title | toc_min_heading_level | toc_max_heading_level |
Built-in Data types |
2 |
3 |
model Array<Element>
Name | Description |
Element | The type of the array elements |
Applies a visibility setting to a collection of properties.
model DefaultKeyVisibility<Source, Visibility>
Name | Description |
Source | An object whose properties are spread. |
Visibility | The visibility to apply to all properties. |
Represent a model
model object
Represents a collection of properties with default values omitted.
model OmitDefaults<Source>
Name | Description |
Source | An object whose spread property defaults are all omitted. |
Represents a collection of omitted properties.
model OmitProperties<Source, Keys>
Name | Description |
Source | An object whose properties are spread. |
Keys | The property keys to omit. |
Represents a collection of optional properties.
model OptionalProperties<Source>
Name | Description |
Source | An object whose spread properties are all optional. |
model Record<Element>
Name | Description |
Element | The type of the properties |
Service options.
model ServiceOptions
Represents a collection of updateable properties.
model UpdateableProperties<Source>
Name | Description |
Source | An object whose spread properties are all updateable. |
Known encoding to use on bytes
enum BytesKnownEncoding
Known encoding to use on utcDateTime or offsetDateTime
enum DateTimeKnownEncoding
Known encoding to use on duration
enum DurationKnownEncoding
Boolean with true
and false
scalar boolean
Represent a byte array
scalar bytes
A decimal number with any length and precision. This represent any decimal
value possible.
It is commonly represented as BigDecimal
in some languages.
scalar decimal
A 128-bit decimal number.
scalar decimal128
A duration/time period. e.g 5s, 10h
scalar duration
A number with decimal value
scalar float
A 32 bit floating point number. (±5.0 × 10^−324
to ±1.7 × 10^308
scalar float32
A 32 bit floating point number. (±1.5 x 10^−45
to ±3.4 x 10^38
scalar float64
A 16-bit integer. (-32,768
to 32,767
scalar int16
A 32-bit integer. (-2,147,483,648
to 2,147,483,647
scalar int32
A 64-bit integer. (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808
to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
scalar int64
A 8-bit integer. (-128
to 127
scalar int8
A whole number. This represent any integer
value possible.
It is commonly represented as BigInteger
in some languages.
scalar integer
A numeric type
scalar numeric
A date and time in a particular time zone, e.g. "April 10th at 3:00am in PST"
scalar offsetDateTime
A date on a calendar without a time zone, e.g. "April 10th"
scalar plainDate
A time on a clock without a time zone, e.g. "3:00 am"
scalar plainTime
An integer that can be serialized to JSON (−9007199254740991 (−(2^53 − 1))
to 9007199254740991 (2^53 − 1)
scalar safeint
A sequence of textual characters.
scalar string
A 16-bit unsigned integer (0
to 65,535
scalar uint16
A 32-bit unsigned integer (0
to 4,294,967,295
scalar uint32
A 64-bit unsigned integer (0
to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
scalar uint64
A 8-bit unsigned integer (0
to 255
scalar uint8
Represent a 32-bit unix timestamp datetime with 1s of granularity. It measures time by the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.
scalar unixTimestamp32
Represent a URL string as described by https://url.spec.whatwg.org/
scalar url
An instant in coordinated universal time (UTC)"
scalar utcDateTime