What is pointer?
Declaring pointers
Storing addresses in pointers
Dereferencing pointers
Dynamic memory allocation
Pointer arithmetic
Pointers and arrays
Pass-by-reference with pointers
const and pointers
Using pointers to functions
Potential pointer pitfalls
What is a reference?
Review passing references to functions
const and references
Reference variables in range-based for loops
Potnetial reference pitfalls
Raw vs. Smart pointers
A variable
- whose value is an address
What can be at the address?
- Another variable
- A function
Pointers point to variables or functions?
If x is an integer variable and its value is 10, then I can declare a pointer that points to it
To use the data that the pointer is pointing to you must know its type
Can't I just use the variable or function itself?
- Yes, but not always
Inside functions, pointers can be used to access data that are defined outside the function. Those variables may not be in scope so you can't access them by their name.
Pointers can be used to operate on arrays very efficiently
We can allocate memory dynamically on the
- This memory doesn't even have a variable
- The only way to get to it is via a pointer
With OO. pointers are how polymorphism works!
Can access specific addresses in memeory
- useful in medded and systems applications
variable_type *pointer_name;
int *int_ptr;
double* double_ptr; // not typo, C++ compiler doesn't care where * is placed
char *char_ptr;
string *string_ptr;
// all contains garbage data without initialization
variable_type *pointer_name {nullptr}
int *int_ptr {};
double* double_ptr {nullptr};
char *char_ptr {nullptr};
string *string_ptr {nullptr};
// initialize pointer to point no where
- Always initialize pointers
- Uninitialized pointers contain garbage data and can 'point anywhere'
- Initializing to zero or
(C++11)- implies that the pointer is 'pointing nowhere'
- If you don't initialize a pointer to point to a variable or function then you should initialize it to
to 'make it null'
the address operator
- Vairables are stored in unique addresses
- Unary operator
- Evaluates to the address of its operand
- Operand cannot be a constant or expression that evalueate to temp values
int num {10};
cout << "Value of num is: " << num << endl; // 10
cout << "sizeof of num is: " << sizeof num << endl; // 4 byte: how much storage is used
cout << "Address of num is: " << &num << endl; // 0x61ff1c: hex number of location in memory (base 16)
the address operator - example
int *p;
cout << "Value of p is: " << p << endl; // 0x61ff60 - garbage since we didn't initialize anything to p
cout << "Address of p is: " << &p << endl; // 0x61ff18
cout << "sizeof of p is: " << sizeof p << endl; // 4 bytes of storage
p = nullptr; // set p to point nowhere
cout << "Value of p is: " << p << endl; // 0 meaning pointing no where
a pointer variable
- Don't confuse the size of a pointer and the size of what it points to
- All pointers in a program have the same size
- They may be pointing to very large or very small types
// All pointer hold the same size
int *p1 {nullptr};
double *p2 {nullptr};
unsigned long long *p3 {nullptr};
vector<string> *p4 {nullptr};
string *p5 {nullptr};
- The compiler will make sure that the address stored in a pointer variable is of the correct type
int score {10};
double high_temp {100.7};
int *score_ptr {nullptr};
score_ptr = &score; // OK
score_ptr = &high_temp; // Compile Error
// There is a type conflict
the address operator
- Pointer are variables so they can change
- Pointer can be null
- Pointer can be uniinitialized (not recommended)
double high_temp {100.7};
double low_temp {37.2};
double *temp_ptr; // pointring anywhere
temp_ptr = &high_temp; // points to high_temp
temp_ptr = &low_temp; // points to low_temp
temp_ptr = nullptr;
Go to SimplePointers folder
- Access the data we're pointing to - dereferencing a pointer
- If
is a pointer and has a valid address - Then you can access the data at the address contained in the
using the dereferencing operator*
Yes... same operator as declaring a pointer
int score {100};
// declaring pointer
int *score_ptr {&score};
// dereferencing pointer
cout << *score_ptr << endl; // Output: 100
*score_ptr = 200;
cout << *score_ptr << endl; // Output: 200
cout << score << endl; // Output: 200
- Access the data we're pointing to
double high_temp {100.7};
double low_temp {37.4};
double *temp_ptr {&high_temp};
cout << *temp_ptr << endl; // Output: 100.7
temp_ptr = &low_temp;
cout << *temp_ptr << endl; // Output: 37.4
string name {"Frank"};
string *string_ptr {&name};
cout << *string_ptr << endl; // Output: Frank
name = "James";
cout << *string_ptr << endl; // Output: James
Go to Dereference folder
Allocating storage from the heap at runtime
- We often don't know how much storage we need until we need it
- We can allocate storage for a variable at run time
- Recall C++ arrays
- We had to explicityly provide the size and it was fixed
- But vectors grow and shrink dynamically
- We can use pointers to access newly allocated heap storage
using new
to allocate stroage
int *int_ptr {nullptr};
int_ptr = new int; // allocate an integer on the heap
cout << int_ptr << endl; // address
// Dereference pointer
cout << *int_ptr << endl; // garbage
*int_ptr = 100; // dereference and put value 100 in
cout << *int_ptr << endl; // Output: 100
using delete
to deallocate storage
int *int_ptr {nullptr};
int_ptr = new int; // allocate an integer on the heap
delete int_ptr; // frees the allocated storage
using new []
to allocate storage for an array
int *array_ptr {nullptr};
int size {};
cout << "How big do you wan the array? ";
cin >> size;
array_ptr = new int[size]; // allocate array on the heap
// We can access the array here
using delete []
to deallocate storage for an array
int *array_ptr {nullptr};
int size {};
cout << "How big do you wan the array? ";
cin >> size;
array_ptr = new int[size]; // allocate array on the heap
delete [] array_ptr; // free allocated storage, [] must be empty
Go to DynamicMemory folder
- The value of an array name is the address of the first element in the array
- The value of a pointer variable is an address
- If the pointer points to the same data type as the array element then the pointer and array name can be used interchangably (almost)
// ========== Arrays ==========
int scores[] {100, 95, 89};
cout << scores << endl; // Output: addreess
cout << *scores << endl; // Output: 100
// Yes, one can dereference array
// ========== Pointer ==========
int *score_ptr {scores};
cout << score_ptr << endl; // Output: same addreess as scores
cout << *scores_ptr << endl; // Output: 100
int scores[] {100, 95, 89};
int *score_ptr {scores};
cout << score_ptr[0] << endl; // Output: 100
cout << score_ptr[1] << endl; // Output: 95
cout << score_ptr[2] << endl; // Output: 89
int scores[] {100, 95, 89};
int *score_ptr {scores};
cout << score_ptr << endl; // Output: address (i.e. 0x61ff10)
// adding 1 size of address therefore Output isn't 0x61ff11 but 0x61ff14
cout << (score_ptr + 1) << endl; // Output: 0x61ff14
cout << (score_ptr + 2) << endl; // Output: 0x61ff18
int scores[] {100, 95, 89};
int *score_ptr {scores};
cout << *score_ptr << endl; // Output: 100
cout << *(score_ptr + 1) << endl; // Output: 95
cout << *(score_ptr + 2) << endl; // Output: 89
int array_name[] {1,2,3,4,5};
int *pointer_name {array_name};
Subscript Notation | Offset Notation |
array_name [index] |
`*(array_name + index) |
pointer_name [index] |
`*(pointer_name + index) |
Go to ArraysAndPointers folder
Pointers can be ussed in
- Assignment expression
- Arithmetic expression
- Comparison expression
C++ allows pointer arithmetic
Pointer arithmetic only makes sense with raw arrays
Increments a pointer to point to the next array element (
)- i.e.
- i.e.
Decrements a pointer to point to the previous array element (
)- i.e.
- i.e.
Increment pointer by
n * sizeof(type)
)int_ptr += n;
orint_ptr = int_ptr + n;
Decrement pointer by
n * sizeof(type)
)int_ptr -= n;
orint_ptr = int_ptr - n;
- Determine the number of elements between the pointers
- Both pointers must point to the same data type, otherwise we get compiler error
int n = int_ptr2 - int_ptr1;
- Determine if two pointers point to the same location
- does NOT compare the data where they point!
- you must compare the referenced pointers
string s1 {"Frank"};
string s2 {"Frank"};
string *p1 {&s1};
string *p2 {&s2};
string *p3 {&s1};
// data is considered with pointer comparison but only locations
cout << (p1 == p2) << endl; // Output: False
cout << (p1 == p3) << endl; // Output: True
// compare data between two pointers
cout << (*p1 == *p2) << endl; // Output: True
cout << (*p1 == *p3) << endl; // Output: True
Go to PointerArithmetic folder
and Pointers
- There are several ways to qualify pointers using
- Pointers to constants
- Constant pointers
- Constant pointers to constants
- The data pointed to by the pointers is constant and cannot be changed.
- The pointer itself can change and point somewhere else
int high_score {100};
int low_score {65};
const int *score_ptr {&high_score};
*score_ptr = 86; // Error
score_ptr = &low_score; // OK
- The data pointed to by the pointers can be changed
- The pointer itself cannot change and point somewhere else
int high_score {100};
int low_score {65};
int *const score_ptr {&high_score};
*score_ptr = 86; // OK
score_ptr = &low_score; // Error
- The data pointd to by the pointer is constant and cannot be changed.
- The pointer itself cannot change and point somewhere else
int high_score {100};
int low_score {65};
const int *const score_ptr {&high_score};
*score_ptr = 86; // Error
score_ptr = &low_score; // Error
- Pass-by-reference with pointer parameters
- We can use pointers and the reference operator to achieve pass-by-reference
- The function parameter is a pointer
- The acutal parameter can be a pointer or address of a variable
// Function prototype
void double_data(int *int_ptr);
// Function definition
void double_data(int *int_ptr) {
*int_ptr *= 2;
// *int_ptr = *int_ptr * 2;
int main() {
int value {10};
cout << value << endl; // Output: 10
double_data( &value);
cout << value << endl; // Output: 20
Go to PassingPinters folders
- Function can also return pointers:
type *function();
- Should return pointers to
- Memory dynamically allocated in the function
- To data that was passed in
- Never return a pointer to a local function variable!
int *largest_int(int *int_ptr1, int *int_ptr2) {
if (*int_ptr1 > *int_ptr2)
return int_ptr1;
return int_ptr2;
int main() {
int a{100};
int b{200};
int *largest_ptr{nullptr};
largest_ptr = largest_int( &a, &b);
cout << *largest_ptr << endl; // Output: 200
return 0;
int *create_array(size_t size, int init_value = 0) {
int *new_storage {nullptr};
new_storage = new int[size];
for (size_t i{0}; i < size; ++i)
*(new_storage + i) = init_value;
return new_storage;
int main() {
int *my_array; // will be allocated by the function
my_array = create_array(100,20); // create the array
// use it
delete [] my_array; // be sure to free the storage
return 0;
int *dont_do_this() {
int size {};
return &size;
int *or_this() {
int size {};
int *int_ptr {&size};
return int_ptr;
Go to ReturnPointer folder
- Uninitialized pointers
- Dangling Pointers
- Not checking if new failed to allocate memory
- Leaking memory
int *int_ptr; // pointing anywhere - garbage
*int_ptr = 100; // Hopefully a crash
- Pointer that is pointing to released memory
- For example, 2 pointers point to the same data
- 1 pointer releases the data with delete
- The other pointer access the release data
- Pointer that points to memory that is invalid
- We saw this when we returned a pointer to a function local variable
- If
fails an exeception is thrown - We can use exception handling to catch exceptions
- Dereferencing a null pointer will cause your program to crash
- Forgetting to release allocated memory with delete
- If you lose your pointer to the storage allocated on the heap you have no way to get to that storage again
- The memory is orphaned or leaked
- One of the most common pointer problems
- An alias for a variable
- Must be initialized to a variable when declared
- Cannot be null
- Once initialized cannot be made to refer to a different variable
- Very useful as function parameters
- Might be helpful to think of a reference as a constant pointer that is automatically dereferenced
vector<string> stooges {"Larry", "Moe", "Curly"};
for (auto str : stooges)
str = "Funny"; // changes the copy
for (auto str : stooges)
cout << str << endl; // Output: Larry, Moe, Curly
vector<string> stooges {"Larry", "Moe", "Curly"};
for (auto &str : stooges)
str = "Funny"; // changes the actual
for (auto str : stooges)
cout << str << endl; // Output: Funny, Funny, Funny
vector<string> stooges {"Larry", "Moe", "Curly"};
for (auto const &str : stooges)
str = "Funny"; // compiler error
vector<string> stooges {"Larry", "Moe", "Curly"};
for (auto const &str : stooges)
cout << str << endl; // Output: Larry, Moe, Curly
Go to References folder
Refer to Section 11 for more details regarding passing references to functions
- values that have names and are addressable
- modifiable if they are not constants
// ========== L-values ==========
int x {100}; // x is an L-value
x = 1000;
x = 1000 + 20;
string name; // name is an L-value
name = "Frank";
// ========== NOT L-values ==========
// in fact they are R-values
100 = x; // 100 is NOT an L-value
(1000 + 20) = x; // (1000 + 20) is NOT an L-value
string name;
name = "Frank";
"Frank" = name; // "Frank" is NOT an L-value
- values that's not an L-value
- on the right-hand side of an assignment expression
- a literal
- a temporary which is intended to be non-modifiable
- values that are non-addressable and non-assignable
- R-values can be assigned to L-values explicitly
int x {100}; // 100 is an R-value
int y = x + 200; // (x + 200) is an R-value
string name;
name = "Frank"; // "Frank" is an R-value
int max_num = max(20,30); // max(20,30) is an R-value
int x {100};
int &ref1 = x; // ref1 is reference to L-value
ref1 = 1000;
int &ref2 = 100; // Error 100 is an R-value
// Similarly with pass-by-refernce
int square (int &n) {
return n*n;
int num {10};
square(num); // OK
square(5); // Error - can't reference R-value 5
Go to Debugger folder
When to use pointers vs. references parameters
- when the function does NOT modify the actual parameter, and
- the parameter is small and efficient to copy like simple types (
, etc.)
Pass-by-reference using a pointer
- when the function does modify the actual parameter, and
- the parameter is expensive to copy, and
- it is OK to the pointer is allowed a
Pass-by-reference using a pointer to
- when the function does NOT modify the actual parameter, and
- the parameter is expensive to copy, and
- it is OK to the pointer is allowed a
Pass-by-reference using a
pointer toconst
- when the function does modify the actual parameter, and
- the parameter is expensive to copy, and
- it is OK to the pointer is allowed a
value, and - you don't want to modify the pointer itself
Pass-by-reference using a reference
- when the function does modify the actual parameter, and
- the parameter is expensive to copy, and
- the parameter will never be
Pass-by-reference using a
reference- when the function does NOT modify the actual parameter, and
- the parameter is expensive to copy, and
- the parameter will never be