Android client app for (Repository containing evidence of police brutality during the 2020 George Floyd protests)
Essentially, the app should follow standard guidelines from Google.
Currently following key features and libraries are being used.
- MVVM + Data Binding, Dagger Hilt, Room, Navigation, WorkManager, Retrofit2, Architecture Components and other JetPack libraries.
See app/build.gradle for library dependency.
You can just run following gradle command to make local build
./gradlew clean assembleDebug
Any merge to main
branch builds release build that is available in Firebase App Distribution self-serve signup page.
Since app is rejected from Google Play, release build is captured from Firebase App Dist - GitHub Action and posted to App Releases page.
Here is some background and social posts about building this app:
- Early Preview - I have made an Android app to access 2020PoliceBrutality data ✊ -
- 2020PB Android App - Stable and Ready -