The scenario test framework is minimal and only spans Operating Systems. i.e. it only spans
- OSX 10.11
- Ubuntu 14.04
Important things to know:
The test driver is pytest. All tests on the same operating system are run sequentially.
All tests run everywhere. It is up to the test to decide it is "skipping" an operating system. (For instance, numpy integration tests should be "skipped" on Windows because it is not supported).
If tests are skipped, they should generate a pytest "skip" output. i.e. raise unittest.SkipTest(...) or one of the other pytest decorators. It should not simply silently succeed.
All tests are written in Python. The Python tests are written as unittests, and can use any of the methods available to a Python unit test.
Create a subdirectory in the scenario-tests directory.
Every python file in the sub directory will be executed against pytest.
Optionally, a file may exist inside the subdirectory in which case is effectively "sourced" before any of the tests are run. This allows to modify environment variables, install packages, etc which will be picked up by the tests.
For instance, if the PATH variable is changed in a different python environment may be used to run pytest
To teardown, a "" may also exist to undo any changes made by setup.p.y
./ path_to_test_egg [other named options]
If your tests depend on directory layout and creation of new directories, some things are good to keep in mind.
- is run with current working directory in tests/ . NOT in your test directory as you might expect.
- your test should never create new directories in tests/ . That will cause issues as they may get picked up as test directories.