id | title |
basics |
Creating a TypeSpec Library |
TypeSpec libraries are packages that contain TypeSpec types, decorators, emitters, linters, and other bits of reusable code. TypeSpec libraries are npm packages with some additional typespec-specific metadata and conventions. The following will show how to establish a new TypeSpec library, add some types to it, and distribute it on the public npm registry. Later sections will cover more details on how to write decorators, emitters and linters.
This document assumes you will be using TypeScript to develop your library, but you should feel free to skip the TypeScript steps if you want to use plain JavaScript.
You will need both node and npm installed. Additionally, if you intend to develop multiple libraries together, you will likely want to establish a monorepo as this will make developing the libraries in tandem much easier. TypeSpec itself uses rush.js.
The following is a high level overview of the contents of a TypeSpec package. These files are explained in more detail in the subsequent sections.
- dist/index.js - the main file for your node library
- lib/main.tsp - the main file for your TypeSpec types (optional)
- src/index.ts - the main file for your node library in TypeScript
- src/lib.ts - the TypeSpec library definition file
- package.json - metadata about your TypeSpec package
Run the following commands:
> mkdir myLibrary
> cd myLibrary
> npm init
After filling out the wizard, you will have a package.json file that defines your typespec library.
Unlike node libraries which support CommonJS (cjs), TypeSpec libraries must be Ecmascript Modules. So open your package.json
and add the following top-level configuration key:
"type": "module"
Run the following command:
npm install --save-peer @typespec/compiler
You may have need of other dependencies in the TypeSpec standard library depending on what you are doing. E.g. if you want to use the metadata found in @typespec/openapi
you will need to install that as well.
See dependency section for information on how to define your dependencies.
Your package.json needs to refer to two main files: your node module main file, and your TypeSpec main. The node module main file is the "main"
key in your package.json file, and defines the entrypoint for your library when consumed as a node library, and must reference a js file. The TypeSpec main defines the entrypoint for your library when consumed from a TypeSpec program, and may reference either a js file (when your library doesn't contain any typespec types) or a TypeSpec file.
"main": "dist/index.js",
"tspMain": "lib/main.tsp"
Run the following commands:
npm install -D typescript
npx tsc --init --strict
This will create tsconfig.json
. But we need to make a couple changes to this. Open tsconfig.json
and set the following settings:
"module": "Node16", // This and next setting tells TypeScript to use the new ESM import system to resolve types.
"moduleResolution": "Node16",
"target": "es2019",
"rootDir": "./src",
"outDir": "./dist",
Open ./src/lib.ts
and create your library definition that registers your library with the TypeSpec compiler and defines any diagnostics your library will emit. The following shows an example:
import { createTypeSpecLibrary } from "@typespec/compiler";
export const myLibrary = createTypeSpecLibrary({
name: "myLibrary",
diagnostics: {},
// optional but convenient
export const { reportDiagnostic, createDiagnostic, createStateSymbol } = myLibrary;
Diagnostics are used for linters and decorators which are covered in subsequent topics.
Open ./src/index.ts
and import your library definition:
import { myLibrary } from "./lib.js";
TypeSpec can only import JavaScript files, so any time changes are made to TypeScript sources, they need to be compiled before they are visible to TypeSpec. To do so, run npx tsc -p .
in your library's root directory. You can also run npx tsc -p --watch
if you would like to re-run the TypeScript compiler whenever files are changed.
Open ./lib/main.tsp
and import your JS entrypoint. This ensures that when typespec imports your library, the code to define the library is run. In later topics when we add decorators, this import will ensure those get exposed as well.
import "../dist/index.js";
Open ./lib/main.tsp
and add any types you want to be available when users import this library. It is also strongly recommended you put these types in a namespace that corresponds with the library name. For example, your ./lib/main.tsp
file might look like:
import "../dist/index.js";
namespace MyLibrary;
model Person {
name: string;
age: uint8;
Defining dependencies in a TypeSpec library should be following these rules:
- use
for all TypeSpec libraries(+ compiler) that you use in your own library/emitter - use
for the other typespec libraries used only in tests - use
for any other packages depending if using in library code or in test/dev scripts
TypeSpec libraries are defined using peerDependencies
so we don't end-up with multiple versions of the compiler/library running at the same time.
To publish to the public npm registry, follow their documentation.
Once your TypeSpec library is published, your users can install and use it just like any of the TypeSpec standard libraries. First, they have to install it:
npm install $packageName
Next, they import it into their TypeSpec program and use the namespace (if desired):
import "MyLibrary";
using MyLibrary;
model Employee extends Person {
job: string;
TypeSpec libraries can contain more than just types. Read the subsequent topics for more details on how to write decorators, emitters and linters.
TypeSpec provides a testing framework to help testing libraries. Examples here are shown using mocha
but any other JS test framework can be used.
First step is to define how your library can be loaded from the test framework. This will let your library to be reused by other library test.
- Create a new file
with the following content
export const MyTestLibrary = createTestLibrary({
name: "<name-of-npm-pkg>",
// Set this to the absolute path to the root of the package. (e.g. in this case this file would be compiled to ./dist/src/testing/index.js)
packageRoot: resolvePath(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url), "../../../../"),
- Add an
for thetesting
endpoint topackage.json
(update with correct paths)
// ...
"main": "dist/src/index.js",
"exports": {
".": "./dist/src/index.js",
"./testing": "./dist/src/testing/index.js"
"typesVersions": {
"*": {
"*": ["./dist/src/index.d.ts"],
"testing": ["./dist/src/testing/index.d.ts"]
Define some of the test framework base pieces that will be used in the tests. There is 2 functions:
: This is a lower level api that provide a virtual file system.createTestRunner
: This is a wrapper on top of the test host that will automatically add amain.tsp
file and automatically import libraries.
Create a new file test/test-host.js
(change test
to be your test folder)
import { createTestHost, createTestWrapper } from "@typespec/compiler/testing";
import { RestTestLibrary } from "@typespec/rest/testing";
import { MyTestLibrary } from "../src/testing/index.js";
export async function createMyTestHost() {
return createTestHost({
libraries: [RestTestLibrary, MyTestLibrary], // Add other libraries you depend on in your tests
export async function createMyTestRunner() {
const host = await createOpenAPITestHost();
return createTestWrapper(host, { autoUsings: ["My"] });
After setting up that infrastructure you can start writing tests.
import { createMyTestRunner } from "./test-host.js";
describe("my library", () => {
let runner: BasicTestRunner;
beforeEach(async () => {
runner = await createMyTestRunner();
// Check everything works fine
it("does this", () => {
const { Foo } = runner.compile(`
@test model Foo {}
strictEqual(Foo.kind, "Model");
// Check diagnostics are emitted
it("errors", () => {
const diagnostics = runner.diagnose(`
model Bar {}
expectDiagnostics(diagnostics, { code: "...", message: "..." });
The @test
decorator is a decorator loaded in the test environment. It can be used to collect any decorable type.
When using the compile
method it will return a Record<string, Type>
which is a map of all the types annoted with the @test
const { Foo, CustomName } = runner.compile(`
@test model Foo {}
model Bar {
@test("CustomName") name: string
Foo; // type of: model Foo {}
CustomName; // type of :