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Website for ACM@UIUC's SIG ICPC.


jekyll serve --watch --baseurl ""

Please branch and commit responsibly. The master branch should stay empty, and the gh-pages branch should contain an accurate representation of the current best state of the site.


Google Doc

What Works?

  • Front page
  • Learn page
  • Contact page

Current Working Build

@todo by descending priority

Please follow the spec for page and functionality requirements.

  1. working Announcements and Practice pages (jekyll posts; contents.html is the template)
  2. working posts and posts template for Announcements and Practice
  3. working Calendar page (preferably with styled Google Calendar)
  4. alert on Front page with most recent announcement
  5. test posts
  6. responsiveness for different computer screen sizes (forget mobile for now)
  7. choose fonts and colors
  8. refactor css, layouts
  9. rename pages?
  10. continue expanding site spec
  11. logo
  12. warbanner image - at this point the site is completed
  13. add instructions for content creators
  14. real documentation for future maintainers