Website for ACM@UIUC's SIG ICPC.
jekyll serve --watch --baseurl ""
Please branch and commit responsibly. The master branch should stay empty, and the gh-pages branch should contain an accurate representation of the current best state of the site.
- Front page
- Learn page
- Contact page
Please follow the spec for page and functionality requirements.
- working Announcements and Practice pages (jekyll posts; contents.html is the template)
- working posts and posts template for Announcements and Practice
- working Calendar page (preferably with styled Google Calendar)
- alert on Front page with most recent announcement
- test posts
- responsiveness for different computer screen sizes (forget mobile for now)
- choose fonts and colors
- refactor css, layouts
- rename pages?
- continue expanding site spec
- logo
- warbanner image - at this point the site is completed
- add instructions for content creators
- real documentation for future maintainers