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Statements and Operators


Expressions, Statements and Operators

  • Expressions
    • building blocks to statements
  • Statements and block statements
    • building blocks to C++
  • Operators
    • Assignment
    • Arithmetic
    • Increment and decrement
    • Equality
    • Relational
    • Logical
    • Compound assignment
    • Precedence

Expressions, Statements

  • Expressions

    • the most basic building block of a program
    • "a sequence of operatros and operands that specifies a computation"
    • computes a value from a number of operands
    • There is much, much more to expressions - not necessary at this level...
    /* Expressions - examples */
    34              // literal
    favorite_number // variable
    1.5 + 2.8       // addition
    2 * 5           // multiplication
    a > b           // relational
    a = b           // assignment
  • Statements

    • a complete line of code that performs some action
    • usually terminated with a semi-colon (;)
    • usually contain expressions
    • C++ has many types of statments
      • expression, null, compound, selection, iteration, declaration, jump, try blocks, and others.
    /* Statements - examples */
    int x;                  // declaration
    favorite_number = 12;   // assignment
    1.5 + 2.8;              // expression
    x = 2 * 5;              // assignment
    if (a > b) cout << "a is greater than b";   // if statement
    ;                       // null statement

Using Operators

  • C++ has a rich set of operators
    • unary, binary, ternary
  • Common operators can be grouped as follows:
    • assignment
    • arithmetic
    • increment/decrement
    • relational
    • logical (not, and, or, etc.)
    • member access (.)
    • other

Assignment Operator (=)


  • RHS is an expression that is evaluated to a value
  • the value of the RHS is stored to the LHS
  • the value of the RHS must be type compatible with the LHS
  • the LHS must be assignable
  • assignment expressions is evaluated to what was just assigned
  • more than one variable can be assigned in a single statement

Arithmetic Operators

  • Addition (+)
  • Subtraction (-)
  • Multiplication (*)
  • Division (/)
  • Modulo or remainder (%)
    • only works with integers

Increment and Decrement Operators

  • Increment operator ++
  • Decrement operator --
    • Increments or decrements its operand by 1
    • Can be used with integers, floating point types and pointers
  • Below behavior is not identical
    • Prefix ++num
    • Postfix num++
    • see Example 2 - 5 under section08_source_code/IncrementDecrementOperators/main.cpp
  • Don't use the operator twice for the same variable in the same statement!!!
    • i.e. DON'T:
      • cout << i++ << ++i
      • cout << i++ + ++i

Mixed Type Expressions

  • C++ operations occur on same type operands
  • If operands are of different types, C++ will convert one
  • Important! Since it could affect calculation results
  • C++ will attempt to automatically convert types (coercion)
    • If it can't, a compiler error will occur
    • i.e. try to assign string to int


  • Higer vs Lower types are based on the size of the values the type can hold
    • can typically convert from lower typ to higher type automatically since it will fit but the opposite may not be true
    • decending order: long double, double, float, unsigned long, long, unsigned int, int
    • short and char types are always converted to int
  • Type Coercion: conversion of one operand to another data
    • sometimes done automatically
  • Promotion: conversion to a higher type
    • Used in mathematical expressions
  • Demotion: conversion to a lower type
    • Used with assignment to lower type


  • The lower is promoted to a higher
    • lower op higher: 2 * 5.2
    • 2 is promoted to 2.0 automatically
  • The higher is demoted to a lower
    • lower = higher:
      int num {0};
      num = 100.2;

Explicit Type Casting - static_cast

int total_amount {100};
int total_number {8};
double average {0.0};

average = total_amount / total_number;
cout << average << endl;
// displays 12 since int operations

- use static_cast<type>
- () the variable name
- total_number is automatically promoted
- do double division instead of int division
average = static_cast<double>(total_amount) / total_number;
cout << average << endl;
// displays 12.5

Testing for Equality == & !=

  • Compares the value of 2 expressions
  • Evaluates to a Boolean (True or False, 1 or 0)
  • Commonly used in control flow statements
    • expr1 == expr2
    • expr1 != expr2
    • 100 == 200 -> False
    • num1 != num2
bool result {false};

result = (100 == 50 + 50);
result = (num1 != num2);

cout << (num1 == num2) << endl;     // 0 or 1
cout << std::boolalpha;             // this allow display "true or false" rather than "0 or 1"
cout << (num1 == num2) << endl;     // true or false
cout << std::noboolalpha;           // this revert display "true or false" back to "0 or 1"

Relational Operator

Operator Meaning
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
< less than
<= less than or equal to
<=> three-way comparision (C++20)

Logical Operators

Operator Meaning
not, ! negation
and, && logical and
or, `

AND or &&

  • is only true if both operands are true
Expression A Expression B A and B or A && B
true true true
true false false
false true false
false false false

OR or ||

  • is true if one or more operands are true

| Expression A | Expression B | A or B or A || B | | --- | --- | --- | | true | true | true | | true | false | true | | false | true | true | | false | false | false |


  • not has higher precedence than and
  • and has higher precedence than or
  • not is a unary operator
  • and and or are binary operators

Short-Circuit Evaluation

  • When evaluating a logical expression C++ stops as soon as the result is known

Compound assignemnt

Operator Example Meaning
+= lhs += rhs; lhs = lhs + (rhs);
-= lhs -= rhs; lhs = lhs - (rhs);
*= lhs *= rhs; lhs = lhs * (rhs);
/= lhs /= rhs; lhs = lhs / (rhs);
%= lhs %= rhs; lhs = lhs % (rhs);
>>= lhs >>= rhs; lhs = lhs >> (rhs);
<<= lhs <<= rhs; lhs = lhs << (rhs);
&= lhs &= rhs; lhs = lhs & (rhs);
^= lhs ^= rhs; lhs = lhs ^ (rhs);
` =` lhs
a += 1;     // a = a + 1;
a /= 5;     // a = a / 5;
a *= b + c; // a = a * (b + c);

cost += items * tax;        // cost = cost + (items * tax);

Operator Precedence