd.tcl` binary via the `$MODULES_CMD` environment variable, in case `modulecmd.tcl` is not available
in `$PATH`.

Additional notes:

  • Tcl(/C) environment-modules requires Tcl to be installed (with header files and development libraries)
  • Lmod requires Lua and a couple of non-standard Lua libraries (lua-posix, lua-filesystem) to be available
    • Tcl (tclsh) must also be available for Lmod to support module files in Tcl syntax
  • a guide to installing Tcl/C environment modules without having root permissions is available at [Installing environment modules without root permissions][installing_env_mod].
  • a guide to installing Lmod without having root permissions is available at [Installing Lmod without root permissions][installing_lmod].

Required Python packages {: #required_python_packages }

Since EasyBuild v4.0, no Python packages outside of the Python standard library are required.

Optional dependencies

Some dependencies are optional and are only required to support certain features.

Optional Python packages {: #optional_python_packages }

  • GC3Pie, only needed when using GC3Pie as a backend for --job, see also [Submitting jobs using --job][submitting_jobs];
  • GitPython, only needed if EasyBuild is hosted in a git repository or if you’re using a git repository for easyconfig files (.eb);
  • graphviz for Python, only needed for building nice-looking dependency graphs using --dep-graph *.pdf / *.png;
  • keyring, only needed for securely storing a GitHub token (see [Integration with GitHub][integration_with_github]);
  • pycodestyle, only required for --check-style and --check-contrib;
  • python-graph-dot, only needed for building nice-looking dependency graphs using --dep-graph *.dot
  • Rich, only needed to let eb produce rich output, like [Progress bars][progress_bars];


EasyBuild is split up into three different packages, which are available from the Python Package Index (PyPi):

  • easybuild-framework - the EasyBuild framework, which includes the easybuild.framework and Python packages that provide general support for building and installing software
  • easybuild-easyblocks - a collection of easyblocks that implement support for building and installing (collections of) software packages
  • easybuild-easyconfigs - a collection of example easyconfig files that specify which software to build, and using which build options; these easyconfigs will be well tested with the latest compatible versions of the easybuild-framework and easybuild-easyblocks packages
  • easybuild-docs - a repository containing the sources of the EasyBuild documentation, which is hosted at

Next to these packages, a meta-package named easybuild is also available on PyPi, in order to easily install the full EasyBuild distribution.

The source code for these packages is also available on GitHub:

In case of installation issues...

Should the installation of EasyBuild fail for you, [please open an issue][getting_help] to report the problems you're running into.

How to collect info in case sanity checks fail or there is another issue

In order to get a better understanding in which kind of environment you are using the bootstrap script, please copy-paste the commands below and provide the output in your problem report. Do not worry if some of these commands fail or spit out error messages.

python -V
type module
type -f module
module --version
module av EasyBuild
which -a eb
eb --version