Welcome to Sample Programs in Unicat! To find documentation related to the Unicat code in this repo, look here.
In this section, we feature a list of completed and missing programs in Unicat. See above for the current amount of completed programs in Unicat. If you see a program that is missing and would like to add it, please submit an issue, so we can assign it to you.
Below, you'll find a list of completed code snippets in Unicat. Code snippets preceded by
⚠️ Baklava in Unicat [Requirements]⚠️ Fizz Buzz in Unicat [Requirements]⚠️ Hello World in Unicat [Requirements]⚠️ Reverse String in Unicat [Requirements]
The following list contains all of the approved programs that are not currently implemented in Unicat. Click on the name of the project to easily open an issue in GitHub. Alternatively, click requirements to check out the description of the project.
- ❌ Base64 Encode Decode [Requirements]
- ❌ Binary Search [Requirements]
- ❌ Bubble Sort [Requirements]
- ❌ Capitalize [Requirements]
- ❌ Convex Hull [Requirements]
- ❌ Depth First Search [Requirements]
- ❌ Dijkstra [Requirements]
- ❌ Duplicate Character Counter [Requirements]
- ❌ Even Odd [Requirements]
- ❌ Factorial [Requirements]
- ❌ Fibonacci [Requirements]
- ❌ File Input Output [Requirements]
- ❌ Fraction Math [Requirements]
- ❌ Insertion Sort [Requirements]
- ❌ Job Sequencing [Requirements]
- ❌ Josephus Problem [Requirements]
- ❌ Linear Search [Requirements]
- ❌ Longest Common Subsequence [Requirements]
- ❌ Longest Palindromic Substring [Requirements]
- ❌ Longest Word [Requirements]
- ❌ Maximum Array Rotation [Requirements]
- ❌ Maximum Subarray [Requirements]
- ❌ Merge Sort [Requirements]
- ❌ Minimum Spanning Tree [Requirements]
- ❌ Palindromic Number [Requirements]
- ❌ Prime Number [Requirements]
- ❌ Quick Sort [Requirements]
- ❌ Quine [Requirements]
- ❌ Remove All Whitespace [Requirements]
- ❌ Roman Numeral [Requirements]
- ❌ Rot13 [Requirements]
- ❌ Selection Sort [Requirements]
- ❌ Sleep Sort [Requirements]
- ❌ Transpose Matrix [Requirements]
The following list shares details about how we name all Sample Programs in Unicat:
- Extension: .cat
- Naming Convention: hyphen
For example, the "Hello World" sample would be named this:
- hello-world.cat
The following list shares details about what we're using to test all Sample Programs in Unicat:
- Docker Image: esolang/unicat
- Docker Tag: latest
See the Glotter2 project for more information on how to create a testinfo file.
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