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428 lines (228 loc) · 5.7 KB
title toc_min_heading_level toc_max_heading_level
Built-in Data types

Data types


Array {#Array}

model Array<Element>

Template Parameters

Name Description
Element The type of the array elements

DefaultKeyVisibility {#DefaultKeyVisibility}

Applies a visibility setting to a collection of properties.

model DefaultKeyVisibility<Source, Visibility>

Template Parameters

Name Description
Source An object whose properties are spread.
Visibility The visibility to apply to all properties.

object {#object}

Represent a model

model object

OmitDefaults {#OmitDefaults}

Represents a collection of properties with default values omitted.

model OmitDefaults<Source>

Template Parameters

Name Description
Source An object whose spread property defaults are all omitted.

OmitProperties {#OmitProperties}

Represents a collection of omitted properties.

model OmitProperties<Source, Keys>

Template Parameters

Name Description
Source An object whose properties are spread.
Keys The property keys to omit.

OptionalProperties {#OptionalProperties}

Represents a collection of optional properties.

model OptionalProperties<Source>

Template Parameters

Name Description
Source An object whose spread properties are all optional.

Record {#Record}

model Record<Element>

Template Parameters

Name Description
Element The type of the properties

ServiceOptions {#ServiceOptions}

Service options.

model ServiceOptions

UpdateableProperties {#UpdateableProperties}

Represents a collection of updateable properties.

model UpdateableProperties<Source>

Template Parameters

Name Description
Source An object whose spread properties are all updateable.

BytesKnownEncoding {#BytesKnownEncoding}

Known encoding to use on bytes

enum BytesKnownEncoding

DateTimeKnownEncoding {#DateTimeKnownEncoding}

Known encoding to use on utcDateTime or offsetDateTime

enum DateTimeKnownEncoding

DurationKnownEncoding {#DurationKnownEncoding}

Known encoding to use on duration

enum DurationKnownEncoding

boolean {#boolean}

Boolean with true and false values.

scalar boolean

bytes {#bytes}

Represent a byte array

scalar bytes

decimal {#decimal}

A decimal number with any length and precision. This represent any decimal value possible. It is commonly represented as BigDecimal in some languages.

scalar decimal

decimal128 {#decimal128}

A 128-bit decimal number.

scalar decimal128

duration {#duration}

A duration/time period. e.g 5s, 10h

scalar duration

float {#float}

A number with decimal value

scalar float

float32 {#float32}

A 32 bit floating point number. (±5.0 × 10^−324 to ±1.7 × 10^308)

scalar float32

float64 {#float64}

A 32 bit floating point number. (±1.5 x 10^−45 to ±3.4 x 10^38)

scalar float64

int16 {#int16}

A 16-bit integer. (-32,768 to 32,767)

scalar int16

int32 {#int32}

A 32-bit integer. (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647)

scalar int32

int64 {#int64}

A 64-bit integer. (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807)

scalar int64

int8 {#int8}

A 8-bit integer. (-128 to 127)

scalar int8

integer {#integer}

A whole number. This represent any integer value possible. It is commonly represented as BigInteger in some languages.

scalar integer

numeric {#numeric}

A numeric type

scalar numeric

offsetDateTime {#offsetDateTime}

A date and time in a particular time zone, e.g. "April 10th at 3:00am in PST"

scalar offsetDateTime

plainDate {#plainDate}

A date on a calendar without a time zone, e.g. "April 10th"

scalar plainDate

plainTime {#plainTime}

A time on a clock without a time zone, e.g. "3:00 am"

scalar plainTime

safeint {#safeint}

An integer that can be serialized to JSON (−9007199254740991 (−(2^53 − 1)) to 9007199254740991 (2^53 − 1) )

scalar safeint

string {#string}

A sequence of textual characters.

scalar string

uint16 {#uint16}

A 16-bit unsigned integer (0 to 65,535)

scalar uint16

uint32 {#uint32}

A 32-bit unsigned integer (0 to 4,294,967,295)

scalar uint32

uint64 {#uint64}

A 64-bit unsigned integer (0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615)

scalar uint64

uint8 {#uint8}

A 8-bit unsigned integer (0 to 255)

scalar uint8

unixTimestamp32 {#unixTimestamp32}

Represent a 32-bit unix timestamp datetime with 1s of granularity. It measures time by the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.

scalar unixTimestamp32

url {#url}

Represent a URL string as described by

scalar url

utcDateTime {#utcDateTime}

An instant in coordinated universal time (UTC)"

scalar utcDateTime