Below is a list of different ways to install BuckleScript:
Standard C toolchain
(should be installed with Node) -
ninja (version >= 1.7)
The standard npm
package management tool can be used to install
BuckleScript. If you don’t already have npm
installed, follow the
directions listed
here. Once npm
is installed, run the following command:
npm install --save bs-platform
or install it globally
npm install -g bs-platform
When working with OCaml we also recommend using opam package manager to install OCaml toolchains, available here. You will benefit from the existing OCaml ecosystem.
Once you have opam
installed, ask opam
to switch to using our
version of the compiler:
opam update
opam switch 4.02.3+buckle-master
eval `opam config env`
npm install bs-platform
Note that using this approach, user can also install other OCaml tools easily.
Standard C toolchain
(should be installed with Node)
git clone
cd bucklescript
npm install
Standard C toolchain
BuckleScript has very few dependencies and building from source can easily be done.
git clone --recursive
cd bucklescript/ocaml
./configure -prefix `pwd` # put your preferred directory
make world.opt
make install
The patched compiler is installed locally into your $(pwd)/bin
directory. To start using it temporarily, check if ocamlc.opt
exist in $(pwd)/bin
, and temporarily add the location
to your $(PATH)
(e.g. PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
The following directions assume you already have the correct version of
in your $PATH
, having followed the process described in
the previous section.
make world
At the end, you should have a binary called bsc.exe
under jscomp/bin
directory, which you can add to your $PATH
You could also set an environment variable
pointing to the stdlib, e.g. BSC_LIB=/path/to/jscomp/stdlib
for ease
of use.
The built compiler is not relocatable out of box, please don’t move it around unless you know what you are doing |