This documentation explains how you can contribute to EasyBuild, and discusses the review process for contributions.
It is a common misconception that contributing to an open source project requires being intimately familiar with its codebase.
There are various ways to contribute, even if you don't have any experience with the programming language(s) being used by the project you are interested in.
You can contribute to EasyBuild by:
- [Giving feedback][contributing_feedback]
- [Reporting bugs][contributing_bugs]
- [Submitting feature/change requests][contributing_requests]
- [Helping others][contributing_helping_others]
- [Contributing easyconfig files][contributing_easyconfigs]
- [Contributing code changes][contributing_code]
- [Writing documentation][contributing_docs]
- [Joining the conversation][contributing_conversation]
An easy way to contribute to EasyBuild, even without having a lot of hands-on experience with it, is to provide feedback on your experiences.
Feedback from people new to EasyBuild is valuable, since it provides a perspective that is easily overlooked by more experienced users.
You can contact the EasyBuild community via the EasyBuild mailing list
), the #easybuild
IRC channel (see also
[Getting help][getting_help]).
If you run into unexpected problems when using EasyBuild, please open a bug report in the issue tracker of the relevant GitHub repository:
- for
general problems with
, the EasyBuild framework, etc. - for problems specific to a particular (generic or software-specific) easyblock, etc.
- for problems specific to a particular software package, e.g., with building and installing a particular version of that software, or when using a particular toolchain, etc.
- for problems with the EasyBuild documentation, etc.
Please try and provide all relevant information, which may include:
- the EasyBuild version you are using
- the specifics of the system you are using, incl. OS + version, Python version, modules tool & version, etc.
- the active EasyBuild configuration; usually the output of
eb --show-config
is sufficient - the full
command line that was used - warning or error messages, or other relevant informative messages
- filename or contents of easyconfig file(s) being used
- EasyBuild log file (for example via,
preferably collected with
eb --debug
If you have suggestions for enhancements or ideas for new features that could be useful, please open an issue in the relevant GitHub repository (see [Reporting bugs][contributing_bugs]).
Describe what you have in mind, and maybe also provide a concrete example to illustrate how your suggestion would improve the current functionality.
Try and help others based on your experience, or help them figure out an answer to their question or a solution to their problem using the EasyBuild documentation or by reaching out to someone else in the EasyBuild community that may know the answer.
The EasyBuild community is known to be very welcoming and helpful, and you too can be a part of that.
Please contribute easyconfig files that are not included yet in (the
branch of) the easybuild-easyconfigs
GitHub repository at
This includes easyconfigs for software that is not supported yet by EasyBuild, as well as updates to existing easyconfigs (e.g., version updates, using a different toolchain, etc.), even if you consider the updates to be trivial. Keep in mind that being able to use something that is known to work out-of-the-box can save quite a bit of time compared to having to tweak existing easyconfigs and validate the result installations.
We highly recommend using the --new-pr
and --update-pr
command line
options for contributing easyconfig files; see
[Submitting new and updating pull requests][github_new_update_pr].
Of course you can also contribute code changes, including bug fixes, enhancements or additional features in the EasyBuild framework, the easyblocks repository, the test suites or in related scripts.
Do keep in mind that this requires some experience with Python, although you should be able to go a long way by using the existing code base as support.
See [Pull requests][contributing_pull_requests] for more information on the practical aspects of contributing code.
Another way to contribute to EasyBuild without having to implement Python code is by writing documentation, i.e. enhancing or updating existing documentation or documenting features that are not covered yet.
To contribute to the documentation hosted at, you should open a pull request to
the main
branch of the repository;
see the docs
The EasyBuild documentation is made with Material for MkDocs and written in MarkDown.
Last but not least, you can actively join the conversation that
arise on the EasyBuild mailing list, the #easybuild
IRC channel and
during the bi-weekly EasyBuild conference calls (see
Engage with the EasyBuild community, and help steer EasyBuild development by participating in the conversations regarding a variety of topics related to building and installing (scientific) software.
To contribute to the EasyBuild framework, easyblocks, easyconfig files or the EasyBuild documentation, you will need to open a pull request to the corresponding GitHub repository:
- EasyBuild framework:
- easyblocks:
- easyconfigs:
- documentation: (see
Doing this the traditional way requires some knowledge about using git
(i.e. creating commits, using branches, pushing to and pulling from
remote Git repositories, etc.), and being familiar with GitHub.
However, this can be largely circumvented by using the GitHub integration provided by EasyBuild, see [Integration with GitHub][integration_with_github] .
!!! note These instructions assume that you already have a working GitHub account.
If you don't have a GitHub account yet, visit <>
to create one.
We highly recommend registering your SSH public key in your GitHub
account, via <>. This allows pushing
to your fork of the GitHub repositories without using a password.
Before you can open pull requests, you will need to fork the GitHub repository you are targeting, and create a local working copy of that repository. This only needs to be done once for every of the EasyBuild repositories.
!!! note
For the purpose of this guide, we will be using the
However, the instructions are equivalent for the other EasyBuild
First, create your own fork of the repository in your GitHub account
using the Fork
button on the top right at
This will create a 'copy' of the easybuild-framework
owned by the easybuilders
GitHub organisation to your own personal
GitHub account.
You will have to use this fork as a staging area for your work, to prepare your contributions before creating the actual pull requests.
In addition to forking the repository on GitHub, you also need to create a local working copy of the repository. This is basically a local checkout of the repository where you can track the changes you are making.
First, clone your fork of the repository:
git clone
!!! note
Do not forget to replace EXAMPLE
with your GitHub account name.
If that worked as expected, you should have a new directory named
. Move into the easybuild-framework
cd easybuild-framework
Finally, we recommended to also check out the develop
branch, which
will be used as the base for your own branches:
git checkout -b develop origin/develop
With this in place, you are all set to open pull requests for your contributions.
It is important to keep the develop
branch in your working copy in
sync with the upstream repository in the GitHub easybuilders
For this, you need to add the upstream repository as a 'remote' repository:
git remote add upstream
!!! note
is just a name that you give to the remote the central
`easybuilders` repository on GitHub; you can modify this to your
liking if desired (but do take that into account for the further
instructions if you do so).
For your fork of the repository, a default remote named `origin`
should have been created via `git clone` (see the output of
`git remote -v`).
To sync your develop
branch, use git pull upstream develop
making sure you have the develop
branch checked out:
git checkout develop
git pull upstream develop
!!! note This section describes the manual procedure to open a new pull request.
Please consider using `eb --new-pr` instead, see
[Submitting pull requests][github_new_pr].
!!! note
We assume you are already located in your local working copy of
the repository you want to contribute to (e.g., easybuild-framework
To open a pull request for your contribution, you must follow these steps:
- [Creating a new branch][contributing_creating_pull_requests_branch]
- [Committing your changes][contributing_creating_pull_requests_commit]
- [Pushing your branch][contributing_creating_pull_requests_push]
- [Pull request title & description][contributing_creating_pull_requests_pr_title]
- [Opening the pull request][contributing_creating_pull_requests_open_pr]
First, create a new branch for your work. You can do this either before or after making the changes that you would like to contribute, but we recommend to create a new branch before making any changes.
Make sure you have the develop
branch checked out before creating your
git checkout develop
To create a new branch, you should use git branch <branch_name>
followed by git checkout <branch_name>
, or equivalently
git checkout -b <branch_name>
For example, to create a new branch named mybranch
git checkout -b mybranch
You can choose the branch name freely, but make it sufficiently descriptive – your future self will thank you.
To 'save' your changes, you should create one or more commits in the branch you created. We recommended making separate commits for different 'units of work'.
First, make sure you have checked out the branch were you want to commit
the changes to. For example, to prepare for committing changes to the
git checkout mybranch
To check which branch is currently checked out, use git branch
To get a high-level overview of the changes before committing them, you
can use git status
To see the actual changes that were made, use git diff
To commit the changes you want to contribute, use git add <files>
stage the changes, followed by git commit -m "<message>"
to create
the actual commit.
For example, to commit the changes that were made to
git add easybuild/tools/
git status # check which files are staged for commit
git commit -m "example commit message for changes to"
!!! note Please use a concise commit message that describes the changes you made.
!!! note
For files that are already being tracked, you can use git commit -am <message>
to commit all changes at once.
To verify that your work was committed, use git log
to see all commits
on the current branch. Use git log --stat
and/or git log --diff
see more details about which changes are included in each of the
Once you have committed your changes to a branch, you should push your
branch to your fork of the GitHub repository using git push
For example, to push the mybranch
branch to your fork of the GitHub
repository (via the origin
remote, see
[Creating a working copy][contributing_pull_request_setup_working_copy]):
git push origin mybranch
!!! note The above command will make your work public.
Please use a descriptive (short) title for your pull requests, and clarify (if needed) in the pull request description.
If any other pull requests are required, refer to them in the
description using #<PR number>
(only for pull requests to the same
repository), or by copy-pasting the URL to the pull request.
For pull requests to the easyconfig repository, we recommend using this format for the pull request title when contributing new easyconfig files:
{<moduleclass>}[<toolchain>] <software name> <software version> <extra info>
For example:
{tools}[dummy] EasyBuild v3.2.1
{math}[intel/2017a] numpy 1.13.0 w/ Python 2.7.13
{math,numlib}[foss/2017a] METIS v5.1.0, ParMETIS v4.0.3, SuiteSparse v4.5.5, ...
If you are opening a work-in-progress pull request, for example to
solicit feedback, tag it using (WIP)
. in the pull request title.
To open a pull request using the branch you pushed, you should use the GitHub interface, and follow the steps outlined below.
!!! note Replace
with your GitHub account name, andeasybuild-framework
with the name of the target EasyBuild repository. -
switch to the branch that includes the changes you want to contribute using the
Branch: main
button on the left, for example by selectingBranch: mybranch
from the dropdown list -
click the
New pull request
button -
change the target branch to
using thebase: main
button -
review your changes using the 'diff' view presented by GitHub;
provide an appropriate title and description for your contribution;
open the pull request by clicking the green
Create pull request
Next, your pull request will be reviewed & tested, see [Review process for contributions][contributing_review_process].
!!! note This section describes the manual procedure to create a new pull request.
Please consider using `eb --update-pr` instead, see [Updating existing pull requests][github_update_pr].
It is quite common to update a pull request after creating it, for example if the test suite run in GitHub Actions reports problems with the changes being made, or as a response to someone reviewing your contribution.
To update an existing pull request, it suffices to add commits to the branch that was used for opening the pull request, and pushing the updated branch to GitHub.
For example, to update the pull request that was created using the
git checkout mybranch
# make changes...
git add <paths to changed files>
git commit -m "example commit message for additional changes"
git push origin mybranch
Updating a pull request will trigger GitHub Actions to re-test your contribution, and a notification will be sent out to whoever is 'watching' your pull request.
Once your pull request has been given the green light by GitHub Actions
and one or more people reviewing have approved the changes, it can be
merged into the develop
This can only be done by a member of the EasyBuild maintainers team. Only pull requests that meet the requirements are eligible for merging, see [Requirements for pull requests][contributing_review_process_pr_requirements] .
Merging a pull request usually implies that the changes will be part of the next EasyBuild release.
Each contribution is thoroughly reviewed and tested before it gets merged in. Some aspects of this are automated, others require human intervention.
Only pull requests (PRs) that fulfil these requirements are eligible to be merged:
the PR must target the
branch of the repository; see [develop
branch][contributing_review_process_develop_branch] -
the test suite must (still) pass, i.e. GitHub Actions must give a green light; see [Test suite (GitHub Actions)][contributing_review_process_github_actions]
- tests should be added or enhanced when appropriate; see
[Adding tests][contributing_review_process_adding_tests], especially for PRs to the
- tests should be added or enhanced when appropriate; see
[Adding tests][contributing_review_process_adding_tests], especially for PRs to the
backward compatibility should be retained; see [Backward compatibility][contributing_review_process_backward_compatibility]
code style must be kept consistent; see [Code style review][contributing_review_process_code_style]
- easyconfigs should be kept consistent across versions & toolchains; see [Comparing with existing easyconfigs][contributing_review_process_review_pr]
(successful) test reports must be submitted for easyconfig PRs; see [Test reports for easyconfig contributions][contributing_review_process_test_reports]
the PR is approved by one or more maintainers of the repository; see [EasyBuild maintainers][maintainers]
the PR should be merged by one of the maintainers, other than the author of the PR; see [Pull requests are merged by a maintainer other than the author][contributing_review_process_do_not_merge_your_own_prs]
Pull requests are only merged in the develop
branch of the
EasyBuild repositories, which contains the changes that will be included
in the next EasyBuild release.
The main
branch provides the latest stable release of EasyBuild at
all times. Only the EasyBuild release manager should issue a pull
request to the EasyBuild main
branch, when preparing a new
EasyBuild release.
Occasionally, an additional version branch (e.g. 3.3.x
) may be
introduced temporarily, in case an intermittent bugfix release is being
worked on.
Each pull request is tested automatically by GitHub Actions and the test result is reported in the pull request.
Only pull requests that have been tested and approved by GitHub Actions are eligible for being merged!
Note that GitHub Actions will only run the test suite for that particular repository. That is, for easyconfig contributions it does not include actually building and installing software.
For more information on the test suites, see [Unit tests][unit_tests].
An implicit requirement for contributions, in particular contributions to the EasyBuild framework, is that they must be accompanied by additional tests or test cases.
For new features or enhancements, a dedicated test (case) must be added which verifies that the feature implementation works as expected.
For bug fixes, a test (case) must be added that triggers the code path where the bug manifested, and which verifies that the bug was indeed fixed.
Tests not only confirm that the implementation is correct, it also helps to ensure that any future changes will not break the functionality you contributed.
Contributions should retain backward compatibility, i.e., they should not make any changes that alter the (default) functionality of the existing code base. Of course, enhancements to existing code that retain backward compatibility can be made.
One exception to this rule is bug fixes, where the whole point is usually to fix functionality that was implemented incorrectly.
This also applies to existing easyconfig files; for example, the versions of dependencies should not be altered. Adding dependencies that were missing or otherwise enhancing existing easyconfigs (e.g., adding extra extensions, enabling additional features, etc.) are usually considered acceptable.
Changes that break backward compatibility have to be motivated well with technical arguments, and must be approved by the EasyBuild maintainers.
Next to functional evaluation of contributions, care is also taken to maintain a consistent code style across the EasyBuild code base (see also [Code style][code_style]); contributions must take the (mostly PEP8) code style into account.
This aspect is sometimes considered to be needless overhead, yet it is an important aspect of the review process. A consistent code style is invaluable in a large code base that is constantly being updated by a worldwide community.
This also applies to easyconfig files, where we try to maintain a strict style that mostly matches the established PEP8 coding style for Python (since easyconfigs are written in Python syntax). However, also the grouping and ordering of easyconfig parameters is a part of the 'code' style we maintain.
An automated (partial) check to see whether easyconfig files are ready
to be contributed can be performed via eb --check-contrib
. This will
- style aspects for the specified easyconfig files
- whether SHA256 checksums are included for all source files & patches
This check is also a part of the test suite run by GitHub Actions for easyconfig PRs.
We try to maintain consistency across easyconfig files for a
particular software package, across multiple software versions,
toolchains and variants (with a different versionsuffix
Therefore, easyconfig contributions are also reviewed using
eb --review-pr <PR #>
, which compares the touched easyconfig files to
those in the current develop
branch that are most closely related.
The easyconfig files to compare with are selected based on similarity, by combining two criteria, in order.
First, the software version is taken into account, using one of the following criteria:
- exact match on software version match
- match on major/minor software version
- match on major software version
- no match on software version
This is combined with one of the criteria below (in order):
- matching versionsuffix and toolchain name/version
- matching versionsuffix and toolchain name (any toolchain version)
- matching versionsuffix (any toolchain name/version)
- matching toolchain name/version (any versionsuffix)
- matching toolchain name (any versionsuffix, toolchain version)
- no extra requirements (any versionsuffix, toolchain name/version)
The first combination of one of the software version criteria with one of the other criteria that yields one or more matching easyconfig files is used. If none of the combinations match, no easyconfig files for that particular software package are available yet, and no comparison is made.
The output of --review-pr
provides a 'multidiff' comparison, which
highlights the differences between the easyconfig file in the pull
request and the most similar selected ones from the current develop
Interpreting this output is a quick and easy way to assess how different
the contributed easyconfig files are from the existing easyconfigs,
although it does require a bit of practice because of the density of the
provided information.
For easyconfig contributions, one or more accompanying test reports must be submitted to confirm that the added and/or changed easyconfig files (still) work as expected.
We recommend that you submit a test report for your own easyconfig pull requests. Other people can also submit test reports to confirm that your contribution works as expected on their system(s).
With EasyBuild being properly configured (see
[GitHub: Configuration][github_configuration]), this should be as
simple as running
eb --from-pr <PR#> --upload-test-report --force --robot
See [Uploading test reports][github_upload_test_report] for more information.
Pull requests are merged by a maintainer other than the author {: #contributing_review_process_do_not_merge_your_own_prs }
A pull request should never be merged by its author.
This policy is maintained in order to ensure a "two-pairs-of-eyes" review process of all contributions.
Why a pull request may be closed by a maintainer {: #contributing_review_process_why_pr_closed_by_maintainer }
Although it is generally avoided, there are a few reasons why maintainers might close a pull request:
- uses an archived toolchain
- no activity for > 6 months
- obsolete because more recent PRs for newer versions of the software have been merged already
This is done routinely as a way of focusing everyone's efforts on relevant contributions, and should not be seen as a rejection. In fact, contributors are encouraged to reopen the pull request if they feel it is still relevant.