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Atom TypeScript

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JavaScript developers can now just open a .ts file and start hacking away like they are used to. No grunt no Visual Studio. Just pure coding.


  1. Install atom.
  2. apm install atom-typescript (apm needs git in your path)
  3. Fire up atom. Wait for the message: AtomTS: Dependencies installed correctly. Best you restart atom just this once ♥ It may take up to 5 minutes for this message to appear. Be patient!
  4. Restart atom

Additional Notes: Other atom packages we depend upon are installed automatically on first load.


"I was shocked at how good it felt to poke around on the compiler with it." Jonathan Turner
"And guess what, it worked perfectly. Like everything else! Faster than Visual Studio!" Daniel Earwicker
"It's a thing of beauty - they had me at 'Type information on hover'. Discovering tsconfig.json support as well was just an enormous bonus." John Reilly

Add yours!


Auto Complete

Internally using AutoComplete+. Just start typing and hints will show up. Or you can explicitly trigger it using ctrl+space or cmd+space. Press tab to make a selection.

Type information on hover

Just hover

you definitely get the point

Compile on save

TypeScript files will be compiled on save. Different notifications are given if emit was successful or not. Configuration driven by tsconfig.json

Project Support

Supported via tsconfig.json (read more) which is going to be the defacto Project file format for the next versions of TypeScript.

It also supports filesGlob which will expand files for you based on minmatch|glob|regex (similar to grunt).

Project Build Support

Shortcut: ctrl+shift+b or cmd+shift+b. If there are any errors they are shown as well.

Format Code

Shortcut : ctrl+alt+l or cmd+alt+l. Will format just the selection if you have something selected otherwise it will format the entire file.

Go to Declaration

Shortcut : ctrl+b or cmd+b. Will open the first declaration of the said item for now. (Note: some people call it Go to Definition)

Block Comment and Uncomment

ctrl+/ or cmd+/. Does a block comment / uncomment of code.



f2 to initiate rename. enter to commit and esc to cancel.


Relative Paths

Relative paths have traditionally been a pain, not anymore. Use import or ref and press tab to trigger snippet.



Note that within the path string you get autocomplete (ctrl+space/cmd+space) for all the files in the project by filename (works for both ref and import).


Look at for curiosity.


Breaking changes available online.