In the past this repository held all of the Raspberry Pi related Python code
that Adafruit published. For example code to talk to sensors like the BMP085,
TCS34725, and other hardware like character LCD plates. Over time we found it
difficult to manage so much code in a single repository, and couldn't easily put
the code on Python's package index for simple installation. Now we've broken out
all of the previous Python code into individual GitHub repositories, and we've
loaded all of these repositories on the Python package index
so they can be installed with pip
(note that pip won't install example code so for most users
it's recommended to install from source).
In addition all of the Python libraries below support both Python 2.7 and Python 3.x!
Here is a table with each of the old libraries and a link to their new unique GitHub repositories and easy pip install names:
You might also be interested in other Python libraries which were never in this repository but are handy for talking to other hardware:
Device / Guide | Library Location | pip install Package Name |
BME280 Humidity & Pressure Sensor | | TBD |
BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor | | adafruit-bno055 |
ILI9341 LCD Displays | | adafruit-ili9341 |
MAX31855 Thermocouple Sensor | | adafruit-max31855 |
MAX9744 Class D Amplifier | | adafruit-max9744 |
MCP9808 Temperature Sensor | | adafruit-mcp9808 |
PN532 NFC Interface | | adafruit-pn532 |
SSD1306 OLED Displays | | adafruit-ssd1306 |
TMP006 & TMP007 Temperature Sensors | | adafruit-tmp |
Don't worry the old Adafruit Raspberry-Pi Python code can be found in the legacy branch of this repository. This is a snapshot of the old code before it was refactored into individual libraries. Note this legacy code will not be maintained!