Time series analysis comprises methods for analyzing time series data in order to extract meaningful statistics and other characteristics of the data. Time series forecasting is the use of a model to predict future values based on previously observed values.
Time series are widely used for non-stationary data, like economic, weather, stock price, and retail sales in this post. We will demonstrate different approaches for forecasting retail sales time series. Let’s get started!
Time Series Data Visualization
- Plotting of Pandas Df
- Adding title
- Adding Axis label
- X limits by slice
- X limit by argument
- Color and Style
- X ticks spacing
- Date formatting
- Major and Minor axis values
- Gridlines
Time Series EDA
- Introduction with time series data
- Time resampling
- Time downsampling/upsampling
- Time Shifting
- forward shift
- backward shift
- Rolling window mean
- Expanding window mean/cummulative mean
Time Series Data Analysis
- Introduction to statsmodels
- Hodrick Prescott filter - Trend/cyclical components
- Time Series Stationarity
- Augmented Dickey Fuller Test
- Granger Causality Tests
- Time series decomposition
- Additive/multiplicative models
- Moving Average
- Simple Exponentially weighted moving average(EWMA)
- Double EWMA
- Holt-Winters Method(Triple EWMA)
Time Series Forecasting Classical Methods
- Forecasting with Holts-Winter Method
- Autocorrelation function(ACF)
- Partial autocorrelation function(PACF)
- Autocovariance for 1D
- Autocorrelation for 1D
- Autoregressive model(AR(p))
- Autoregressive Moving Average(ARMA) Model
- Autoregressive Integreted Moving Average(ARIMA)
- Error/Trend/Seasonal Decomposition(ETS Decomposition)
- Seasonal Autoregressive Integreted Moving Averages(SARIMA)
- Seasonal AutoRegressive Integreted Moving Average with EXogenous Variable.
Time Series Forecasting with Deep Learning
- LSTMs for time series forecasting