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Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
helm >= 2.8.0
kubernetes >= 2.16.1


Name Version
helm >= 2.8.0
kubernetes >= 2.16.1


No modules.


Name Type
helm_release.minio resource
helm_release.mysql resource
helm_release.rabbitmq resource
helm_release.redis resource
kubernetes_namespace.this resource
kubernetes_namespace.this data source


Name Description Type Default Required
chart_registry Default chart-registry address string "" no
chart_registrys During initialization, you can freely control different container services, which registry to use, and if any, override the registry. Convention is recommended over configuration. map {} no
chart_repository Default helm warehouse address string "" no
chart_repositorys When initializing the chart, you can freely control different container services, which repository is used respectively, and if there is one, override the repository. Convention is recommended over configuration. map {} no
create_ns Whether to automatically create namespace bool true no
default_storage_class_name High-performance storage type name, used to automatically generate PVC Claims, default Alibaba Cloud parameters string "alicloud-disk-efficiency" no
default_storage_size High-performance storage volume size, the default Alibaba Cloud minimum is 20Gi string "20Gi" no
has_filebeat n/a bool false no
has_minio n/a bool false no
has_mysql n/a bool true no
has_rabbitmq n/a bool false no
has_redis n/a bool false no
minio_default_password n/a string "73VyYWygp7VakhRC6hTf" no
minio_resources resource configuration map
"limits": {},
"requests": {}
mysql_default_root_password n/a string "6sg8vgDFcwWXP386EiZB" no
mysql_init_database n/a string "apitable" no
mysql_init_disk_size n/a string "20Gi" no
namespace Note that the namespace is usually created during the process of creating the cloud storage PVC, and the namespace is not created here, only referenced string "apitable-datacenter" no
rabbitmq_default_password n/a string "7r4HVvsrwP4kQjAgj8Jj" no
rabbitmq_default_user n/a string "user" no
rabbitmq_resources resource limits map
"limits": {},
"requests": {}
redis_default_password n/a string "UHWCWiuUMVyupqmW4cXV" no
redis_disk_size n/a string "20Gi" no


No outputs.